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Patryk K


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12.07.2022 09:13

Hi, I have done it using item list which kicks off subworkflows on the transition path "Send to consultations". Business requirement was to be able to consult more than one person at the same time. By default item list is empty. You may consider this approach together with Adrian's proposal of hidi

Hi Stan, In version 2021 you can generate a report with all rows of item list I believe. In SQL/RS I use (for predefined number of rows and rows names) separate SELECTs, example for 2-column list: (SELECT DET_Value3 FROM WFElementDetails WHERE DET_WFDID=WFD_ID /*binds with element*/

Thank you so much Daniel, Works as a charm! Had to union these data with external data source from legacy application. BTW: Webcon should implement some kind of way to extract these data... Good Luck!

Hi Daniel, it works fine in SQL Developer, but... I would like to have it in Webcon as data source for field type Data Table, it is not possible though, tried in two ways as on the photo attached.

Hi Daniel, thanks for your very detailed answer. I rather will not update the compatibility level on my own :), as working on enterprise Webcon environment, then using JSON would not be possible in my case too. The thing is that I need to integrate the comment data with comments from the obsolete

Hi Guys, Has Webcon any function or script to extract the [Comments] field in the "human eadible" way? Lets say DATE | AUTHOR | COMMENT TEXT. Selecting from WFD_Description for particular ID gives me output like below. It is becoming more complicated if I have two or more comments, divided by ','.

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