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How to Color Rows Based on Date Field Dependency

I would like to color-highlight a row in a report if, for example, it refers to a future date. There is a date field that I am checking, and if the value of the date is greater than today's date, the row should be highlighted in color.

In the attached image, you can see my attempt, but unfortunately, it was unsuccessful.
Is there a way to configure this?


this is possible to configure using Advanced Report Styling, look up this article for more informations: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/advanced-cell-coloring-in-reports/18/35

In my case i'm using something like this:
"content": "=CurrentField",
"style": {
"background-color": "=if(today() == date(CurrentRawValue), '#e5c9bd', if(today() > date(CurrentRawValue), '#bd758c', ''))"

This is applied on column with the date i'm comparing to, hence i can use 'CurrentRawValue'

For today, cell will be skin toned
For late, cell will be redish

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