(...) Hi there, does anybody know why this error occurs? Happens the following way: - Business rule retrieves datasource column (from [CacheOrganizationStructure]) COS_AD _name by means of a form field value (see 1.png) - Rule works fine if clicked on 'Test' button - This business rule is used in the cyclical action 'Update related workflow instance' with the goal to update a workflow's form val (...)
(...) n I use any type of choice field and in the picker tick "Show link to this item" it still does not show the item with the link (as it does in standard attributes). It doesn't matter if the field is reAD -only or writable - always no link. I suppose the solution could be a separate hyperlink column calculated based on the ID in the choice field, but I have 4 such columns, so there would have to be 8 t (...)
(...) to populate several other fields in the list. Among the populated fields are "Przypisane komórki (BPS)", "Przypisane garaże (BPS)", "Przypisane miejsca postojowe (BPS)" - these are choice fields in reAD only control mode (technical fields actually). There are rules triggered on change value of each of them to create hyperlinks in attributes of the same name (without "(BPS)" suffix). All of it in det (...)
(...) Hey everyone! Does anyone know it is possible to integrate Webcon with Zimbra insteAD of Exchange? I'm particularly interested in the HotMailBox functionality - starting workflows when a new email arrives in a selected mailbox.
(...) cation from a SharePoint Full-Trust to a standalone nor between systems with different installed major versions (2020 to 2022). Does anyone have any experience with this matter or can give me some AD vice? Best Regards Tim
(...) matic e-mail notification will contain a link to that task, but if person is in CC in the task, then the automatic e-mail notification won't contain a link to that task. Is there any posibility do AD d link to the task in automatic e-mail notification even if person is only in CC to that task?
(...) n setting multi tenant authentication for webcon? Until now we were using one tenant but would like to extend this to another one or two. I found multi tenant option in designer studio but with no AD ditional options to configure it. How should we set the other tenant? is there a further configuration required on webcon end?
(...) Hello, I'm continuing my development of a form containing item list. The case is as follows: I AD d an item to the item list and after it is AD ded (upon ending the edition in one item edit mode) I want to automatically AD d an item that is dependant (dependancy is held in one of the items list fields of the idem being AD ded). However if edition is canceled nothing should happen. So, what approach (...)
(...) I would like to build a solution for incoming correspondence registration. Registering an envelope (which has its own barcode) and some fields, I would like to AD d some other barcodes in the Item Lists field and I would like a subworkflow (documents in an envelope) to be created for each of the lines. I can create a subworkflow, but I don't know how to loop through the Item Lists. Do you have idea (...)
(...) verything when still demo. Everything worked. Now I activated free license and on each form I gave a message that: No license for WorkFlow Fronton in version 2022.1. To gain access, please re-downloAD license or contact WEBCON directly. Can't edit anything on any form.
(...) (parent) - Folder B (parent) - Folder B1 (child) - Folder B2 (child) - Folder C (parent) - etc... What I would like to do is use this item list to create the folders in a SharePoint library. AD ditionally I'd also like to store their IDs and parent IDs in the item list so I can later use them to retrieve or store AD ditional documents in these folders. I can't figure out if something like (...)
(...) Hello everyone I have question about Suggested report - when there is many threAD s and many values in categories not every value in each category is shown. Only firest 10 most common values are shown. I need to use filters to received less common data. For example - I know that Tomasz is author of some threats, but he is not visible in category "Author" becuase amount of this threats is les (...)
(...) Is there a option to insert values do database (my own table) by the button AD ded in html form? My idea is like a picture I AD dend, but when I click on the button I get error Message=Error occured during rule SQL Dodaj powiązanie (Id: 136) evaluation. Source=WebCon.WorkFlow.Base StackTrace= at: Evaluation requested at: Evaluation node: Rule at: Evaluation node: SQL InnerException: Mes (...)
(...) Hi everyone, did anyone came across the use case where an iPAD should be shared among multiple users? Each user has his own (Azure AD ) account which he should use for logging in. The problem is that it seems to be impossible to really sign out from the app (website). The same users will be logged in regardless which "log out" action I use. I also deleted the website data from within Safari, bu (...)
(...) Hi everyone, with the AD vent of BPS 2022 during the save/path transition of an workflow instance it will be checked, whether the latest version of a process matches the version whit which the instance has been retrieved. If you save the process in Designer Studio it will get a new version and you have to reloAD the page. You can no longer execute paths or even save the workflow instance. While (...)
(...) h sales location in a custom action, and if how? We thought about executing an update sql statement on workflow containing sales locations incrementing a certain number field. Btw. this should be threAD safe ;-) 2.) InsteAD of putting this reservation actions (custom action + SOAP action) in each path, we thought about having this as a global action (Upon instance saving). Is this possible and wi (...)
(...) Hello webcon Community, currently I'm working on a process design which includes the automatic report generation from webcon as a PDF file. AD ditionally the process does always comes with an user-attached PDF file. My goal now is to merge/combine both files together into one final PDF for storage. Searching online i only found this source related to my problem: https://community.webcon.co (...)
(...) Hi, I AD d new connection (MSSQL database) - test it with success. Next I AD d new data source with some SQL query which returns some data when I test it. If I save that connection Webcon shows the error: "Failed to retrive column from data source XXX. No connection settings." If I want to test that data source in choice form field I've returned: Nieznany błąd: The ConnectionString property (...)
(...) Hi Guys, Has Webcon any function or script to extract the [Comments] field in the "human eAD ible" way? Lets say DATE | AUTHOR | COMMENT TEXT. Selecting from WFD_Description for particular ID gives me output like below. It is becoming more complicated if I have two or more comments, divided by ','. SELECT WFD_ID ,WFD_Description FROM [BPS_Content].[dbo].[WFElements] where wfd_id=xxxxx o (...)
(...) to go to bottom of the item list and scroll to the right and do some action. After the action complets we do the same thing like go to bottom of the page scroll to right and do some action.. InsteAD if we have the actions in begining of the itemlist will be good feature or please guide me how to achieve this.