(...) efinitions) but still it should be posiible to implement some basic imports, even if not all data from BPMN diagrams could be imported. BPMN is widely used by organizations for process management and document ation, and possibility for easy implementation of previously designed processes would be a great feature.
(...) *.cosmoconsult.com", token_path = "/api/login", Content = "{'clientId':'4c01c4fb-9b82-4912-b410-5e54ef352e2b','clientSecret':'*','impersonation': { 'login': '*' } }", Token_Response = Json.document (Web.Contents(api_url, [ RelativePath = token_path, Headers=[#"Accept"="application/plain", #"Content-Type"="application/json-patch+json;charset=UTF-8"], Content=Text.ToBinary(C (...)
(...) I have the challenge to read form fields of a pdf document and store them in the workflow instance. The idea is, to implement an sdk custom action, where I am able to configure a mapping between the pdf form fields and fields of the workflow instance. The ideal solution is having two columns in a dynamic grid (similar as in the image attached), where i am able to add as many rows as i need. One to def (...)
(...) the first sub workflow has been finished negativ. In my case it should wait until all sub workflow finished negative or positive. I thought about using the advanced settings, but I have no idea how. document ation: You can also define the path dynamically. To do this, select Use advanced settings and create a suitable SQL query in the Advanced path choice field. When is this executed? a) When the first s (...)
(...) mization: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/adfs-customization/208 My issue is that my Windows server is not configured correctly and I lack knowledge to configure it. I started reading the MS document ation and it's huge. There are a lot of settings to configure and I'm not sure what's needed and what not. I was wondering if there is anyone who would be willing to point me in the right direction.. (...)
(...) I haven't found any document ation how to access the current form data. What I know is, that all the formdata is kept in a json property called liteDate.liteModel as a json-object as you can see when calling /api/nav/db/{dbId}/app/{appId}/element/{wfdid}/desktop I guess that this liteModel must be available via javascript. I'm wondering, because there is this form from the offical 2021 release paper ( (...)
(...) only having a link to it, we can take advantage of the great preview functionality. How ever, having copies of a file increase the risk of having multiple versions and loosing track of the relevant document . In my case, we have customers who wants to link to files in SharePoint and other dms. So I'm wondering, how you guys solve this challenge. I'm currently thinking about a simple itemlist having a h (...)
(...) s would be opening a preview or of course a form. Maybe also viewing or downloading a file could be recorded. The most luxury version would be configuration options (elements views, element edits, document downloads, document previews) on process level. By default it would then be switched off. It might be feature other partners/customers would like to have as well.
(...) form rule on page load, but only when we go into Edit mode. Is there a way that his is also done in read only mode, when we jus to open the Form. A quite similar scenario applies when printing a document – we want to have the last version of the Partner data. Best regards Aleš
(...) Hello, I am trying to clear the contents of a technical itemlist which I use to put data into a word document . This itemlist works as a buffer and takes the rows of another itemslist which have with a YES/NO field selected as YES. The source itemlist always has different values so i need to refresh the buffer. I need an easy way to clear the contents of the buffer itemlist. Also, the buffer itemlist has (...)
(...) Hi all, I have a process for the RH where for the different subsidiaries there are different document s and salary benefits for the new admission. The point is when the subsidiary is selected, the form should be updated with the list of document s needed and send them in a notification for the new candidate. There are some issues with this, I'm not able to initialize the item list with the dictio (...)
(...) Hi, a user just tried to search for a word through all document s in a report via the report's search panel, using the "Search in Attachments" option. As the hitlist was way too small I got called. I found out that the result only includes instances that have the searched term somewhere in the metadata. If i do a global search I get hundreds of hits - so the document s are properly indexed, and can be fo (...)
(...) temID: , Workspace: Log Version: 3 Duration: 729 ms But somehow my Calendar in Sharepoint does not get updated with the data I'm sending. This works fine for Sharepoint List and sending document s. My user has owner privileges in Sharepoint to be able to write in the lists. Hope anyone can help me out!! Thank you!
(...) Hi all, I'm taking some time to explore the possibilities of Sharepoint and Webcon. I have a process set up to approve internal document s and they need to be renewed after 1 year from the previous date. I was trying to set up the beginning of the process in the Library List (and in the future use the renewal date do display the Start Workflow option for the line) and took the example of https:// (...)
(...) When creating an SDK action there is an option to use the Logger Class to create logs (https://developer.webcon.com/2021/resources/online-document ation-sdk/html/2c254e06-3ac3-3a82-7c44-dae3d829d1e4.htm) Does anyone know where these logs are located (log file on file system or a specific database table)?
(...) item list of an instance inside an SDK plugin in order to make use of them in C# code? I tried to remove rows from the item list in the code C# (SDK plugin ) using function : WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.document s.Model.ItemsLists.ItemsList.RemoveAt(int index), but can't delete all the rows because I get the error from the image
(...) Hi, I am trying to use WebDav in order to edit other types of document s (Others than office apps). I have installed the server side plugin and the client side plugins, but I have no idea how to enable any sort of edit button in WEBCON that would trigger the WebDav App. I have tried the demo in this website: https://www.webdavserver.com/ and works, but that only confirms that I have the client side plugi (...)
(...) ill be Customer Name and Address (because a customer name can have more than one address). I was trying to follow the query below but I'm not sure on how to add the dictionary there (in the database document ation I have, I don't find alias for a dictionary=) if exists ( select 1 from WFElementDetails where DET_WFDID={WFD_ID} and DET_WFCONID={WFCON:1726} and isnull({DCNCOL:121}, '') = '' ) selec (...)
(...) "error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"no_valid_keys_or_signatures"}" I'm guessing that i am missing something in my Docusign Developer Account but i'm not certain what it is and the Docusign document ation isn't realy helping me here either. Has anybody tried this an maybe got an idea what the problem could be? Thank's in advance for any advice. Pasquale Edit: Found the Problem, i had a trailin (...)
(...) site creation for the moment. I have 2 questions on this: 1.) What kind of IIS certificate does the customer need and how to create it (self-signed, private key, encryption method, password, ...)? document ation is not very clear about this. 2.) How can we create the application pool & website after installation, without having to uninstall everything (Webcon BPS, dropping databases, ...)? Many thanks (...)