It would be nice to have the ability to hide report tiles in dashboards for users who don't have access to a report
Hi Martin Thanks for your input but working with a HotFolder is really not the way to go here based on the amount of files which have to be gathered, we are currently planning to write an SDK to get the CSV Files and then also merge and transform them to Excel for better readability. Seems much
I have a scenario where i need to get a variable amount of CSV files as attachments into a running process instance. The problem is that these CSV files are created by an outside system and can only be identified by the path in which they are stored and the creation date of the file. I can find the
As of 2022.1.3.65 this is not implemented, will this be available in R4?
Hi, We have a problem with the transport mechanism and how business entities are handled, we have a development environment in house which we use to prepare application templates (products) which we transport to multiple customer environments and every time we do so the business entities in the t
Hi Pawel Thanks for the tip, i thought this would be possible but i kind of want to remove the need for having multiple E-Mail Templates and needing to change them all instead of using a business rule to provide the translated e-mail content and be able to make necessary changes in one place.
It would be nice if you had the possibility to define the language in which a custom email is sent based on a form field or item list column. We have multiple applications where recipients of e-mails have to addressed in their own language regardless of the user language which is used in the form.
Hi Fabian I had a similar problem which was resolved by removing the outermost pair of brackets if you still have them in your constant
Hi Ralf Thank's for the Tip, worked like a charm.
Hi Christian, Thanks for your input, i "feared" as much but it seems it can't be helped.
Does anyone know if it is possible to provide translations for the Form Rule Functions ALERT and CONFIRM? I tried with "MyText$$DE$$Mein Text" but that doesn't do anything. Cheers Pasquale
Hi, I am having a problem when sychronizing Azure AD users to BPS, is there any possible way to not synchronize all users from the directory but instead just users assigned to an OU or Security Group. The reason i am trying to do this is because of data privacy concerns of a customer who has use