(...) Hey, I am creating a workflow where I would like to give option [Send Back for LEGAL Check] on different step s (Screen shot added ). However, I want to create a restriction so on the legal check step users can see only paths related to the step that it came from. Not all paths because that would be extremely confusing (screenshot of all paths added). So for clarification if the flow was send to "l (...)
(...) Similar to that thread: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/969/15 on initial step on path action to count attachment did not work ... doesn't matter if element is saved or not. The attachment was added by item list.
(...) Hello. I have a choice field that is appearing in 2 different step s. Is it possible to filter the returning data depending on the current step ? ex: if in step A, choices to be 1,2,3 and if step B, choices to be 4,5,6.
(...) Move parent flow by path depending from current step . I miss something ... I try to do it reading this: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/900 and this: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/cyclical-actions/106/18 .... I have configuration where: Parent (main flow) can "flow" ... independent from child. but if child is finish then I would like to move Parent by path "save" ... but (...)
(...) Hello there :) I have fairly an easy question. I want to set up the timeout action which would remind users to do their step while the step would have the "Active" Status or onhold. The current logic did not work unfortunately :( Any tips on that? See attached. Igor
(...) Item list - is possible to change behavior depending from form or step ? At the moment I use 2 item list ..but maybe is possible to just use one ... if in Item list General setting I set is possible to import / export / add rows / ect. https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2024R1/Studio/Process/Attribute/Basic/Itemlist/ILConf/ILGenral then in sub flow if I use the same Item list then all settings (...)
(...) I try to build table with short history to put it in protocol (word>>pdf) of acceptance So i would like to have 3 columns: 1) person 2) behalf (if was) 3) time step at the moment I'm struggle with filtration .... skip save or other than end step paths ... in green lat 2 - the "step s" where I clicked - finish ..live the step ... where I have 1 person and no waiting for other to finish (...)
(...) Why in 2025 version add (new step ) button is missing from General tab and user can only add step s in Workflow designer? Is there any chance that you'll restore it in next version?
(...) Does Webcon save the time a user stays in a given process step , i.e. the time from entering the step form to moving to the next step or clicking the save button? I want to make a report out of it to calculate KPIs
WEBCON: Business Process Automation and Management as its best WEBCON develops the Low-Code Business Process Automation Platform, WEBCON BPS (Business Process Suite). This enterprise-grade system allows organizations to embrace digital transformation by digitalizing their workflows and building comprehensive, scalable, process-centric and future-proof applications applying t
(...) Contracts Fig. 2. The "Contracts" workflow Define e-mail shipping address Both processes have the “Finance department approval” step . Tasks from different processes go to the same group of employees. In such a situation, it would be helpful to be able to separate which process a given task came from. You can use the option to defi (...)
(...) of the item list and the configuration of various actions related to them based on the Personnel planning bpm workflow. The application consists of two processes: the dictionary process (with two step s and used to store the document templates) and the main “Personnel planning” process. This process allows you to define the demand for human resources and assign the specific employees to (...)
(...) o the “Account” dictionary by the user’s login. There are four types of forms: Deposit, Payment, Refund and Repayment. All form types use with the same workflow that consists of one step with one “Save” path. From the configuration side, there are three actions on the “Save” path – the first of them is the validation action that checks if a given amount (...)
(...) ce field type, one – text field, and one – date. On the form, three rows showing the orders have been added: Fig. 3. The item ist on the MODERN form The next step is to define the data table field. Fig. 4. The configuration of the data table field The data table belongs to the “Data presentation” group of fields &ndash (...)
(...) ser of the group (defined by the first workflow) in a round-robin until all users have reached some defined task limit. When all users are at this cap, the tasks will be queued using a special system step – where they will wait until a user of the group completes a task. The purpose is to split up the workload between users equally and not overwhelm individual users with too many tasks. (...)
(...) eading to see how to achieve this workflow automation with WEBCON BPS. Workflow diagram Fig. 1. The magazine is available for editing only at the registration and opened step Form fields Fig. 2. The total amount of products is set by form rules executed on value change Fig. 3. The quantity of products is set by (...)
(...) y on the form. Business case A simple invoice processing workflow has been created: Fig. 1. Invoice processing workflow On the “Registration” step enter the invoice details and add the attachment. Then go through the “Register” path to the “Invoice description” step and describe the invoice by entering the invoice data i (...)
(...) henever a key parameter changes, we want to have a mechanism that will archive them in an instance showing the history of changes in the parameters of this project. It involves adding – at each step of each workflow of each process – an action that updates the instance containing the project history – configuring the same action on several step s of the process can be time-consuming b (...)
(...) e the deployment mode? The simple process of reporting expenses has been created. Fig. 1. The Expense report workflow After registration, the request goes to the next step – Manager approval. Each time you go through the “Register” path, a notification about the new task will be sent to the person entered in the “Acceptant” field.   (...)
(...) lly created where data from the process form fields is stored The BPS data source (BPS internal view) must be manually created The dictionary process consists of one workflow with one step – there is no option to add more step s and transition paths You may decide how many step s and workflows the process will have The dictionary process does not support item lists, (...)