Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Mateusz Syrek
Every installation of WEBCON BPS is unique, and may face certain challenges not covered here. Therefore, this document should be treated a general set of guidelines and not universal dogma. The scenario presented here was tested and used to deSharePointize our Support Portal http://support.
1. Updating WEBCON BPS to the latest published version
Before starting, update WEBCON BPS to the latest version. If your current version is 2019 or lower, you must update the system to WEBCON BPS 2020.
In the case of migration from version 2017 and older versions see -> WEBCON BPS 2019 - migrating to version 2019.1.
In the case of SDK migration see -> SDK migration 2020.1.
The migration process can also be supported by the support team ->
2. Migrating privileges
Privileges are a very important point in WEBCON BPS operation. If privileges in the processes are based on the SharePoint groups, then it is important to have an appropriate group migration project to one of the selected solutions (infrastructure dependent):
Having correctly replaced SharePoint groups with one of the above solutions - you can successfully start the next stage of migration to the BPS StandAlone environment.
3. Changing the BPS Classic interface to BPS Modern
All information about WEBCON BPS Portal can be found at ->
Test all applications to verify that the logic and operation of the application have been maintained after the configuration change.
Changing the WEBCON BPS Classic interface to BPS Modern and breaking all references to SharePoint will make sure that the application continues to work after the databases have been transferred to the StandAlone installation. Additionally, during the change, you can refactor the implemented applications by facilitating the configuration or completing the process documentation.
4. Preparing new servers for WEBCON BPS StandAlone migration (inplace migration is not recommended)
This will eliminate e.g. a risk of error caused by uninstalling SharePoint.
5. Disabling the SharePoint user synchronization
It is very important is to disable the synchronization before performing backups, because after restoring databases on the new environment there will be no easy way to change it.
The configuration is found in the ‘Tools for application management’ section of the installer, in the user list synchronization.
If it is not turned off, the BPS user list synchronization will invoke the SharePoint site. As long as it is active, the synchronization should be performed successfully, but when SharePoint is removed, it will fail.
6. Installation of WEBCON BPS (StandAlone) on new servers
The installed version must be the same as in the SharePoint installation, and new databases must have the same names as in the existing installation.
The new StandAlone installation and generating new databases will cause that WEBCON BPS Portal and BPS Search Server to be properly installed. Installation on restored databases may make it impossible to use the portal.
Additionally, the preparation of the new servers and the transfer of WEBCON BPS to them will minimalize e.g. the risk of error caused by the installation of SharePoint or other applications.
After completing the installation, verify the operation of portal and search server. Add an SSL certificate if WEBCON BPS Portal previously worked after https.
7. Restoring the BPS_Content and BPS_Content_Att databases
Restoring the BPS_Content and BPS_Contenti n the place of new StandAlone BPS databases and granting db_owner privileges to the service account and application pool.
8. Restoring the BPS_Config database
Restoring the BPS_Config database and granting db_owner privilege to the service account and application pool.
After this operation:
update GlobalParameters set PRM_Value = 2 where PRM_Name = 'InstallationType'
Change the portal and search server IP in the “Tools for application management” in the installer.
Changing the portal URL is important because it is inserted (among other things) into email notifications to instance links.
Restoring the BPS_Config database is important if WEBCON BPS is integrated with other applications where the API Secret Key is used.
Until all work is complete, you can add an entry to hosts to verify your changes.
9. Transferring the SOLR index
If WEBCON BPS Search Server has been installed on the application server, you must transfer them to the new server and change the connection configuration.
Transfer of the SOLR index should be performed after WEBCON BPS Search Service has been stopped on the application servers. Copy the entire "(...)WEBCON BPS Search Server->Search Cluster->SolrData" folder into the same location at new server.
You can also copy entire "WEBCON BPS Search Server" folder into new serve but you need to edit "WebCon.BPSSearchService.exe.config" file, and change value of the SolrHost setting.
"(...)<setting name="SolrHost" serializeAs="String">
Due to the fact that the transfer will be performed with stopped services, it will cause the entire index to be transferred correctly along with the users' activities.
10. Changing the BPS Portal data source
Change the data source in the appsettings.user.json file (by default it is in the "C: Program Files (x86) WEBCON WEBCON BPS Portal" directory). In ConfigConnection and LogsConnections, specify the name of the new SQL instance.
11. Reset the WEBCON BPS license
Deactivate the WEBCON BPS service on the previous environment.
Then using the Resource Kit tool change the type of database to other than the current one, save changes, reset the application pool and WEBCON BPS service. Then, in the same way restore the previous database type.
After this change, the service will be launched as a DEMO and it will be possible to activate it.
The WEBCON BPS license restart is important because without it the WebCon Workflow Service will not be started.
After starting the service and logging in to Designer Studio, verify Services in the System Settings -> Services configuration. If there are two services (old and new), the roles should be replaced with the new service, and the old one should be removed.
12. Changing the server in data sources connections and HotFolders and HotMailBoxes in Designer Studio
If connections to the old SQL instance are configured in the system, change their configuration to the new instance.
If some systems e.g. ERP are integrated with WEBCON BPS and they directly refer to the SQL instance, change their configuration to the new SQL instance.
In the HotFolder and HotMailBox configuration, change the BPS service to a new one.
After making changes, reload the service configuration and restart BPS Portal by restarting IIS.
13. Test all applications and make changes in the configuration that are necessary to operate as WEBCON BPS StandAlone
The best solution is to replace the URL address with a global or process constant – the configuration will be in one place in WEBCON BPS, which will facilitate the change in the future.
You can use the IIS server module called URL Rewrite. It allows you to create advanced rules that will redirect the user to the new portal address. Rules are created using regular expression
14. Changing an entry in DNS
After completing and verification of all steps, change the entry in DNS and redirect to the new WEBCON BPS StandAlone environment.