(...) Hi community! We are GET ting some data from external system via REST API. Specifically workflow elements are created and there is a default path for saving workflow element. This can be easily done with the well known POST endpoint: /api/data/v4.0/db/{dbId}/elements Now we are facing the challenge to check if there are already elements in our system, to avoid duplicates. This can also ea (...)
(...) e API key should be entered in the SDK action in the "Integration key" field? On the autenti platform, I generated the ID and key, but entering the same key in the integration key does not work and I GET the error: 401 Unauthorized. Best regards, Jakub
(...) Our scenario: We are sending a prefilled pdf document to an external user with the instruction to complete the form and return it toGET her with a copy of the id/passport. Which could be one or more pdfs or images. We've configured a hot-mail-box to check for e-mail having a pdf with a valid barcode. The pdf with the barcode is attached nicely :). But also want to add the additional attachments. (...)
(...) Hi community, once more I need some help to GET things working: Having the task to show a picture within a report in WEBCON BPS 2022.1.2.59 I found this article in the knowledge base: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/the-picture-form-field/32 Establishing the fields and trying to GET the image rendered within a report I had to learn: Only the link generated in the way as described in (...)
(...) Hello, is there any chance of presenting a picture in an item list? After GET ting images to be shown in my report, this would be the next component I need. Thanks for your hints in advance. Best, Ingo
(...) Hi everyone, does someone has an idea, how I can add a mail address to a local user account? If I want to add one, I GET an error, that the existing BPS Id does not match the UPN format. background information: a customer uses a single server machine for running a test environment for WEBCON BPS. The VM has no access to a domain so the installation has been executed using local user accounts (...)
(...) Hi folks, for some reason for the past few days the attachment preview no longer seems to work. Depending on the browser used we GET a different message saying that the server seems to have refused to embedd the site in an IFrame. Opening the attachment in another tab and downloading does work fine. What could be the culprit there? Best regards Fabian
(...) Hi, since version 2022.1.2.59 (my last 2021.1.4.118) i can't copy & paste group elements. Is it possible to GET back this feature!? For example: we have for all workflows and steps the same headline and a specific subtitle. With copy & paste I can create very fast the basics of a (new) workflow... Thanks and best regards Daniel
(...) Dear Webcon Team, we are still looking forward to GET a helpful tool for GET ting barcodes / qr-codes on mobile phone into fields. Now we realized, that the WebCon App has a build in functionality for scaning codes. However this helps only for searching documents / contents. Would it be possible to combine this build in functionality with fields input? It would be really great to be able to co (...)
(...) you for the time taking my question! I need to set up an alert if a value in a field is changed during the flow. I have a subworkflow that starts with the first value on that field, if the parent GET s changed, I either update the information through Update Related Workflow or show the information as a data row in the child. But I need to alert the responsible on the child flow so they are aware (...)
(...) We have the requirement, that text from a rich text enabled multiline field should be displayed in the word document toGET her with its formatting. Does anyone have experiences how this can be achieved?
(...) (Saas / Cloud Version) a breeze. However, so far, it was / is not. setting up the OAuth2 app authentication in Azure and webcon is pretty straightforward. - it works like a charm in Postman ( I GET my bearer token back) but I have no real way to test it in webcon, so I have to assume it´s working. then you still have to set up the REST Web Service connection, then the actual Rest Web Servic (...)
(...) TEST from System settings -> E-mail notifications -> Configuration of sending e-mail, the emails are sent. When send email from action, the action is working and the email sending to queue, but I GET error in Local service status. Here is the error text from Local service status: WEBCON Workflow E-mail Service Module Error Role: EmailsService System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: The operat (...)
(...) urn Ok(createdFile); } The process always fail since the fileInfo.File is always null. Below is the definition of the object public class GFileWithContentWrite { public string Name { GET ; set; } public string MimeType { GET ; set; } public IList ParentIds { GET ; set; } public IFormFile File { GET ; set; } }
(...) Hi there has anyone an example on how to populate dropdown lists from REST data sources ? I got the working requests in POstman, but I cannot GET them to work at all in webcon. and its kinda hard to debug since error messages or logs are seemingly not available... thanks for your help in advance.
(...) Hi, we would like to use the SOAP web service in WEBCON (DBVersion 2022_1_2) . How can we GET the delivering result? Webcon by default marks only the "Messages" area. See screenshot. Unfortunately, other markings are not possible... Thanks a lot! Florian
(...) development environment in house which we use to prepare application templates (products) which we transport to multiple customer environments and every time we do so the business entities in the tarGET environment are overwritten when the business entity ID exists in both environments. Is there any possibility to prevent this form happening?
(...) r imported a process and thought, damn I forgot to tick this or untick the other field? In my case this has happened more than I want to admit. Most times everything works fine but know and then you GET disturbed and you make a mistake in the selection. Of course one could have a check list to verify everything, but even this will fail. So I'm wondering whether one or both of these ideas could (...)
(...) d but the most used applications are not shown. On that system one content database has been deleted but I do not assume this to be the reason. Does the details text give any hint that I do not GET so far? Appreciate any hint or help. Thank you in advance. (Details BEGIN) url: https://webcon-test./api/nav/applications/mostused | action: GET MostUsed ip: | msg: An unhand (...)
(...) Hi everyone, I noticed on version 2022.1.2.31 that it can take a really long time to populate the tarGET field of choice field, if the data source is a web service data source. In this case the data source is a REST data source and the picker field is of type popup search. Once I activated the diagnostic mode I noticed that after GET ting the picker results (1) the chosen value is validated a (...)