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for rest

(...) Hello, I have an external API: GET https://domain.com/api/employee/GetAll I have created a process using rest API that get token, then get Employee. (START - FINISH) GetAll - Retrieve the employees list. The HTTP verb for this method is GET. When i run the process manually, it works. I have created a global cyclical action that starts my workflow (every day run), but it doesn't work: Respo (...)

(...) I need to change 2 values with rest , I use'd API v3 and PATCH method. This values is in another workflow. JSON [ { "data": { "guid": "3567e810-6f44-41e5-9ac3-794d6e055db1", "value": "2024-05-27T14:02:26" }, "wynik": { "guid": "56e078eb-dc11-4960-a662-3974f0f837da", "value": "Ryzyko niskie" } } ] In other workflow history I have only i (...)

(...) Hi, I am currently working on some tool management workflow in WEBCON and I have a problem. I have an items list with rest API as data source where user can pick and book tools for some time period. Time period property is not included in rest API so I'm using form fields for booking dates. Then I need to filter the items list using tools from rest API and dates from WEBCON database to exclude unavail (...)

(...) ello, I am trying to update some form fields and columns in an item list after some actions. On my path i have configured a FOR EACH on my item list which is creating/composing JSON payload for my rest . (rows) However, I am encountering an InternalServerError (500) when attempting to save this data using rest service on path for my current instance. PATCH: api/data/v5.0/db/#{DBID}#/elements/#{W (...)

(...) Dear Community, I'm trying to connect with rest API to SAP API. According to SAP API documentation this should look like this: POST https://localhost:50000/b1s/v1/Login { "CompanyDB": "SBODEMOUS", "Password": "1234", "UserName": "manager" } In response I receive receive 2 HTTP Cookie items (B1SESSION and ROUTEID) that I have to submit with every rest API call to SAP API. (...)

(...) fication that does not contain this data.   Fig. 10. The e-mail notification   Summary E-mail notifications are an integral part of WEBCON BPS. The system offers many interest ing solutions related to them – e.g. the ability of changing the shipping address and hiding the selected form fields in the e-mail. Thanks to them, sent notifications to become even more practi (...)

(...) instance where the item list is located DET_WFCONID – defines the item list ID (in one form type they can be several item lists – DET_WFCONID allows you to select the interest ing one)   More information: WFElementDetails table description (webcon.com). When a new task is created, the system checks if there is an employee to whom the task can be assigne (...)

(...) ignature is covered by the Autenti certificate that provides: Document authenticity – the document has been created and signed on the Autenti platform Document integrity – all interest ed people have signed the same document The Autenti certificate also contains information about the entire process – who signed the document, when, and how the identify of the signed person (...)

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Miłosz Różycki   Introduction In WEBCON BPS version 2020, the support for digital signatures has been enhanced by preparing plugins (SDK – Software development kit) that enable digital signing of documents. Four plugins have been prepared that allow for integration with external digital signature providers: Ad

(...) them we can manage the following properties: The first field allows you to select if the group name will be displayed above them or not. In the second case the group will be separated from the rest of the form fields by using a horizontal solid line. Fig. 1. Configuration of the group view   When the user decides to set a name as visible, the “Group header height&rd (...)

(...) o form page takes us to the full form Pin/Unpin will cause the form/report/application page to rescale and fit the preview into one layer – the preview will no longer hover on top of the rest of the application, and will instead be fitted into its surroundings As mentioned above, by clicking on the report rows, an instance preview will open by default. The report configuration does n (...)

(...) ng a team is divided into two stages: Creating the Office 365 group Creating the team based on the group To connect WEBCON BPS with Microsoft Graph, create a data source connection for a rest Web Service. Such a configuration was described in this article -> Integration with AAD using rest invoke method and Microsoft Graph (webcon.com) An example process for managing projects c (...)

(...) ;advanced column formatting in the SharePoint library. How to download an attachment from a SharePoint library and insert it in a BPS workflow.    Read this article if you are interest ed in SharePoint workflows made easy by using WEBCON BPS.   Preparing the document library view Additional columns have been added to the standard view of the document library: (...)

(...) oaded. You will get a list of fields that can be placed on the template. Adding the fields to the template can be realized in two ways: By placing the cursor on the document in the place of interest to us and double-clicking on the field name from the list By dragging the field from the list to the appropriate place on the document (the drag© method)     Barcodes (...)

(...) e form field configuration and then click the icon located to the right of the “Description” field. A new window will open, here you can fill in the tooltips for the languages you are interest ed in.   Fig. 9. Adding the tooltip translation   As the language on the Portal is set to Polish, the tooltip in the given form field should be displayed in Polish.   (...)

(...) structure. For greater readability, it is worth applying filters, then you can compare quickly selected employees. To do this, click the icon indicated below and select the employees we are interest ed in from the window that pops up: Fig. 7. The vacation schedule.   After selecting, click the “Apply” option. Fig. 8 Filtering the employees   On the (...)

(...) button opening Portal Until now, the generated solution template has changed only in one serve.json file and confirmed the initial configuration in the SharePoint Online environment. The rest of the article describes how to change the configuration of commands.     To make changes to the names displayed in the menu, modify the StartBpsCommandSet.manifest.json&n (...)

(...) orm and performance reduction. Especially if the item list has many rows and the data table calls up a complicated query. The group of form fields and panels with tabs do not have to affect the on rest rictions of form fields. The operation mode choice field sub-type does not affect the limit.   Summary There are many techniques and abilities to minimize the number of form fields in (...)

(...) lt value is set regardless of whether the form field is editable or read-only) After changing the form field value, if the form field was properly configured (more on this later)   The rest of the article also describes how to set the default value by using the form fields and picker fields.   Refreshing the default values There are cases when the default value of the (...)

(...) y from red to green.     On the report below, you see that the numbers from the range of 0-100 are in red with maximum saturation, and from the range of 900-1000 are green, the rest values have a shade of color with a proportionally distributed shade.       C. Conditions The Conditions mode using conditional instructions and the operat (...)