(...) n of "Approve" path of the previous step. It's all fine for now. (ex. if (checkbox1) -> create Task1 etc.) The problem is, before moving to the next step all of those tasks should be completed. InsteAD , it goes through when only one task is completed. There's an option in the parameters "Wait for required tasks to be completed" which selected on the next step should resolve my problem, but some (...)
(...) Hi everyone, Is there a way to AD d attachments to dictionary process type entries? I only need one attachment per entry and if this will not be possible, I will have to redesign the process to the standard version.
(...) Hi everyone, I would be glAD if the following changes would be implemented: 1. AD ding the new Input placeholder 2. In case of data tables the display name should be used insteAD of the column name. This is especially a problem if the data source is a BPS internal view. WFD_AttChoose1 isn't really helpful for translating. :) 3. There's a slight labeling issue. The PathAndTasks sheet doesn't contain (...)
(...) on, it's not possible to save the ID of the instance created. This is only allowed doing other type of actions and most of the times returning Concurrency Errors in the system. This is allowed alreAD y in the Subworkflow normal version.
(...) Hello. Is there a way to use a stored procedure as datasource insteAD of a view or table or Select statement? I use at the moment a query on two tables (UNION) which has an inner join on another table. The speed is not really breathtaking, thus I wanted to use a stored procedure where I can perform all the timetaking steps alreAD y on the SQL server. Regards Klaus
(...) shboard for my latest application, i am wondering wether it is possible to use the REPORT TILE logic in HTML, so i could optimize the free space usage (eg. a two column table for 2 report tiles insteAD of two seperate report tiles). Does anyone of you managed this alreAD y? Thanks for your help in AD vance, Bjoern Poller
(...) Hi, I need to AD d to SharePoint Online processes prepared in Classic Sharepoint view, but I can't find such an instalation. I can install only WEBCON BPS Modern Webparts. How can I AD d to Sharepoint sites Classic Sharepoint view? Is there any way to do this? Thanks in AD vance for your help. Grzegorz
(...) Hi, we just did the upgrAD e from 2021.1.3.434 to 2021.1.4.55: One of the changes also concerns the look of the portal elements. Because we like to use longer application names, we now have a little problem with the limitation of space as you can see in the attached picture. Maybe in upcoming versions it is possible to rethink this change. Thanks in AD vance, Bjoern Poller
(...) Hi, we just did the upgrAD e from 2021.1.3.434 to 2021.1.4.55: One of the changes also concerns the look of the start buttons on dashboards. Because we like to use longer names, we now have a little problem with the limitation of space as you can see in the attached picture. Maybe in upcoming versions it is possible to rethink this change. Thanks in AD vance, Bjoern Poller
(...) g function "Attachments Count" does not work properly any longer on the intital step of a workflow as long there is no Instance ID. For Example I would like to validate if there is an attachment uploAD ed or not (see picture). If I do a path on the step itself --> Instance ID --> the rule works fine!!! I think it is a bug. Thanks a lot
(...) g function "Attachments Count" does not work properly any longer on the intital step of a workflow as long there is no Instance ID. For Example I would like to validate if there is an attachment uploAD ed or not (see picture). If I do a path on the step itself --> Instance ID --> the rule works fine!!! I think it is a bug. Thanks a lot
(...) Hello everyone! I have such a case: There is a process, where new element is being AD ded on the first day of the month and giving it signature containing next continuous number. Someone accidenly deleted the last one and the created new one. Nowe we have documents 1,2,3,4 and 6. Is there a way to change the signature of 6 to 5? I can delete the number 6 but what will reset the numbering so that the (...)
(...) Hi, Do you know any trick, how to change the label of the company selection control on the form, from "Company" (Wybór spółki) to f.in. "Organizational unit"? Thanks in AD vance. J.
(...) teps, they should NOT have rights to edit the step, ONLY to edit this one multiline text field. And any other group should NOT have the right to edit this field. Only for internal user groups. I alreAD y tried in the editability tab to make this field editable, but this did not work. (attached image). Does anyone have a solution? Thanks in AD vance :)
(...) be attached. There are a few things that dont make much sense to me in this scenario, though. 1.) All the attachments from the item list also show up in the attachments section, as soon as they are AD ded. This is not much of a problem, but I'd prefer if the only place these are visible is in the item list, because showing the same document in 2 different places will without a doubt confuse everyon (...)
(...) it on 'value' when I pick 'subtype' from dropdown. I am using the target field option, because 'subtype' is a picker. Everything works fine until I delete some element from the list and then i try to AD d new one. The value from the new chosen 'subtype' isnt placed in the correct row, but, for example, two rows upper (I didn't recognize there were any rule, sometimes its 2 rows upper, sometime its 5 (...)
(...) Hello all, Hope everyone is doing great! I would like to ask if any of you alreAD y configured substitutions on Webcon? I'm following the article https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/substitutions-in-webcon-bps-configuration/228 but there 's a part on image 6 that is not showing anywhere in my Webcon version. I'm only able to set up the configuration as figure 7 but not even able to selec (...)
(...) ings as the buttons alone, don't serve for anything at all. And the user might not know HTML code to understand what actually needs to be erased from the template, this should be user-friendly and AD apted for all types of knowledge.
(...) optimizing our older dashboard layouts. We have a few applications, which have many start buttons. So i was wondering, if, maybe, in further coming WEBCON versions there could be the possibility to AD d 2 more "section layouts" like i posted in the picture. Mostly the usefull one would be: half side left, and two small columns in the right half. With this layout options designing dashboards and gr (...)
(...) .1.4.55). Is it possible to import an older version package to a newer Webcon installation? If the answer is No (what we suppose), is there a workaround to import this package without having to upgrAD e the current server to the version of the target system? Thanks a lot in AD vance & best regards, Nik