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Markus Jenni


The described approach of intercepting outgoing notifications offers way more flexibility than our recently implemented PoC. For this PoC, we implemented an SMTP-Server that is redirecting the standard e-mail notifications to MS Teams for internal recipients whilst external recipients still recei

Administrators can configure the allowed types of attachments globally. However, there are situations, where we like to only allow certain content types, e.g. pdf's, that are a subset of the globally allowed attachments. Currently, the only way to restrict is the usage of validation rules. F

Hi Slawek In the past, in many projects we had to import elements along with multiple documents. We used different approaches. 1. We created a set of powershell cmdlets (connect to portal, create and update elements, upload documents), which basically use Rest API calls, but the handling is easi

Hi Arno Thank you for coming up with this suggestion. Mentioning users in the comment field is a quite commonly asked feature. I would also suggest that with a future notification system, it should be possible to send notifications from a background task. Best regards Markus

Can confirm, that the need to assign id and name can be quite painfull. I fully support this suggestion.

Generating a Word document, converting to a Pdf and deleting the Word afterwards, so the result is a Pdf only, are often used document generation steps. Unfortunately, it is not possible to overwrite an existing Pdf when converting a Word document to Pdf. So we usually have to delete the origina

Hi Karol Thank you for bringing up this suggestion. Providing an easy way to provide a link to other systems (e.g. contacts in Dynamics 365) reminds me of the time when I used MatchPoint to configure applications in SharePoint. For lookup fields there was a way to provide an url with a place

Hi Dominik We are creating calendar entries by using the MS Graph. When using the calendar API there is a property isOnlineMeeting that you can set to true. Here you find the documentation with an example https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/outlook-calendar-online-meetings?tabs=http#exa

Hi Michal Mass actions are currently limited to execute a path on a certain step. With my suggestion, updating elements independent of the current step would be possible.

I'm a bit allergic to red messages, like they are shown when I'm using length limitation via regular expression. So I started to use a html field and some code to set the max length property and placed a hint either in the description of the field or used the input placeholder. I think this migh

It happens quite often, that the length of a textfield has to be limited. This can easily be achieved by a reqular expression. However, input fields with inputmode text allow the usage of the maxlength attribute. It would by much nicer to restrict the user to type in more than the defined letter

You can achieve this by ticking the checkbox "Invoke callback rules on value change" of the answer field. Combined with your "column edit restriction" on the description field, it should work the way you intended.

Hi Karol Until WEBCON does implement this super cool feature, you might be able to use my approach. We had this requirement for one of our projects. I used jQuery sortable https://jqueryui.com/sortable/ and a technical field on the itemlist that tracks the sort order. What I'm doing is,

Hi Lina You may have noticed, that by using Itemlist columns and columns of the main element, the main element rows are being repeated in every row. For some users this might result in reports with confusing data. E.g. when calculating the sum of an itemlist column and save in a form field. If th

Hi Mark We had this problem a while ago, when we moved to new servers as you did. Open Designer Studio, navigate to System Settings > Services Configuration > Services and select your old server. Then simply delete the server

Hi Andreia I'm sorry, one should try before ;) It looks as the capabilities of the calendar are quite limited :( I can't understand, why WEBCON BPS does not allow calculated columns to be used in views. However, I've seen that you can use calculated columns to filter the views. Did you alr

Hi Andreia You can use a calculated column and the DATEDIFF function. E.g. DATEDIFF(Day, WFD_AttDateTime3, GETDATE()) A positive value would tell you the days before and a negative value the days after the cut-off date. 0 is when cut-off date is same as current date. Then apply the rules

Hi Mark For the standalone installation, we were happy to use an Always-On cluster and we did not have to migrate the database. During the installation process you have to name the database server to connect to. Choose the existing one and also make sure you are using the same AD-accounts.

Hi Mark We upgraded to new servers twice up, once on a standalone environment and once from SharePoint integrated to standalone. You are right, you have to deactivate the licence on the old server and activate on the new one. Ideally, you have an online connection to Webcon's licence server. I

Hi Andreia Not sure in what version this had been introduced, but you can use the "Additional filter" section of the view or use the "Value filter" of a column to filter empty values.