(...) Hi all! I noticed that OData support has been added to REST API 2022.1.4.xx. I only found one document, which is located here: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/odata-format -in-webcon-bps/346 This document is related to the usage of OData in PowerBI. What we really need is the ability to filter views with OData and REST API. Is that one already implemented and if so, where can I find a (...)
(...) Hi, Because an employee left our company, I need to remove his informat ion from Created By fields. How can I do this? Can I transfer workflows he created to another employee or generic account? Can I anonymize his data some other way? I tried with GDPR actions but "Author" is a system field and I didn't find a way to do it. Is there a built in action that could do this? Do I need to resort to S (...)
(...) atically based on the SWAGGER JSON Definition of WebCon. (server-adress/api) It seems, that the inheritance could not be solved completely by the library. Our aim is to be able to read data in JSON format from the WebCon REST-API by using standardized tools, means no manually work for getting the data in the right format . Used REST instruction (v3.0) GET: Gets default bps view content Additiona (...)
(...) Hi community! Is anyone trying to write your own SDK based on Webcon 2022 Exstensions on MacOS? I wanted to try on my private macbook but when i downloaded extension, it appeard in .vsix format . It turned out that Visual studio can't read this format of file. I downloaded this from official Microsoft marketplace. I can't find it inside VS marketplace in 'extension for download' after launch applicatio (...)
(...) enSigningKey) ..."Expiration":"00:00:00","RefreshTokenExpiration":"0.00:00:00","AuthCookieExpiration":"0.00:00:00","AuthCookieSlidingExpiration":true} I am not sure if it's the right place, what format it uses (days:hours:minutes / hours:minutes:seconds) or if all need to be changed. Thanks, George
(...) d field back to the default value )or previous value). I was researching the uxContext input parameter, but I was unable to find a function or value in the uxContext structure that would contain informat ion about the ID of the field, that triggered the function. Thanks!
(...) Hi, We have trouble uploading documents to some workflows and I would like to pinpoint the issue. I can't find any relevant informat ion in Event Viewer, any other place to check? Thank you
(...) Has anyone ever tried to create a clickable hyperlink inside a word attachment using the bps word addin? It seems that the add-in just transfers string informat ion to the document regardless of what "meta-informat ion" is contained with the string (i.e. line breaks/format ting in multiline fields using rich mode) I get the link url put out to word but in word it's not recognized as such until i add a (...)
(...) Probably from yesterday during the synchronization of exchange rates we get 404 in Webcon (version 2020.1.3.434). I would only like to get informat ion whether it is a planned disable of the API or just a temporary break?
(...) Hi, I have an item list with a "date" column. I figured out that filtering (or even showing it in a customized date format in a data table) is tricky as the daty type of the column is actually nvarchar(1000). What I want to reach is to filter the data table based on a "date picker" field, but I don't manage to. Kind regards, Klaus
(...) loading rules and there are no actions performed on this item list in the current step. It occurs in various applications and processes that I have. The event viewer does not provide any additional informat ion. Does anyone have a similar situation? What is the issue? Kind regards, Bartek
(...) sable with a big multi line text box - while using the task "view" and displayed info panel - has to compete with a paper based process with an arbitrary number of steps and options to write any informat ion on the paper Best regards, Daniel
(...) Hi, Since I found this post, I am very curious when the 2023 release will be available. It would be really nice if anybody could give me more informat ion about it. https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/ability-to-transfer-bps-groups-using-the-export-import-mechanism/374 Thank you, Raluca
(...) around building a KANBAN Board with WEBCON. Therefore i would like to move ItemList-rows between my six ItemLists (Backlog, To-Do-List, In Progress, Test, Done, Blocked). After copying the row informat ion to the new ItemList, i would like to _delete_ the old row(s) e.g. on the "UPDATE"-Path. HOW can I do that? I didn't find any informat ion - except the "DET_IsDeleted" flag. I'm kind of stuck - (...)
(...) to exchange the token first? I'm asking the question because I'm exploring the possibilities offered by using a service as MailGun. They can parse the incoming email message and post the parsed informat ion in form of JSON to a URL. The issue I'm having is I can only configure a URL to which the send a POST command with parsed JSON. There is no way to send the first authorization request to obtain th (...)
(...) 1: Is there any other way? QUESTION 2: Is there any build-in option to anonymize the AUTHOR too? Thanks for your help, Bjoern ---------------------- WEBCON does not have a vaild link for informat ions... INTRODUCTION TO ACTIONS IN WEBCON BPS https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/introduction-to-actions-in-webcon-bps/172 -> Remove personal data [ http://howto.webcon.com/gdpr-personal-dat (...)
(...) I was searching for some informat ion about the "REMOVE PERSONAL DATA" action, but WEBCON does not have a vaild link anymore: INTRODUCTION TO ACTIONS IN WEBCON BPS https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/introduction-to-actions-in-webcon-bps/172 -> Remove personal data [ http://howto.webcon.com/gdpr-personal-data-administration-process/ ] -> File not found I didn't check the other links. (...)
(...) at WebCon.BPSCloud.Portal.Extensions.DebugInfo.DebugInfoMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context, IDebugInfoGetter debugInfoGetter, IPerformanceCounterFactory counterFactory, IFrontendTraceProvider format ter, IDefaultableDbInfoProvider defaultableDbInfoProvider, IUserCredentialsManager userCredentialsManager, IDebugInfoManager debugInfoManager, IHttpContext synchronizedHttpCtx) at WebCon.BPSCloud. (...)
(...) a floating point field. I am getting: System.NullReferenceException Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Any ideas how to solve this? What can I do to give you more informat ion? Thanks
(...) at WebCon.BPSCloud.Portal.Extensions.DebugInfo.DebugInfoMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context, IDebugInfoGetter debugInfoGetter, IPerformanceCounterFactory counterFactory, IFrontendTraceProvider format ter, IDefaultableDbInfoProvider defaultableDbInfoProvider, IUserCredentialsManager userCredentialsManager, IDebugInfoManager debugInfoManager, IHttpContext synchronizedHttpCtx) at WebCon.BPSCloud. (...)