Works great. Daniel, as usual, extremely helpful :). Thanks a lot.
Hi, Everyone! On the WEBCON form (ver. 2025), I would like to display a simple external website for the user. There is no need to save this information in the document. I used Custom control (External) for this purpose. After entering the URL in the attribute properties, the page displays, but I h
Poproszę szanownych kolegów o informację - jak można zwolnić licencję użytkownika Designer Studio i przypisać ją innemu użytkownikowi? Środowisko nie synchronizuje użytkowników z AD. Wszyscy są dodawani jako Użytkownicy BPS. Pozdrawiam (BPS 2023.1.)
Hi Daniel! I checked. Your solution works. Thank you very much for your help. Best Regards! Jacek
Hi Everyone! In the WEBCON environment we use, it is not possible to synchronize users with local AD. However, we want and can use AD to authenticate users. So we added our WEBCON users as BPS users. In the BPS user synchronization configuration we have set: Synchronization source = None and in t
Thank you very much Paweł for the explanation. All clear. Best regards! J.K.
Hi Everyone! When I try to update BPS from version 2022.1.4.377 -> 2023.1.1.89, in the step: "Database verification" the following error message appears: "There is no update path between versions."and the installation process stops. Where could I check which update paths are valid? Best regar
Thanks a lot, this is what I was looking for. Works well. I tested - the update overwrites the changes. In this case I prefer to dig a little and work rather than explaining time by time that Business entity means Branch... :-)
Hi Maksymilian, It's about changing the label in the portal, where users see it. I'm thinking about using the WEBCON BPS Translator application, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea.
Hello everyone! We use WEBCON BPS in a multi-company configuration. We are the government institution, Our organizational structure consists of branches, not companies. So using the "Business entity" label can be misleading. I wonder if there is any way to change the "Busines entity" label to,
Hi, Do you know any trick, how to change the label of the company selection control on the form, from "Company" (Wybór spółki) to "Organizational unit"? Thanks in advance. J.
Hi, Does anyone know how to change the height of the modal dialog of item list element? Scrolling is a bit annoying and I need a bigger dialog.
Is it possible to change the type of environment from PROD to TEST? Due to the expansion of the server room, we would like to transfer the production environment to another server, and leave the current one as a test environment. Is there a procedure to migrate the PROD -> TEST environment and expor