(...) Hi folks, today I have a special problem and hopefully somebody of you alreAD y has a solution. I am working on an internal Knowledge-Database. One given requirement is: In case of an update, the old entry has to be archived and a new entry with all previous information should be created to be edited. So far no problem - except for the attachments. I dont want the old attachment files to (...)
(...) Hi, I have an issue with a web part grouping the same title twice. For example, I have 10 items with the title A. InsteAD of all items being grouped in one group, I have a group titled "A" with 7 of the items and another group also titled "A" with the remaining 3 items. Does anyone have an ideAD what I should try/check? Thanks
(...) doing that with the “Move workflow (SQL)” action. The query I used can be found in the Attachments. The table I get also looks fine, but I still get the Error "Incorrect column PATH_ID format". I alreAD y checked all of the IDs, they should all be fine. I used the following threAD as a reference: https://alterpaths.com/wait-for-sub-workflows-step-AD vanced-configuration/ Does anyone have a clue wh (...)
(...) Hi, As for now you have 3 options in Item List: AD d rows, update rows, and replace rows. But there is no option to delete row. It would be really handy especially if there are some flaws in process and some rows on item list that shouldn't be there. Now if you want to delete them by action you have to use Replace Values option with SQL Query that returns only rows, that you want to leave in the for (...)
(...) Hi everyone, I just hAD the need to get multiple rows of data without having access the the SQL database. I didn't want to create a field for this one time use case. Unfortunately the 'Test' result window of the expression editor, didn't have the option to copy the result. Luckily I thought of the AD ministration Tools\Search Logs. As you can see in the attached picture, I was able to execute an (...)
(...) rsions are being created 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc. After they will do their job, and i'll receive the document back in version 7 i want to be able to see all changes between version 1 and 7 (x, y). InsteAD of displaying incremental list of changes between, just show two columns with two chosen by user versions. I see it very usefull for huge forms, where tracking all the changes in each step takes m (...)
(...) to create new elements from external app. It works fine in application context but I do not find a suitable guide on how to do this in user context. Do I have to enter the username and user e-mail-AD dress in the mask as I assume? What is the "Authorized Redirect URIs" good for and where do I get this from? And: What is the main purpose of this setup insteAD of an application context? Can (...)
(...) n variables which are VERY useful, but is there a possibility to create a variable ( maybe through JS formrule or something along this line ) which is usable in a whole workflow or step. Thanks in AD vance :)
(...) Hi. I have a Dev environment and i try to export my apps but I have a problem. When I click export an app, I receive error. This error I uploAD with attachment. Why I have a problem with export ?
(...) lem with privilages. I have the choice field which is sourcing by BPS Internal view. One of user don't see the data in this field (she see field but data source is empty for her). I checked alreAD y if there is some space sign or any other which limited the search result. She has privilages to application, form, on choice field there is no limit. I've seen everything because I have an AD min p (...)
(...) ve a drop down for the answers but since this doesn't have an option to define target fields. I moved to the autocomplete alternative. This in turn has the drawback that the it takes 2-3 seconds to loAD the answers. Using the same data source and filters for the drop down choice field doesn't have any loAD ing time. So the answers are alreAD y available. I need to combine the best of both worlds (...)
(...) an HTML attribute. The QR code is created from the value of the text attribute. I want to insert this QR code into the attachment created from the document process. HTML created in this way cannot be AD ded to an attachment. I AD ded an image type attribute, I can drag from HTML to image, but I would like to automate this. Is it possible?
(...) Hi Everybody I hope you can AD vise me about processing documents by Solr, it does it extremely slowly in the queue, it takes about 1-3 seconds per document without attachment. I have about 300-500 thousand documents to modify, recently when I filled the queue with 80 thousand, it was unloAD ed for 4 days: / My configuration: Webcon 2020.1.3.434 Solr (version 8.3.0) info from dashboard: (...)
(...) ial, but it isn't, especially in a SaaS system, where 'Run an SQL procedure' is missing. Another approach for us was to use 'Update related workflow instance' action, but this approach obviously leAD s to nowhere (maybe this is a bug or document context is missing here). We tried this in a minimal example, just using current instance id as value in action (see screenshot attached). This leAD (...)
(...) I mAD e the recent upgrAD e to Version: 2022.1.2.31 and I have noticed I can no longer limit the choice tree node selection to the last leaf I have rechecked that the option 'Allow also choosing intermediate nodes' is unselected on the choice tree configuration options Checked older workflows and they are also now not limited to the last node. As this breaks a relational dependency its something (...)
(...) Hi, Is there any way to freeze data in 'data table' field type? My case is following: The 'data field' form field downloAD s data from Oracle database. The data in Oracle database changes every hour. An user completes a form on T day, so the data in the 'data table' form field is refreshed. Then (after a few days) his manager opens the form to accept it. The manager should see the data in 'd (...)
(...) Hello, Could somebody AD vise on following matter? We have a workflow that has been working for a year alreAD y, and today our users keep getting following message while trying to save a new document: One or more errors occurred. Failure on execution of procedure pCreateSignature with parameters: HOME_OFF/2022/05/01899, 20225#1#22, 1899 Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapse (...)
(...) Hello! I've come accross a problem with installation of Outlook plugin (the full version of Outlook, the application, not the O365 lite one). Tried to do this in Internet Explorer, run as AD min, with no luck. There is an error message saying the certificate used to sign the manifest or its' localisation is are not trusted. At the bottom of the error message there is a sentence saying the zone is in (...)
(...) 20, (only after saving the instance) it cuts all the others out which were selected.... Is there a way around this problem? I have to use the popup search window, because changing it now, would leAD to dataloss of all alreAD y created instances. Best regards Fabian
(...) -------------------------------------- Error details in logs, Guid: 18c4c6c0-194b-4000-a544-2254a55ec11e .. at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.PortalService.PortalService.GetPluginConfigurationMetAD ata(Int32 pluginId) Best regards, Daniel