(...) Similar to that thread: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/969/15 on initial step on path action to count attachment did not work ... doesn't matter if element is saved or not. The attachment was added by item list.
(...) WFDID}' [/code] with out "e.DET_WFDID ={WFD_WFDID}" webcon design studio ... is close to crash ... any way ... if i do: "e.DET_WFDID = 'parent id' i have what i wont (just for check). on path if I put that automation - it semi work ... is filled columns but whatever is set as "attachment" always returns "attachment was removed" another issue is doubling records ... (probably to many (...)
(...) 'm not sure if this is something that changed in the versions or I'm missing any configuration. I checked that users with the access 'Access and Edit all Instances' are allowed to select Available path s even if they're not the assigned person. I know that although having the rights to edit the instances, it couldn't be moved and that yellow message was shown because another person was the assignee (...)
(...) 4393.7070, time stamp: 0x666269e8 Exception code: 0xc0000028 Fault offset: 0x00000000000a5a70 Faulting process id: 0x3dd8 Faulting application start time: 0x01dad1f5fad4b7a1 Faulting application path : C:\Program Files\WEBCON\WEBCON BPS WorkFlow Service\WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.exe Faulting module path : C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll Report Id: e616e2b0-0f38-47b1-b76f-4f8b73147cc9 error log: (...)
(...) Hi, I'm currently reducing the execution time of a long path transition in version 2023.1.2.44. In this context I noticed that saving the instance executes "recalculate rows". In our case this causes another execution of data rows which are only used for displaying information. They are not used in any other combination, even the usage tab is empty. It would be great, if we could have a checkbo (...)
(...) possible to remind the user to save the form after adding several items to the item list (WFD_SubElems). I ask because users report a problem, such that they forget to save (click on the transition path ).
(...) Hello, I want to clear some form fields after path transition that leads to the same step. I tried using action template to change values of multiple fields by inserting null values, howewer I get an exception when it gets to the datetime fields: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Which value should I insert to set date form field to empty, or is there another way to do (...)
(...) Hello! is there a best practice how to transfer data from an external data source (eg. sql server) into a dictionary in webcon (and webcon in general)? I heard something about a technical path ?
(...) SearchIndex. How can I achieve the same effect in my reports? Of course, I can create an attribute an update it in each step, but this is very time-consuming, as I would have to update it on every path . Is there any other solution?
(...) with an error - the OR - | - operator seems to be in wrong place: - (8/12/2024 8:29:33 PM) Searching LDAP://ldap-server:389/DC=ldap,DC=goauthentik,DC=io?uid,gidNumber,objectClass,accountExpires,adspath ,cn,company,comment,countryCode,department,description,displayName,distinguishedName,givenName,homeDirectory,homePhone,info,ipphone,isCriticalSystemObject,localeid,mail,manager,memberOf,mobile,name,ob (...)
(...) the employee WF (2) and route based on whether the user has an Active Directory account. Depending on whether the user has an Active Directory user or not, the user should either be sent to the blue path or to the purple path in WF (2). The issue is that the business rule in the 'Start a Sub Workflow (SQL)' actions, which checks if someone has an AD user or not, isn't working when I pass paramete (...)
(...) I have problem ... [2022.1.4.404] maybe not problem but looks like is missing one option as Parameters in creating task .. or I don't know how to in proper way configure path ... Now we have 3 parameters: 1. Wait for the completion of required tasks, 2. Mark tasks as completed, 3. Mark tasks as canceled. but what if I have flow where element have assigned 4 people in parent flow A,B, (...)
(...) Hi, I am still learning Webcon and currently exploring the Webcon API. I would like to understand more about authorization, invoking REST methods, and specifying the path for importing data into the correct dictionary. I’ve attached an image of my sample script, which successfully retrieves SharePoint data, but it encounters an error with Webcon authorization. I would appreciate guidance on what (...)
(...) ther: 1) Allow the selection of existing reports as a data source 2) Define the view in the report tile configuration I would prefer the first option so that we can still use mass actions, quick path s and the like. Btw. does anyone use report tiles without a link? If I see a number I want to go to page where I can see the details. Best regards, Daniel
(...) ce". The action tried to update choose fields which have been set to read only. The result was the following error: Error in On enter action Copy new risk values to project risk. (Step: Completed, path : Complete action) Cannot find value 1 in data source Best regards, Daniel
(...) ve connected invoke menu buttton to fill the tech item list with persons ... if element is not saved - I can not invoke menu - action is "invisible" (do nothing) if element is saved - went by "save path " then when you pick something from dropdown list then invoke menu button and I have filled Technical itemlist. the technical item list i use if you go from start step by "run x-times sub flows" th (...)
(...) Hello, I am trying to update some form fields and columns in an item list after some actions. On my path i have configured a FOR EACH on my item list which is creating/composing JSON payload for my REST. (rows) However, I am encountering an InternalServerError (500) when attempting to save this data using REST service on path for my current instance. PATCH: api/data/v5.0/db/#{DBID}#/elements/#{ (...)
(...) the above-mentioned BPS data source. 4. There is automation in the operator that starts a new cycle (Start a subworkflow). I have 4 actions here because when I start a new element, I use 4 different path s. This is due to the fact that sometimes I assign a task to one person, and sometimes to two people per company. 5. In the data tab, I indicate the collection columns on the basis of which I complet (...)
(...) ess static A -process static B -process static C -process static D attribte a,b,c attribute a,b,c is changing dynamically vs Item List attribte d I try to change Value of Attribute D on path .. = error OK, then is not saved data so I move step forward .. but again error ... so .. how to calculate: D = (A*B)*a + (A*B)*b+(A*C)*c ? why I don't have rulle in a,b,c to "fix" D" ? .. I d (...)
(...) ere any possible ways to start subworkflows from Excel file? Business case is that, I have MS Excel file with estimated 500 rows. I want to attach sheet to attachments section and start workflow by path or button on menu bar with starting workflow action. Is any way to do it without special SDK customization? Subworkflows should have data from in excel sheet. Every workflow contains one row.