Hi Radek, Make sure you will take a look at install instruction, which is always in the zip with installer - there is information about any requirements - and in this case, there is note about Hosting Bundle. Version Specified in 2023 install is Hosting Bundle 6.0 (i think it will be the same in
Hi Jacek, Could you tell us, where do you want to change this label? Is it portal (website), or inside designer studio? There might be a way to manipulate how it is presented on the website (although it won't be out of the box solution, rather something custom). In case of designer studio i d
Hi Damian, I can confirm same behaviour in ver. 2023.1.2.68. I'm getting same logs in diagnostics (about missing fields), and same error while trying to save session: url: https://{webcon}/api/nav/troubleshooting/saveSession | action: SaveDiagnosticSession ip: | msg: An unhandled
Hi Razvan - I can confirm I'm getting same error, even when calculated column is just hardcoded 0.1 + 0.1
Hi Mihai As far as i know, there is no built in way to conditionally show/hide those buttons. I'd go for custom JS to solve that too.
I really like the idea of using mass actions on report level, i've done it usually with cyclic actions, but sometimes that mass action might be just enough. I'll elaborate a litte on the notifications - check all On Entry, On Exit actions/automations in every step. If they have notifications, th
Hi Michał, You might need this: https://developer.webcon.com/2023/resources/db/ to start. I've searched for privilegese, and it seems like WFSecurities and WFConfigurationSecurities is a base of what you need, then joining it with processes/workflows/forms will to the rest. Sample diagram in
Hi Adam, Ad 1. You shold be able to mimic that behavior, but i don't know any way how to hook up to react running in background. I've created some PoC (for user voice here: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/3772/15), which might point you in some direction. It's displaying content of
Thanks Daniel, "Allow editing target fields" almost solves the problem, but I have few fields, which are not targeted, so I have to deal with them manually. I'll try to go with GUID's, as my dictionary is list of AD users, and ID is AD Login in that case. @Edit It seems that if value is no
Hello, I'm trying to disable/enable fields based on the state of dropdown (using nr. 3 from this https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R2/Studio/Process/Attribute/Choice/Choose_field/#picker): * Allowing custom values - make fields on form enabled. * Disabled custom values - make fields on form disabl
Hi Robert, I don't think there is a way to avoid the pop-up (at least there wasn't in 2021 version). We've had similar use case, and talks ended on custom SDK.
I would add the fact, that it is possible to set form rules to run on load on specific step without the ifs. You can do it in step edit form: https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R2/Studio/Workflow/Step/Step_FormView/ @Edit Ah, responses showed up while I've been writing :)
Hi Gerd, You could: a) copy all attachments to subworkflow - if you are starting it with 'Start a subworkflow' action -> https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R2/Studio/Action/Workflow/StartWorkFlow/#5-copy-attachments-to-subworkflow b) use add attachment action on register path -> https://docs.webc
Hi Paweł, I don't have a solution, but it looks like lack of access to security log. No idea to be honest why it should be needed.
Hello everyone, My Tasks is pretty popular view among users at my company, but i'm getting more and more often questions if i could change the way it works. I really like the default feature, and wouldn't change it, but I've an idea that we could have an 'Selected Element Viewer' control in the Da
I've never tried it, so can't tell - i'm avoiding any updates on the database i'd rather not miss something that will cause more troubles :) I'm using API if i need to do some digging - this way i know all the logic of database is handled by the WEBCON, but in that case API is no help. Although
Karol you are right, it seems like cast works with more formats than i thought it would -> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/cast-and-convert-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver16#date-and-time-styles Something new I've learned :)
Hi, There should be no need to cast WFD_AttDateTimeX, as this column is defined as datetime in the table. Error comes from the fact, that you are passing value from form, which is not in format, that SQL understands. Instead of using text of form value - choose ISO - it will provide the valu
Hi Adam, Is there any chance that companies were created by hand on each environment, and not with import/export? You could check it by running query below on each environment - if Guids are different, thats the reason why new companies are created. SELECT COM_Name, COM_Guid, COM_ID FROM Comp
Hello, is there any possibility to sync users from local AD, and get pictures from AAD? I've been looking at the docs, and changelogs but found config only for AAD alone. If not sync - maybe there is a way to bulk import it somehow?