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for column

(...) ds “on value change” and set the field error if necessary. Currently I use a js-function like this to showing/remove the error message (form display mode: Modern on BPS portal): function showError(column Name, hintText) { let errorLines = $("#" + column Name + " .attributeErrorsPanel li"); if (errorLines.length === 0) { $("#" + column Name + " .attributeErrorsPanel").css("height", "auto" (...)

(...) Hi, we have a column visibility/edit/requirement restriction for every field in an item list. But there is no column visibility restriction for the delete button, so you cannot prevent deletion of some rows. It is something you can do easily with js, but only with classic display form mode. It doesn’t work with modern forms. The problem is that it is not guaranteed that your form rules “Main form -> (...)

(...) Can I use sql function in computed report column s?

(...) Hi there, does anybody know why this error occurs? Happens the following way: - Business rule retrieves datasource column (from [CacheOrganizationStructure]) COS_AD_name by means of a form field value (see 1.png) - Rule works fine if clicked on 'Test' button - This business rule is used in the cyclical action 'Update related workflow instance' with the goal to update a workflow's form values (...)

(...) oes not show the item with the link (as it does in standard attributes). It doesn't matter if the field is read-only or writable - always no link. I suppose the solution could be a separate hyperlink column calculated based on the ID in the choice field, but I have 4 such column s, so there would have to be 8 this way.. way too many. Do you have any ideas?

(...) processes with global form fields fields. Among them there 2 people picker fields. The report is pulling all the requests without any issues but when I tried to filter on the global people picker column , it is not showing the data. Example: we have a Requestor people picker Technical form field. There are few requests submitted by 2 people: Test1 and Test2 . When the request is submitted, the Requ (...)

(...) Hi everyone, I have an item list with grouping on one column . I'd like to have this column group collapsed by default. How would I do that? JavaScript? Please consider I'm no js expert so any piece of code or a completely different approach would be much appreciated. Thanks, Martin

(...) olding the items to be sold at the current transaction. These items can be added through standard adding elements (+) button. There is a choice box that opens a list of available items with important column s. You choose one or more items and closing the modal populates the items list with the chosen values. That's an obvious way. But, the obvious way is not really what I'm after. This is because the (...)

(...) (MSSQL database) - test it with success. Next I add new data source with some SQL query which returns some data when I test it. If I save that connection Webcon shows the error: "Failed to retrive column from data source XXX. No connection settings." If I want to test that data source in choice form field I've returned: Nieznany błąd: The ConnectionString property has not been initialized.. D (...)

(...) Hello everyone, I’m trying to set the color of the cell in a report based on a comparison between the current field (AttDateTime1) and another column (AttDateTe4). It works if I compare the CurrentField to a fixed value. As soon as I try with the other field name, it doesn’t work anymore. Is it even possible to have such comparison? Thank you, Martin

(...) ere was no "problem" with the following actions: Update attachment, SDK action, Change value of single field, notifications. 2. Saving report views I had to save each report view to show the new column . It was sufficient to click on the view and hit the save button. 3. Data source I had to remove the field, add it again and correct any usages, where the old column was used. 4. Copying value (...)

(...) s correctly but there is one thing that I need to change - the author of the subprocess document should be change for the employee from field. I tried to change the login by update the WFD_CreatedBy column in WFElements table but it's not possible. I've received an error: "One or more errors occurred. Operacja została wycofana Concurrency Error Concurrency Error" In attachement you can see the (...)

(...) find optimizations here. Table / index compression is not a solution - compression ratio is barely reaches 0,5% level. I have found a lot of records in this database where attachments are deleted (column ATF_IsDeleted = 1). Is it safe to remove such records from database or it will make inconsistency of the data? Do you have any experience in it? Looking forward for any comments.

(...) igure, it is posible to retrive output value from SQL Procedure? How force "Run sql procedure" action to log ouptut to [dbo].[WFLogs] table? Write-Output in PowerShell is logged to LOG_Description column . How log ouput from sql procedure?

(...) bout SQL optimization. So I did this query on production environments of our 4 random clients. The query shows where probably we should be thinking about putting index, because of high usage of those column s. Of course we all know that putting index on WFElements with attribute column s is not a good idea (maybe if you have secondary BPS_Content for only 1 process could be fine), but there are some examp (...)

(...) ort excel tables only if you have a table container already added. Sometimes it is difficult if we want to process data in excel table coming from third party. Proposal: there is a way to define column mapping for itemlist file importing. It would be nice to have a feature in import action to take into account that one, instead of expecting a table in excel file. What do you think? Thank you! (...)

(...) Is it possible to sort by the selected column (additional column , e.g. priority) in the dictionary selection field? Or to arrange your own order?

(...) ' AND [users].COS_IsActive = 1 AND [users].COS_AccountType = 1 Besides the Display Name you may want to use the AD name of the group. It can be found in table CacheORganizationStructure in column COS_AD_Name. 3.2) SQL query for second approval step in what the approvers of the first step shall not be assigned To be able to distinguish between tasks actually finished by the approvers and t (...)

(...) r job, and i'll receive the document back in version 7 i want to be able to see all changes between version 1 and 7 (x, y). Instead of displaying incremental list of changes between, just show two column s with two chosen by user versions. I see it very usefull for huge forms, where tracking all the changes in each step takes more time. This way there could be a glance view about what changed, and (...)

(...) Hi, it is posible to export data from item list to Excel in action but only id from column value? Only way i found is map item list to excel table (Sheet1!Table1). In this way the whole (id and name) of column is exported. But I want only id or name.