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Concat Function

Hello all,

Does anyone tried to use the concat function using a form field?

I have a form field that is single text and I want to use it plus another info like below:

concat ('AaAA' 'Form Field')

But I'm always getting an error saying that the rule is not correct, I tried to use a SET before and keep the information in another field but it doesn't allow to save.

Anyone used this already?

Thank you!

In reply to: Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)

Hi Andreia,

this knowledge base post uses fields in conjunction with the concat function:

Your problem are probably the enclosing single quotes around the form field and a missing comma.

Best regards,

Hi, thank you for your answers!

Yes it looks like you can only concat form field and not the combination of text + form fields (which could be an improvement from Webcon side).

Do you know how they define the space? I've tried multiple options but my studio is not happy with that.

I switched the first part of the concat as a form field with default value and I need the contact of that plus another field but separated with a space.

Thank you!!!

In reply to: Andreia Correia

Hi, thank you for your answers!

Yes it looks like you can only concat form field and not the combination of text + form fields (which could be an improvement from Webcon side).

Do you know how they define the space? I've tried multiple options but my studio is not happy with that.

I switched the first part of the concat as a form field with default value and I need the contact of that plus another field but separated with a space.

Thank you!!!

Hi Andreia, hi Nik,

I just tested this and didn't have any issues running version 2021.1.2.136.

I've used the Concat function within a form rule as well as in a business rule (change value of single field action).

I also noticed that you can't easily add a space character within the concat function, but you can create a constant with a space character as a shared value.

Best regards,

In reply to: Nikolaus Schusser

Hi Daniel!

We added a / with '/', so it should work also with space like ' '.

But we didn't use concat, we used +.

Best regards, Nik

Hi Nik,

yes, when you concatenate text with + it will work fine, but if the [] in the concat function only contain a whitespace they will be removed. :)

I just noticed, that I didn't use the saved image in the above post.

Best regards,

In reply to: Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)

Hi Andreia, hi Nik,

I just tested this and didn't have any issues running version 2021.1.2.136.

I've used the Concat function within a form rule as well as in a business rule (change value of single field action).

I also noticed that you can't easily add a space character within the concat function, but you can create a constant with a space character as a shared value.

Best regards,

I'm going to try, in the webcon doc it was not explaining how to handle the space so i was getting an error!

For version 2021.1.3.178, doing the same configuration as you did, I get an error saying Incorrect Rule configuration when I try to save the process.

My problem with the suggestion from Nik is that I need to have the space because I will be using this field to check on privileges!

Thank you so much for your kind help!

In reply to: Andreia Correia

I'm going to try, in the webcon doc it was not explaining how to handle the space so i was getting an error!

For version 2021.1.3.178, doing the same configuration as you did, I get an error saying Incorrect Rule configuration when I try to save the process.

My problem with the suggestion from Nik is that I need to have the space because I will be using this field to check on privileges!

Thank you so much for your kind help!

Hi Andreia,

if it doesn't work it could be helpful to see a screenshot of the function. If there's some sensitive information on it, you could blur/blacken it.

I receive the error "Incorrect error" when I didn't fill a required part of the form rule. For example when I click on the plus to add another function but I didn't use it. If you have any black brackets [] you need to provide a value only the gray ones are optional. Once I get my hands on a system I will add a screenshot

Best regards,

In reply to: Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)

Hi Andreia,

looks the same as my rule. Are all these fields text fields or is there a choice/integer field?

Best regards,

My fields are both text but Job title is autocompleted with a choice (added a screenshot to explain this).

I'm not sure if that is a problem but it shouldn't. I've tried using the Get value but since it's a string there are not much options to play around with the information on the field.

Hope you got any ideas!