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(...) ed with additional functions:   Fig. 1. The employee's card workflow   The first step is to submit a request for adding a new employee’s card – a person can aCC ept or reject it. The active card can be deactivated and directed to the anonymization (delete all employee’s data) or reactivated. 2. Vendor’s card – the workflow may look s (...)

(...) ess/global level).   Business case description The simple workflow of the vacation requests registration has been created – let’s focus on two first steps: Registration and ACC eptance.   Fig. 1. The workflow of the vacation requests registration   The exemplary business entity has not yet developed a clear organizational structure, so at the regist (...)

(...) ake a look at some of them.   Fig. 6. Integration key   The integration key is used in every action that calls Autenti REST API so it is the best to save them in a safe but aCC essible place – e.g. in the process constants. For more information about storing data in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio see: Global constants and rules. In the next section let’s conf (...)

(...) ues of the color components can also be entered manually in the fields on the right.   Presentation of the changes on Portal After selecting the color and saving the changes, the color aCC ents on the form will change:   Fig. 7. The form view with a lime-green color set

(...)   Basic requirements Implementation of the electronic signatures by using AdobeSign requires: WEBCON BPS 2020 or higher Uploading the plugin Integration key to the AdobeSign aCC ount along with the ability to use API interfaces   First scenario A user prepares the document to be signed and then adds a list of people who should approve it.   Fig. (...)

(...) rticle describes the process of signing documents by using DocuSign software. The plugin can be installed in any WEBCON BPS installation that uses version 2020 or higher. You must have the DocuSign aCC ount (with the ability of using API) and an integration key generated.   Signing a document – an example of use In the contract approval workflow, a user registers a document to be (...)

(...) //howto.webcon.com/assigning-tasks-to-bps-groups/   The next step is to create an example workflow used to submit a request for adding/deleting a BPS user. This request is directed to the aCC epting person who can aCC ept or reject them. The “Add/Delete a single user to BPS groups” is performed on the “ACC ept” path going from the ACC eptance” step to the &ldquo (...)

(...) Applies to version 2020.1.x, author: Dawid Golonka   Keyboard shortcuts are a tool that can greatly enhance your working experience. WEBCON BPS Designer Studio gives you the ability to aCC ess some functions by using the keys. This article describes what combinations are available, where they can be used and what they are responsible for.   Keyboard shortcuts available in ent (...)

(...) process – a process in which an employee has the ability to submit a request for the purchase of items for them. The employee, after filling out data sends a request to the person who can aCC ept or reject them.   Fig. 3. The Purchasing workflow   The process is in the “Apps” application.   Fig. 4. The location of the Purchase process (...)

(...) hest level of privileges. A user can work in full WEBCON BPS Designer Studio mode and modify all system elements. They see and can modify all applications form the Designer Studio level. There is no aCC ess to data. Business administrators – they have aCC ess to edit, add and delete instances. They also have aCC ess to all parts of the process (e.g. archive). Business administrators do not (...)

(...) nt processing, it is important to check the correctness of the entered data – mostly to make sure that an incorrect value doesn’t cause issues further down the workflow. WEBCON BPS gives aCC ess to multiple avenues of form validation: RegEx, ‘Validate form’ action, and the one we will be taking a closer look at– setting up a form rule on the path. This article describes (...)

(...) e side of the WEBCON license management center. You need to send them by e-mail at activation@webcon.com. Without this step the deactivation will not be possible.     After suCC essful deactivation, you will receive the ‘Deactivation complete’ message and proceed to the ‘Deactivation completed’ second step.     Activation of the (...)

(...) processes using workflow class systems. WEBCON BPS Portal gives you many tools for handling digital process automation. One of them is generating certificates for employees who suCC essfully ended a given training course. This article describes how to create and program such a process and how to generate a certificate and send it by e-mail.   Description The proc (...)

(...) lows their configration Searching instances by 2D/barcodes (iOS) If the application uses the 2D code scanners or you have generated printouts containing such elements – you can quickly aCC ess such a document. After pressing the button, a device camera will start, after pointing the camera to the code, the system will recognize it and automatically redirect to the instance associated wi (...)

(...) rm field   The “List of unpaid invoices” data table differs from that of the invoice process only by an additional filter. Only documents after the payment date are taken into aCC ount, where the payment field is empty.   Fig. 7. The filter in the data row form field   Knowing of which companies are in arrears with payments, you can add these companies (...)

(...) in the language in which the application is presented. When the e-mail notification is sent to more than one person (including DW recipients), the e-mail will be sent separately to all BPS users aCC ording to the language selected by them. For example – a notification should be sent to three recipients. Two of them use the English interface, and one uses the Polish interface – so the (...)

(...) ating the team based on a newly created group, wait about 15 minutes after creating them because there may be delays due to data replication. Otherwise, you may receive a 404 error. We can easily aCC ount for the required delay in WEBCON BPS by using the “On timeout” trigger for our action.     The timeout will execute the action creating the team three times. Ea (...)

(...) to display the preview of the generated file in the browser window. If you select the “Save as an attachment” option, the file will be attached to the document and their name determined aCC ording to the settings in the “File name” field.   In addition, there is the ability of assigning the overwritten attachment to the specified category.    

(...) ooltips are great tools that can help users orient themselves on the form. By providing additional tidbits of information to your end users you can help them navigate tricky forms, and also get them aCC ustomed to new processes they haven’t used before. Although the above examples may seem obvious, experience shows that users are prone to making mistakes, and will often misinterpret the purp (...)

(...)     Introduction WEBCON BPS allows you to send customized e-mails to users. E-mail messages are currently an important method of communication, and the use of electronic mail aCC ompanies us both at work and in private contacts. Very often it facilitates problem solving and speeds up decision making. There are several actions in WEBCON BPS used to send e-mail notifications: (...)