(...) action, I added automation and the "Execute for everyone" operator, where I indicated the above-mentioned BPS data source. 4. There is automation in the operator that starts a new cycle (Start a subworkflow ). I have 4 actions here because when I start a new element, I use 4 different paths. This is due to the fact that sometimes I assign a task to one person, and sometimes to two people per company. 5. (...)
(...) Hi all! We would like to add a datasource from REST API. Datasource method is POST, since we have many parameters. We need this datasource in different workflow s and parameters are dependent on values entered in current form (different fields in different workflow s) and also should be fetched from database from another workflow . As I can see there is no way to use current form field values (in (...)
(...) Hi, if we are saving a workflow instance the form validation is ignored. This includes regular expression. In my opinion the regular expression should be checked and if they are not successful, saving should be prevented. Otherwise we will be able to save invalid data, which in turn can lead to issues, if the data is used in other workflow s. In our case the field can be used as the display name of c (...)
(...) Hello, we did “live testing” for one non-critical application in DEV environment. Is it possible to migrate application including the data (workflow instances and dictionary data including their history) to higher environments TEST & PROD?
(...) Hello, I have an itemlist where, upon exiting the step, each data row is sent to a separate instance in another application through a subworkflow action. At the moment I can only enter one attachment per dataset but I want the possibility to send multiple Attachements. I got the hint to use the splittotable-function when multiple attachments are added to the itemlist record. Now my question is h (...)
(...) e n'est pas prise en charge. Nom du paramètre : name cz-cz n'est pas un identificateur de culture valide. à System.Globalization.CultureInfo..ctor(String name, Boolean useUserOverride) à WebCon.workflow .Service.SolrIndexer.Steps.DetermineLanguageStep.c.b__26_3(String x) à System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext() à System.Linq.Buffer`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 source) à System. (...)
(...) Hello everyone, I have a workflow where I generate an attachment. When I create the attachment on my path the next step is that, a OneDrive connection is established in the next step on entry using the "Start editing a file using OneDrive" action. In my workflow , about 200 people are authorized to use it. From what I see now, this action grants each person read and write permissions. Essentially, it wo (...)
(...) I have created a special report for a subdevision, and granted a User for only see the Report. But he does not have the grant to look into the workflow . It ist our internal Ticket system and only the IT Guys shoud get access to the workflow and Ticketdatas Other Subs only should have their own Report to see how many Tickets are in work. And this overview shoud be only visible to the Sub Manager. S (...)
(...) it would be a great option to exclude processes or form types from the search index. Processes I would like to exclude most of the time: - Dictionaries - Document template - Technical / helper workflow s There are even cases, where it would be great if a workflow instance of a specific form type would be excluded. For example when a workflow instance get's "archived", we change the form type, so (...)
(...) elements in the folders, while we could set "Sort alphabetically" for the remaining in the list. Configuration / English layout Main start button (fixed) Active (folder)(fixed) - Start main workflow (fixed) - Main workflow (fixed) - Child workflow (fixed) History (folder)(fixed) - Child workflow (fixed) - Main workflow (fixed) Administration (folder)(fixed) - Dashboard (fixed) - Often (...)
(...) Hi, I have a strange situation. One of our users, who is a business administrator on a workflow , is suddenly getting an error when attempting to view workflow elements. The error displayed is "Execution timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding." This is only happening to this specific user. Where should I even go to look for any (...)
(...) Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg) at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type) at WebCon.workflow .Common.WFLicenceService.Iworkflow LicenceService.Ping() at WebCon.workflow .Common.Licencing.LicenceClientManager.c.b__17_0(workflow LicenceServiceClient client) at WebCon.workflow .Common.Licenc (...)
Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Mateusz Syrek In the WEBCON BPS 2020 version, the attachment preview window has been expanded with the option to switch to the preview of the next or previous attachment from the list of all files attached to instances. There is also the option to download an attachment directly from the preview window. The preview win