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for Automation

(...) How to add list of Attachments from the Form to Word Template? 1. A created word template 2. If filled by Automation process 3. How to add to template DOC the Attachment section ? 4. How to add Comments to template DOC [Bonus] ? I don't see the fields in Word plugin to create template .... 11 - word template 12 - the section from WebCon Form

(...) ls) in a better way. Now I have noticed that I have an "on entry" action in the step actions in some paths (which was previously responsible for sending emails). Where can I find this "on entry" Automation ? The Automation is obviously not available in the step under "on entry" (see screenshot) - I have to delete this Automation , otherwise mails will be sent twice. I also noticed that in all steps wher (...)

(...) Hello, Is there a possibility to implement an Automation mechanism for granting application privileges, such as the "Metadata access", "Access all workflow instances" permissions etc? I have created a Global action - On start (cyclical) that is creating a group and adding a user to that group, but also i have to add that group to Application privileges so they can access the app. How can i do that autom (...)

(...) eInfo) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace() at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.DataHelpers.SDK.SDKPluginsActivator.CreatePluginInstance[T](Int32 pluginID) at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.Automation s.Engine.Evaluators.ActionEvaluator.GetPluginExecutionType(IWFAction wfAction, IWorkFlowObject wfObject, IAuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider) at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.Automation (...)

(...) 's easy to copy Parent attachments - I'm starting parent with `Start a subworkflow` action, which has `Copy attachments to subworkflow` option - this works great. This is the first step I have in my Automation . Unfortunately Category of the attachment is missing. I've been thinking about creating another Automation , which will use `Modify attachment` action, and another `For Each` operator to make it (...)

(...) Hello, I have a question regarding: Global action -> On start (cyclical). If I create an Automation that runs every minute (infinitely) - for example: syncing users from another external database to the local BPS groups. From your experience, do you see any concerns or risks? Are these runs saved to a table in the database? Thanks.

(...) Hi, I'm starting sub-workflow instances from item list. I would like to save sub-workflow instance ID to the related column of item list. I'm using Automation having FOR EACH and Start sub-workflow action. All i can see is the possibility to save subworkflow ID to the form field, not item list columns. Is there a better way than having another action updating item list with the IDs?

(...) SELECT CASE WHEN Count < '4' AND Urgent = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Result FROM wfelements WHERE wfd_id = {WFD_ID} Inside this timeout, there is an Automation that will increase by 1 the value of the Count. And there is the second timeout configured, that will happen when the next condition is true: SELECT CASE WHEN Count = '4' (...)

(...) hould ring a bell :) I have two possible solutions in my head right now, but maybe other members will have some more. 1. Possibility to select specific attribute / step / path / business rule / Automation / basically any configurable object, and export it as .bpe file. I'm imagining it under right mouse button menu -> Export as Hotfix. 1a. As an extension, maybe a possibility to check multiple object (...)

(...) ee ... maybe if use bold for variables / names - then OK, could stay but still is not perfect. other word - simplify and clear view - remove "noise" 7. If I see "Use" .. I would like to jump to Automation by duble clicking or context menu ... now I need scroll down, open tree ... find te Automation click the Definition and then I see what I would like by doble click ...

(...) Hello, I have a global cyclical action that does some things. And in "Error handling" section i've got an Automation that sends a customized email It was working fine in 2022, stopped working after upgrading it to the newest 2023 version. Currently it is impossible to do such scenario. I've also tried invoking a REST API but it also fails. Those Automation put somewhere else (not in cyclical actions) (...)

(...) I would like to start Flow and save it on start .. why? 1. I have got drop down list - pick signature from other flow then: a) filing the form b) invoke menu button (Automation ) to load item list ... but it works only if menu button is (to have it I need save flow - set Signature ) then it works but with out save and set signature menu button is invisible and can't access :/ if I start flow fr (...)

(...) 9" [] "during saga execution: Failed with an unknown exception". See the attachment for a picture of that. How I tried to realise this scenario: On the only path from the Start button i have an Automation that starts a subworkflow and then saves the subworkflow ID to a technical field. (Or at least I think that it should do that, see attachments). Then in the mainform Workflow I have a step that is w (...)

(...) em.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() bei System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) bei WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.Automation s.Engine.Evaluators.ActionEvaluator.d__23.MoveNext()

(...) ello, I have STEP A and STEP B both going into STEP C. In STEP C I have made a path called BACK where I've put as destination step "Back to previous step", but now I'm wondering if I can set up an Automation with actions that will act differently depending on where it goes next, STEP A or B. Is there any way to do this? Thank you!

(...) d, Process, ACT_Name, ACT_ID, ACT_Description, Type, AUTM_Name, ACT_AUTMID, ACT_Configuration from ( SELECT [ACT_ID] ,[ACT_Name] ,[ACT_Configuration] ,[ACT_Description] , Automation Process.DEF_ID ProcessId , Automation Process.DEF_Name Process , 'Automation action' as Type ,[ACT_AUTMID] , AUTM_Name , DEF_APPID FROM [dbo].[WFActions] join Automati (...)

(...) rameters. Sometimes we need to send a specific value, for example: a value from an item list or a calculated value, and it is easier and more efficient to save the value in local parameters from an Automation rather than saving the value in a physical field. (Usually, these values are needed temporarily and it is not necessary to save them in a field). Another example : When we create a sdk type business (...)

(...) orm, then children forms, and edits field on parent form which is used to validate children forms - validation rule passes even when it shouldn't. From what I've read here* it seems that 'On path' Automation s are executed before form values are saved into the database. So I'm executing that [Validate] path before data is updated with new value. I can't really move it to 'On entry' of next step, because (...)

(...) er receive to many and want to receive only a summary on a scheduled interval. While we can and have implement a configuration for an application on process level this is still limited and makes the Automation s less readable while the option to send a mail with a task can not bused at all. My suggestion would be to provide an plugin/extension for the existing "send mail actions". Provided options of t (...)

(...) ] with out "e.DET_WFDID ={WFD_WFDID}" webcon design studio ... is close to crash ... any way ... if i do: "e.DET_WFDID = 'parent id' i have what i wont (just for check). on path if I put that Automation - it semi work ... is filled columns but whatever is set as "attachment" always returns "attachment was removed" another issue is doubling records ... (probably to many joins ... )