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Creating AD user with e-mail UPN?

Hi everyone!
I'm facing a problem and hoping to hear that you might have a clue on what to do. I've a process that creates users in AD. However the user creating action expects a parameter of username in format DOMAIN\USERNAME. My domain users have changed UPN logins to their e-mail adresses (e-mail domain is different than my local domain name) in order to have one login in every system. Is there a way to create AD users providing their e-mail (UPN) as login? Has anyone came across such issue? As for now, I can create user, but have to log in to DC and change the login manually...


Hi Michał,

I'm not an AD admin and therefore the following only reflects what I've read while searching the internet:

If your AD domain differs from the e-mail domain you need to change it manually. It seems that you can't change the behavior that the AD domain is used as the default one. Even so you can configure alternative ones.

So you are stuck with changing it. Since you do know the password of a user who can do this, you could probably create a PowerShell script to change it and execute it with a PowerShell action after creating the user.
Could be easier than creating a SDK action for this. :)

There's an example in this thread:

There's also mentioned a "notification" option which can somehow be used to automate things when something happens in the AD.

Best regards,

In reply to: Michał Ludwiczak

Thanks Daniel, I will try the PS script :)

Hi Michał,

I haven't had access to the Designer Studio before and you have probably tested it already anyway. Nevertheless,
would it be an option to create the user and update the user in another action to set the UPN? You would probably need reset the other properties in the update action.

I don't have admin privileges so I can't verify this myself.

Best regards,