Hi Michał, I'd look it up in WFHistoryElements. Check column WFH_IsVersionOfDeletedElement for true values (1), WFH_OrgId specifies WFD_ID from WFElements.
Running update every 15 minutes, will create 96 versions of the document daily. If there will be many documents like that, then it might eat disk space. As Daniel said, I'd rather keep a data row on the form, an if you need it on report - use calculated column with subquery like this: ( SEL
Hi Gerd, I'd try looking at default values, and form rules, which might fill the form. If the form is opened in the browser this might fill some data, which maybe isn't filled when the path is used from MailApprove.
That would be neat, I'm currently checking if i can copy some attribute, just to avoid that few clicks, but if attribute have some styles etc. it usually backfires :)
Hi Marjan, Those details, don't really say much. Were you able to check configurations of all item lists in the system? I'd start with that.
Hi Joanna, Could you share more configuration screenshots? I've had some troubles with sending correct data to Webcon API, documentation is more/less ambigious.
As Daniel already said, there is no such thing in Webcon. There is one Exception - you can configure single path on a step, which returns to a previous step, so it's not connected to a specific one. In this place, you can choose 'Previous step', as a destination: https://docs.webcon.com/docs/202
It's not exactly what you are asking for, but this information might be viable - during Webcon Day 2023, we've got an inside into new possibilities planned for forms. There will be much more flexibility in how we will be able to position fields, and from what i remember it should cover this use cas
Hi, I've not encountered this specific error yet. Have you tried to restart BPS service and maybe even IIS, after updating the portal address? Did you checked service logs in Windows Event Viewer on the server?
I'm digging an old thread, but I've faced same trouble today, and had to add something new to make it work, so why not make an update :) This is my final config, that works for Date columns (i didn't need time part, changing today() to now() should do the work though) { "content": "=CurrentFi
Hi Michał, I don't think there is a built in way to do it. The only thing that comes into my mind is using Generate an Excel file Action, with a template, where row with headers will be hidden. (Have not tested it though) It's still not what you are asking, because header will be there, just n
Hi, could you share a little bit more which parts of Stirling-PDF do you want to use? I'm not sure which functionalities of FineReader are used by Webcon (didn't had a chance to use it), although from what i've read it for sure provides OCR (https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/finereader-11-
Thanks Daniel for filling that in, i thought it should be possible with a filter, but forgot this one :)
I'd say you shouldn't focus on restricting view on reports then, because hiding it on report is just security by obscurity. https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Insecure_Direct_Object_Reference_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet.html Hiding the url is not restricting access. They still will be ab
Hi Jan, I'm assuming that requests you mention, are some kind of form/element/document in WEBCON. If you want to create a report, which shows Requests Created By User - you could use Additional Filter for system field Created By set to . This filter although will be possible to remove by end
I'm working with only 4 configured companies, on rather wide screen 2560px, and it is already not really comfortable. Can't imagine how frustrating it might be with more than 10 companies, so I'd love to see that changed :)
Hi Mike, I'm working really with 3 tabs - General, Company1, Company2. Although I'm still having WEBCON and Headquarters next to them, so 4 companies, and with only 4 i would still prefer the dropdown, for 30 companies, with search option especially. I'd suggest closing this post, and opening n
Sorry for late response, In case of generating word document - it somehow modifies the document - adds attachments, so for me it looks reasonable to require edit permissions. Could be some bugfix. I'd check if wrapping that action with add / remove permissions before and after inside one automa
It would be a nice touch if we could group Automations inside Process Configuration, same as we can group Form Rules, Constants, or Business Rules. I really love how flexible Automations are, especially in case of any API integrations where global ones are created, and they might be used everywhe
Hi Krystian, I have to ask what use case generates so many versions? Is it a business or a technical one?