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for application

(...) Can you please add a simple feature - application (or process) versions ? The idea is to have a "back" button - revert to (any) previous version if something goes wrong. I know - you want us to use DEV/TEST/PROD environment. Sure. But versioning would be a nice feature, really. Two options for you to choose: 1. every save is a new version 2. save as new version button

(...) 1. Technical application Supervisor could be shown on system dashboard (if not empty) + could be added as element on custom dashboard 2. Technical Process Supervisor could be shown on info panel (if not empty)

(...) (PFY2021-xxxx). I have the form rule built to create the string, but I need the number portion to append. The xxxx number needs to increment for each new record entered. I can't seem to create an "application wide" variable that I can reference, create a new proposal # and then increment by 1. Now that I think about it like that, can I SQL query the # of records for the workflow? (Still fairly new to qu (...)

(...) Hi everyone, I'm not sure with which release the application group headers are transformed to lower case, but could we get rid of it again? I can live with all upper case, but transforming all characters to lower case after the first one is simply not acceptable. - Abbreviations look like word - The corporate design may define how some words are written - It looks like a spelling error. This is even more (...)

(...) Dear Community, we have installed WEBCON BPS Standalone and published it through Azure AD application Proxy. We are synchronising users in BPS with on-premises Active Directory. Currently we experience timeout issues after some time of inactivity on WEBCON BPS site. Sometimes it's few minutes, sometimes about 1 hour. See example in attachments. Please notice that WEBCON BPS and SQL Server (VMs) are placed i (...)

(...) Is there any method of removing unwanted application ? Normally you can't do that from Designer Studio. When an application has any processes or other elements it requires to remove them first - the Studio prevents from having orphaned elements. It is ok unless you want to remove the whole application . The application I want to remove is quite complicated and removing all sub-elements would be very time cons (...)

(...) Hi, we just did the upgrade from 2021.1.3.434 to 2021.1.4.55: One of the changes also concerns the look of the portal elements. Because we like to use longer application names, we now have a little problem with the limitation of space as you can see in the attached picture. Maybe in upcoming versions it is possible to rethink this change. Thanks in advance, Bjoern Poller

(...) Hi all! Maybe this is a know issue, but we are wondering at the moment if it is possible to import an exported application package to a Webcon installation with a different version. We currently have an exported application package (.bpe) from version 2021.1.3.205. We are planning to use cloud services from Webcon which is supposed to be the latest version (which currently is 2021.1.4.55). Is it possible (...)

Hello everyone, because the first installation attempt did not work out (login problems webcon designer studio), i uninstalled webcon and sharepoint. I installed Sharepoint 2016 again and also the latest security update. Now the installer does not recognize the sharepoint web parts (see picture below). Did anybody have this issue yet? Do you have any idea how to fix this? Is it ok, to skip thi

(...) Is there a way to query the database or check in the designer studio about the number of form fields created in our application ?

(...) How make sure that field with barcode is unique across application ?

(...) Hello Please help my with importing demo application s. I get "Check if Import service role is running for current database. Modules are in safe mode and I don't know how to force run it.

We have to now comply with SOX and part of the requirements is to list all WebCon apps and permissions/priveleges for each level and the groups/people in them. Is there an easy way to dump all permissions/priveleges for all apps to a text file, pdf or other? If not I'll have to go through and take screenshots of each in designer!

Hi. I have a Dev environment and i try to export my apps but I have a problem. When I click export an app, I receive error. This error I upload with attachment. Why I have a problem with export ?

(...) Hi, While using search panel of application report I run into a problem where the report doesn't show any results. The problem occurs after selecting a value in the step field (screenshots below). Has anyone met similar issue and know how to fix it? Is it a bug?

(...) Hi, We have a problem with the transport mechanism and how business entities are handled, we have a development environment in house which we use to prepare application templates (products) which we transport to multiple customer environments and every time we do so the business entities in the target environment are overwritten when the business entity ID exists in both environments. Is there any possib (...)

Hi everyone, have you ever imported a process and thought, damn I forgot to tick this or untick the other field? In my case this has happened more than I want to admit. Most times everything works fine but know and then you get disturbed and you make a mistake in the selection. Of course one could have a check list to verify everything, but even this will fail. So I'm wondering whether on

(...) Hello, I have a strange thing that prevents any application from being exported: When the assistant analyzes the environment the following error message is delivered: see below Using the GUID given in the error message on the table 'dbo.translates' I receive one line with columns that seems to deliver the error. Sadly I am lacking information on the columns 'TRANS_ELEMID' and 'TRANS_OBJID' to furtherl (...)

Hello, During an export I get a process export error like below: Invalid reference tag occurences: Business rule (13551) - "Column "BasicDesignerXml" in table "WFBusinessRuleDefinitions" contains a variable referencing object "Form field" with an ID of 11805. Referenced object does not exist" The thing is I don't have any form field with ID 11805 and I don't use any business roles in

Hi folks, As I am aware, it is possible to change the seeming sender mail in the action itself, but this just masks the mail and possibly be picet out by spam filters. We wonder if there is a proper way to set the sender adress or even SMTP server per applikation on one Webcon instance? Regards Fabian :)