Hi Guys, Is there any way to configure paging for the item list? Got one with > 280 rows, initiated from the SQL query. I cannot use data table to display the data only, as users need to add comment for each row in one of the columns.
"it's a bit strange, because I had exactly the same error as YOU and when I turned off the visibility of the list in the workflow I'm starting from (not the one I'm trying to start), the error stopped showing up and I went to the selected page (also https://google.com :-) )" Apologize - I misunde
"Probably in the case that works you do NOT have any list of items in the first step?" Nope, I tried https://google.com as a link to eliminate any form related issues. "as a workaround you can make the start link as an HTML field rather than a button in the top menu." Yeah, I think it will end
Hi Jack, "I assume that you have the error in the first step BEFORE saving the element." Yes "And in this case, where it works, the element is already saved, right?" Nope, it is a new element too, with no ID assigned by the system yet.
Hi Bjoern, it depends how do you define portal address variable - in my case it is defined without 'extra slash', that's why it is added, but anyway it seems to be irrelevant in this case - I got this error with every link address I define, eg. 'https://google.com' or about:blank. In the other wor
Hi Folks, whenever I try to execute [Menu button] action, which should open a hyperlink, I get an error: "Error in Menu button action Start Counterparty Card. The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_WFElementDatails_WFD". The conflict occurred in database "BPS_Content"
Hi guys, got element with over 17k versions in history - it has been updated every 30 mins with a cyclical action. I would like to remove it completely, but am not able to. Got timeout using [Delete] button on element, as in the attachment. Also tried the archive action in button (removing completel
Limit ilości pól: https://kb.webcon.pl/ograniczenie-liczby-atrybutow/ niemniej autor nie wspomniał o polach niestandardowych w liście pozycji. Może ktoś z @Webcon się wypowie?
Hi Maks, Thanks, done that before, but still people click the attachment name as it is the most intuitive way. I think will need to stick some instruction-picture above the attachment section and turn off the upload.
Hi, is there any way to change the default behaviour when a xlsx/word attachment name is being clicked on the form? The default is to download the attachment. I would like people to edit it as a default, in order to avoid potential uploading another version of the file.
Hi, looks like a bug, although I tested this feature on the same version.
Zakładałbym, że jeśli nie jest to pole zdefiniowane w nazwanej kolumnie w bazie danych, tylko po ID - podobnie jak SDK i listy pozycji - nie ma limitu.
Hi, looks like a nested collection, more here: https://alterpaths.com/json-nested-collection-handling-in-webcon-bps/
Hi Ondrej, thanks for your tip, I forgot to mention that I would like to have it done dynamically, eg. user change the value of cell 1 --> cell 2 is getting disabled. EDIT: we went for this approach - disabling at initialization with condition based on Business Rule.
Hi Team, Is there a way to disable (eg. on value change if cell 1=1 then disable(cell 2)) particular cell in a row in Item List? I do not want to disable whole row nor column.
That makes sens Maksymilian. Will go for the second report option as users do not want to have that multiplication in the main one. Thanks a lot!
Hi guys, got case here where in Webcon's report there is a row from item list. This row is added as a column to the [Columns available in report] as on the screenshot, but remains unticked, therefore not visible in the default view on the report. Nonetheless, report still shows multiple lines with s
@Jenni thanks for this tip, I will do it in the batches. It is going to be roughly 1,5-2k records I believe, so then even doing 50 at once will not take that long, taking into account that we are talking about switching from one system to the other for probably next 20 years or so.
Hi Nik, so simple... I just have been always using this function to kick off subworkflows connected to the current instance, forgot that you can start urelated workflow as well. Regards, Patryk
Hi Guys, just wonder if there is any option to import data into Webcon not into the item list, but as a separate workflow elements. I want to implement Asset Management workflow, but need to enter into the system few thousand items (PC's, servers etc.), which are currently stored in another SQL dat