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(...) ccessfully logging in, a page will appear where you can register and activate the local license service.   Follow the instructions below: Click Choose a .REQ file in the Activate services section, then select the activation file generated earlier with the service identifier and click Open. The system will automatically recognize the service based on the file and prompt you to (...)

(...) vice user account. You can grant relevant permissions in the course of installation process or skip this step and configure them later on.   Clicking the Yes button opens the Component services window, allowing you to add the necessary permissions. Choosing No allows you to configure the permissions later.   Adding permissions to service account If you add permissions during (...)

(...) N BPS installer and choose Tools for Application Management. In the Local service configuration node make sure that the connection to the test database is correct, then press Save. In the Farm services configuration node, both the production and test services should be visible. Uncheck all roles from the production service, and transfer them over to the test service. Also set the associated process (...)

(...) rtal and by invoking the REST API. Since most communication is facilitated by the Portal, the WebView service embedded in the mobile application needs access to the same HTML websites and REST API services that are available in Portal displayed in an internet browser. Additionally, the mobile application utilizes the REST API interface to deliver the following functionalities: downloading applica (...)

(...) re.    Compromised access to WEBCON BPS functionalities For the WEBCON BPS platform, enabling the Extended Protection function results in blocking connection with the Exchange Web services (EWS) interface. In practical terms, this translates into the paralysis of certain popular functionalities, such as HotMailBoxes or MailApproval, as well as the inability to execute actions within th (...)

(...)   Introduction The feature to install WEBCON BPS modules in containers was added in version 2023 and has been described here. Now that the platform can be run based on container services , we can employ various modern services like Kubernetes to launch and manage our application.   Requirements WEBCON BPS containers are based on images that use Windows Server Core arc (...)

(...) uthor: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction In an era of technological advances, there is an increasing emphasis on providing equal access to information, education, work, entertainment, and services for all people, regardless of their location, resources, skills, or limitations. Many of these basic aspects of life are now carried out over the Internet, so the topic of digital accessibility has b (...)

(...) tps://blogs.windows.com/msedgedev/2022/12/14/delivering-microsoft-edge-webview2-runtime-to-managed-windows-10-devices/. The delivery of the Microsoft Edge WebView2 runtime to Windows Server Update services (WSUS) environments is described here: https://learn.microsoft.com/pl-pl/microsoft-edge/webview2/concepts/distribution#servicing-the-webview2-runtime-through-windows-server-update-services -wsus. F (...)

(...) important thing is, that the installer will need to be launched on each separate machine to update all components. The procedure for this variant is as follows: Stop all WEBCON BPS WorkFlow services Update the WEBCON BPS Search Server as the first. Update any other components on the same machine. Update the database. Update remaining components in any order on the other machines. Start al (...)

(...) ") at the end. Please ensure you consider your individual configuration!   A small tip for using images as links: If you do not have access to the server's image folder, use services like BASE64 Image [English text version: https://www.base64-image.de/ ] to convert your JPG or PNG graphics into text that can be directly integrated. This also saves the recipient from the a (...)

(...) External content by Daniel Krüger; August, 2022 ;  The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de   If you are working with web services data sources like REST then you will have noticed that you can't view the outgoing request. This is also true, if you have a problem, when the instances hasn't been saved yet. All in all this can be quite annoying, if there's so (...)

(...) hanges requires system administrator privileges and restarting Portal and Designer Studio each time.   Additional configuration The Windows Authentication method in Internet Information services (IIS) is the primary method for verifying the identity of users attempting to access resources on a web server. It is a key authentication method in enterprise environments where Active Directory int (...)

(...) d Search Server (Solr) and run these modules in containers. Containerization is an alternative to the standard installation of WEBCON BPS components and is particularly applicable when using cloud services , making it much easier to install the system in such an environment. This article provides step-by-step instructions for installing WEBCON BPS with its core components running in independent conta (...)

(...) have further authentication methods using OAuth 2.0 / OpenID in the context of REST - Web Service. At the moment the limitation does us not allow to communicate with other systems in the way of microservices . This extension would be a great increase of data communication. Thanks a lot Best regards Thomas

(...) t an exported application package to a Webcon installation with a different version. We currently have an exported application package (.bpe) from version 2021.1.3.205. We are planning to use cloud services from Webcon which is supposed to be the latest version (which currently is 2021.1.4.55). Is it possible to import an older version package to a newer Webcon installation? If the answer is No (what (...)

(...) ve any of you had a similar problem? Log below: Download Active Directory data: - An error occurred while preparing directory path for domain: 'partners.somesite.pl'. Exception: System.Directoryservices .ActiveDirectory.ActiveDirectoryOperationException: Cannot find Net Bios Name for domain "DC=partners,DC=somesite,DC=pl". ---> System.Directoryservices .Directoryservices COMException: There is no such (...)

(...) to use Azure SQL, because of the integrated HA features, scalability and low maintenance effort. WEBCON BPS is very well integrated with Microsoft technology and has great integrations with Microsoft services , i.e. M365. I would strongly appreciate, if support for Azure SQL could be added in near future. We already tested it and with some workarounds at installation time it works. But we cannot recommend (...)

(...) datedForm(FormParameters formParams) w WebCon.WorkFlow.Web.UILogic.WFDynamicLite.Rest.Logic.ElementFormLoaderForRest.GetUpdatedForm(FormParameters formParams) w WebCon.BPSCloud.Core.WfDynamic.services .MoveElementToNextStepService.GoToNextStep(GoToNextStepParameters param) w WebCon.BPSCloud.Portal.API.FormsController.d__27.MoveNext() --- Koniec śladu stosu z poprzedniej lokalizacji, w której w (...)

(...) simple action the timeout doesn’t work. I did check the following thread about a similar problem (https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/1068?messageid=1068). Their it is suggested to check if all services are working and if “basic features” are enabled in the Service configuration, but I didn’t find an option to do that. Am I missing specific services ? And if I do how can I add those?

(...) linked to action templates only. The picture added shows the error message. Here follows the error message (in German language, sorry for this): Typ: WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Exceptions.Webservices aveException ------------------------------------------------------- Nachricht: Exception occurred while importing table ConfiguredWebservices ---------------------------------------------------- (...)