(...) worth to some have naming convention for them. It is also crucial to know which are used within the specific Application. We can dig into the BPS Studio and check Application, Process, Worfklow, DoCU ment Types permissions. We can check actions, business rules, etc. We can try to do it better via SQL or/and WebCon BPS Application. It is well described here: https://community.webcon.com/posts/pos (...)
(...) Hello, it would be nice to have in donut and pie charts "category" label in popup that matches the legend (beside series name). With a large number of categories, it is diffiCU lt to distinguish colors on chart and popup contains only series name. The label was displayed in the 2021 versions and is still displayed in bar chart. Please consider adding it.
(...) Hi everyone, I've been working on a "to do" app and I thought that a calendar report view showing the tasks to be dane with their date would be perfect. In the calCU lated columns of my standard table report I have a calCU lated column with a red square for an overdue task and green for all the "to be done n the future" ones. Works great. I created the same for the calendar report and there is a prob (...)
(...) I have request from business to create report that will be showing all instances , which CU rrent logged user had task to do in the past. Some user can have more than one task in workflow. Is it possible to prepare such report and in SQL filter make a join statement similiar to this: SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY [WFD_ID] ORDER BY WFD_ID DESC) rn FROM [BPS_Confi (...)
(...) Changing the RestAPI mode to "admin" should allow you to update fields, including readonly. The doCU mentation however mentions the requirement of "admin permissions" How to add requires admin permissions?. Below are excerpts from the RestAPI doCU mentation mode -Enum: "standard" "ignoreReadonly" "admin" Optional mode parameter that specifies validation behavior. When empty or standard, all fi (...)
(...) Hello! I think it would be a really good idea to be able to copy projects within Designer Desk. CU rrently, after exporting a project to Designer Studio, we lose all the work that could be used in the future.
(...) Hello everyone In a process I run a cyclic action in the Global Actions. This action contains a "Start a subworkflow (SQL)". When the subworkflow action is exeCU ted I just get the message 'Incorrect syntax near '}'.' in the *Last error* field. As seen on the screenshot There is no '}' in the SQL query of the subworkflow action... So now I am facing the mystery where exactly this error ocCU rs (...)
(...) Is it possible to create CU stom email that sends the information to the autor with the link to the element when user clicks on the path? If yes how so
(...) the percentage type, also displayed negative percentages when selected. This would be highly beneficial for various processes, especially when we want to track project progress or profitability. CU rrently, if we have negative percentages, it shows as 0. I believe negative percentages could be highlighted with a different color. Thanks, Raluca
(...) tive Directory environment it would be great to add an option to the people field which would configure it, whether external /guest users are selectable at all. Default value should be false. A CU stomer worked around this by limiting the selection to a BPS group and adding AAD Groups as members of the group. No external user was a member of the AAD group. Technically this worked fine, but it (...)
(...) reate an item list with all active workflow instance - Fetch the data from the ERP system for each row - Compare the old against the new data - Trigger an update if something changed Problem: ExeCU ting xxxx REST Requests in a "for each" loop in an item list will probably exceed the timeout of path transition. There's no option to filter the item list in the "for each" loop. Using a "any colle (...)
(...) Hello :) I have an issue with attachments. I added new .xlsx file into attachment form field - this was empty file with picture inside. Now when I am trying to open it in preview panel picture is CU t like below. Does anybody have an idea what can be a reason? Thanks a lot for help
(...) as caused by form rules which used G_ variables which were no longer available, the view/desktop endpoint hadn't send a response yet but a JavaScript form rule from the previous instance was still exeCU ting. While coping with this I noticed that the response are quite big (1). About 50% of the 418 kb is the value of the jsToRegister property. Maybe we can do something about his our selves by pro (...)
(...) ML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/116.0.1938.62", "events": [ { "id": 11030, "userTime": "2023-08-31T05:51:09.457", "category": 0, "exeCU tionTime": 8, "dbId": null, "appId": null, "data": "{\"Url\":\"/api/substitutions/new/forOther\",\"Duration\":2,\"StartDateTime\":\"2023-08-31T07:51:27.313263+00:00\",\"Deta (...)
(...) Hello all, I'm trying to set up a button to start another workflow but I want to pass the CU rrent instance ID so I can relate the two instances. I'm using the info from Webcon but I don't know how to pass the ID: Legal Request Process Using this, I'm basically writing WFD_ID in the destination field. Does anyone know how to get this working= Thank you
(...) emp\Deployment\A3Y823NQ.KMT\9J59YY7H.WXE\sk" appears when loading the plugin. \Webcon.Workflow.Outlook2010.resource.dll" (I'm attaching a screenshot). Massive deployment from sccm . Command line : ExeCU te-MSI -Action Install -Path "v100.msi" -Transform "v100.mst" -Parameters "WorkFlowUrl=`"$envProgramData\Webcon2\WebCon.WorkFlow.Outlook.vsto`" /qn" What could be the issue?
(...) Hi, Following a seCU rity audit, we are compelled to set the CLR Assembly Permission Sets to SAFE_ACCESS in SQL SERVER. I'm not an expert in SQL. What impact does this setting have on Webcon? Thanks, Raluca
(...) ized version would be used by default whenever a form rule is send to the client in a HTTP response. When a query parameter like 'minimized=0' is added, the "full" version would be used instead. CU rrently the a JavaScript form rule will be bloated because line breaks are transferred as \r\n. Depending on the number of line breaks and form rules you are using, this sums up. Best regards, Dan (...)
(...) Hello, I try to render values from a rich text editor (multiple lines of text; Mode: Rich) as a column of a table on a Word-DoCU ment. But after the Wordfile generation the formatting is lost. In the database the value is stored as: X2OTestBla Is it possible to generate the Wordfile with the given formatting? Thanks in advance. 1st Image: Value in the Rich-Text-Editor 2nd Image: (...)
(...) Hello, do you know if it's possible to expand the email message preview area on the form (file .eml)? CU rrently, the email message in the preview is CU t off. You can see it in the footer.