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for step

(...) Hello there, we are using a tablet pc at the reception counter for our digital 'guest check-in' process. It's just a seperate Dashboard with a report displaying the current check-in step . We are using the "Auto Refresher" for getting the latest check-in data. Our problem now is, that the smallest interval (1min) is still to long, the maximum value good enough would be 30 sec, otherwise the guest ha (...)

(...) Hello, I have a problem while adding a barcode. The instance is moving to the next step but the action is not executing, does not show any error and is not even logged in the history and is not adding a barcode. Does anyone had this problem on the latest version( 2021.1.3.163 ) , some thoughts ?

(...) Hello, I've just come accross a slight problem with updating an item list. I have a list of items (emplayee, year, number of days available). The list is being initialized at the registraton step with all the employee names (70 rows). I've also created seperate attribute fields for year and number of days and would like to type let's say "2022" in the year field (the separate one outside the list) and (...)

(...) Hi Community, After the deployment of version 2021.1.3.178 the subworkflows that start after a flow control step are no longer working. I have multiple cases in my company where I need to use a flow control step to evaluate if the subworkflow should start or not and it stopped working after I got the update. I don't know how to fix it or come up with an workaround and I'm awaiting on the supp (...)

(...) beside 6 picturefields there is the possibility to attach as many pictures as the user wants to the attachment section. After renaming them with the "update attachment action" while going to the next step , now all have the same name. It would be great if there is a way to give them unique filenames. Thanks for your help, Bjoern

(...) Hi everyone, I'm currently facing the following situation: A workflow has a 'wait for sub-workflows' step . A new request came in, to assign a task during this step , so that the workflow still get's listed in the tasks overview. So far so good, I used the 'Create a task' action to manually add a task. Unfortunately, this task isn't completed when the workflow moves to the next step . As a result there (...)

(...) e and Webcon? I have all the documentation on the Webcon side for the REST API but I'm finding some difficulties on the Sales Force side as I'm not sure on where and how to configure the necessary step s to get the connection between the 2 systems. Thank you all for the attention!

(...) Is there a way to lock a specific item row for a list item at specific step s? I have a 4 row "table" and I need to make sure each row can only be edited in it's respective "phase" (step )

(...) Hi everyone, does anyone have an idea whether it's possible to retrieve the users to whom a task will be assigned in the next step ? What I've tested so far: - Verified that the variable 'System fields\Assigned persons' contains the current persons during path transition, exit and entry. - Created an SQL statement which returned the latest row from WFElementTasks, and executed this in an action durin (...)

(...) ield saving the Parent ID) and WFD_Dtypeid = {DT:120} and isnull({WFCONCOL:3301}, '') '' Third issue is that, if the parent gets cancelled, I need to move all the subworkflow for the Cancel step . For this I was trying to use the action Move Workflow but in the Data tab, probably something is not correct as I'm using select {WFCONCOL:3295} as WFD_ID (parent ID in the parallel workflow) (...)

(...) with creating parralel tasks that should all be required. The user has 3 checkboxes on the form. Depending on which of them are checked, there should be created a specific task for each in a single step . The tasks are being created in the action of "Approve" path of the previous step . It's all fine for now. (ex. if (checkbox1) -> create Task1 etc.) The problem is, before moving to the next step al (...)

(...) the moment a query on two tables (UNION) which has an inner join on another table. The speed is not really breathtaking, thus I wanted to use a stored procedure where I can perform all the timetaking step s already on the SQL server. Regards Klaus

(...) lays all actions which aren't logged. Maybe for a reason or due to some misconfiguration: SELECT AGR_Name, APP_Name, DEF_Name, WF_Name, STP_Name, ACT_Name FROM [dbo].[WFActions] actions join WFstep s on ACT_STPID = STP_ID join WorkFlows on STP_WFID = WF_ID join WFDefinitions on WF_WFDEFID = DEF_ID join WFApplications on DEF_APPID = APP_ID join WFApplicationsGroups on APP_AGRID = AGR_ID wh (...)

(...) dd an attachment to a manually created new instance. She has the rights to do so, and can add attachments as soon as the instance is manifested in the DB through save button that directs to the same step . So there is a known workaround, but it would be nice if this got fixed. I as an administrator can still add attachments before saving the instance. It worked fine before the update and seems to b (...)

(...) We have a form that needs to stay open for a length of time before auto moving the flow into a cancelled step . This length of time is user selectable when creating a new record. Talent Req is created and posting is set to stay up for 30/60/90 days. Is there a way to get the Timeout interval value set to the value of a form field? (If the user chooses 30 days, that will be the timeout value, 60, etc. (...)

(...) Hi All, I have a workflow where I use “Start a subworkflow (SQL)” action. I also have a “Wait for sub-workflows(system step )” step where I wait until all the subworkflows will end. I configured the “Wait for sub-workflows” to go back to “register step ” when one of the subworkflows finished negative. See picture And here are my problems: Let say I started 3 sub-workflows and one of them went neg (...)

(...) There is probably a bug in ver. 2021.1.3.205 on webconapps.com. If you click Generate preview in Designer studio and save the process, the preview is available (when clicking on the step names in the Information panel in front end). As soon as I make some changes, e.g. modify a field name or any other modification and save the process again, the preview is not available anymore. I noticed also that (...)

(...) shly installed Webcon connected to the restored database machine 2. One machine that has the restored database The issue is that the On Timeout actions do not work. We tried sending 2 instances on a step that had On Timeout actions to try and unclog the queue but that didn’t work We mention that we are looking at the -Create PDF- and -New Timeout- timeouts because they should run after 1 minute into (...)

(...) e electronic invoices in XML format (in Poland) instead of PDFs. This should shorten invoice processing in Webcon as we could read fields straight into the form with no errors and no OCR verification step . This sounds very good, but will Webcon be ready for this? Will there be actions allowing to read data from xml structure and map them to the form? Or maybe there is something working already? Micha (...)

(...) Hi everyone, i installed WEBCON WITHOUT integrated authentication. Unfortunately, i skipped the step , where you have the option to setup a Windows User (see pic 1) - the manual said, it is not required (even though recommended). Now i cannot log into the Webcon BPS Designer Studio. Do you have an idea, how to setup the Windows authentication Connection to the Database afterwards - without integrat (...)