(...) er. I will share some of them in separate posts, sorry for flooding. Any comments, questions or suggestions are very welcomed. I would appreciate your vote! Problem: if you need to use SOAP and GET back complex xml, sometimes mapping fails (multi level structures cannot be mapped) Proposal: similary to REST action, give possibility to GET back whole respond xml. Then you have the chance to GET (...)
(...) Dear Webcon Community! Problem: sometimes we GET many page documents, but in most cases valuable information is on first few pages or last pages Proposal: new optional parameters in action What do you think? Thank you! BR, Peter
(...) is what I'd expect to be able to do, the first 3 images are what is currently possible with out-of-the-box functionality. If that is already possible I'd be happy to know how without having to tarGET precise css classes, data attributes etc.
(...) Hi folks, As you (to my knowledge) cannot add a html field, like you can do in dashboards, I wonder how to GET code into the very first page of Webcon. Our goal is to redirect directly into a specific application, but we cannot use the URL rewrite module of the IIS. Best regards Fabian :)
(...) ness rule paremeters. BRP:26 will be capturing on entry of the step. BRP:27 will be capturing on exit of the step path. Attached the screenshot of the action added on the path but the SLR is not GET ting calculated.
(...) Hello, I struggle with this scenario: 1) An AD group of 8 purchasers GET s the first task to approve an order. 2) One user approves the order for the first step. 3) Several steps later another purchase out of the group of 8 is meant to approve the order again. But not the user having done the first approval (1). My approach would be to GET the first approver from the tasks table via SQL (...)
(...) Hello community, it may be a silly question but my research in the knowledge base did not deliver a clue: When I use a HotMailBox to initiate new workflow instances, can I GET WEBCON BPS 2022 to take the e-mail subject as content for a field "Title" and the mail body as content for a field "Description" (multiline field)? I found the ability to set default values within the HotMailBox config (...)
(...) Hi, i have a problem with upload mail content (*.EML files), with Microsoft Graph settings. EWS Basic Auth works fine, but Microsoft Graph doesnt work. I GET ting a broken EML files
(...) Hi, I am trying to move multiple related child instances through an action. I tried doing that with the “Move workflow (SQL)” action. The query I used can be found in the Attachments. The table I GET also looks fine, but I still GET the Error "Incorrect column PATH_ID format". I already checked all of the IDs, they should all be fine. I used the following thread as a reference: https://alterpaths (...)
(...) Hi everyone, I just had the need to GET multiple rows of data without having access the the SQL database. I didn't want to create a field for this one time use case. Unfortunately the 'Test' result window of the expression editor, didn't have the option to copy the result. Luckily I thought of the Administration Tools\Search Logs. As you can see in the attached picture, I was able to execute an a (...)
(...) Hello, current version tracking tool in BPS is pretty good, but i'm lacking one feature. Let's say we have a workflow, where i'm at version 1, i need to GET some more informations, so the document is being send to another people and new versions are being created 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc. After they will do their job, and i'll receive the document back in version 7 i want to be able to see all changes (...)
(...) suitable guide on how to do this in user context. Do I have to enter the username and user e-mail-address in the mask as I assume? What is the "Authorized Redirect URIs" good for and where do I GET this from? And: What is the main purpose of this setup instead of an application context? Can someone please deliver a good example? Can anybody please assist me in GET ting this solved out? I (...)
(...) I have the Decisions Card applications and I can choose several budGET items (one - many) for them. Then I have an invoice app where on the list of items I choose the decision cards with budGET items on the list that tell me the rest of the data, but the most important thing is that I would like to open the decision card after selecting the decision card and budGET item. At the moment I have 2 bugs. (...)
(...) Hello, Could somebody advise on following matter? We have a workflow that has been working for a year already, and today our users keep GET ting following message while trying to save a new document: One or more errors occurred. Failure on execution of procedure pCreateSignature with parameters: HOME_OFF/2022/05/01899, 20225#1#22, 1899 Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed (...)
(...) lation ------------------------------------------------------- Error details in logs, Guid: 18c4c6c0-194b-4000-a544-2254a55ec11e .. at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.PortalService.PortalService.GET PluginConfigurationMetadata(Int32 pluginId) Best regards, Daniel
(...) 5 Date that I expect need(YYYY-MM-DD): 1. 2022-04-05 2. 2021-12-10 3. 2021-11-25 Do you have any idea to solve it? My poor trying on the screen below (a lot of counting and IF's and still GET wrong format of the MM). Thanks in advance for any suggestions and ideas.
(...) base provided by European Central Bank for currency exchange. But i want to use REST for conversion of currency exchange(mostly for euro). What should be the URL/REST request suffix when im selecting GET HTTP method.
(...) Hi. When I import data from an external data source and the content of a field doesn't match the data type of the tarGET field (e.g. tarGET field is "Date", but the source delivers a "text") I GET an error and the import is aborted. Is ther a chance to "catch" that and set the value e.g. "empty"? Kind regards, Klaus
(...) Webcon Knowledge Base (https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/new-way-to-use-a-digital-signature/253). So far everything works as described until I want to save the signed attachment. Doing so I GET an error message "document can't be saved. Generic Failure" ("Das Dokument kann nicht gespeichert werden. Allgemeiner Fehler"). What am I doing wrong? Has it to do with using Edge instead of Chr (...)
(...) When I try to generate documentation of my process I GET error: "Sequence contains more than one matching element", see included attachment. Application has no real issues, what to do?