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(...) ed in this way looks like this:   Fig. 24. The final result of the configured dashboard on SharePoint   Summary The first dashboard contains the image with the WEBCON BPS log o, start button, task counter, report containing the active user’s settlements, report tile containing the sum of the user’s active settlements, text, and embedded element – the numb (...)

(...) Then, complete the configuration fields:   Active in Designer Studio” and “Active in BPS Portal” - decides to which instances of the system it will be possible to log in using the authentication provider we have configured. “Scheme” – this is the provider’s internal name; must be unique and different from “AAD” and “Goog (...)

(...) g the changes, restart the WEBCON BPS service. You can also do it from the installer level – select the “Service status” option, stop the service and restart it.  After log ging into WEBCON BPS Designer Studio, go to the “BPS users list synchronization configuration” and in the “Credentials” tab, check if the source was correctly set to Azure Acti (...)

(...) restrictions are saved as business rules related to specific form fields. The “Documentation” field will contain a description from Designer Desk. The definition of the rule is always the log ical 'POSITIVE' value - it should be changed to the target value under the provided requirements. Default values Default values are saved as business rules related to specific form fiel (...)

(...) rt of the synchronization. Options “Incremental synchronization – Debug” and “Full synchronization – Debug” allow starting synchronization with an expanded data log ging. DEBUG mode allows for an accurate analysis of all synchronization steps and should only be used for diagnostic reasons. Monitoring the synchronization To ensure uninterrupted work for WEBC (...)

(...) earching for instances in the database. Search is based on SOLR engine which allows for a quick search even in very large data collections.   Creating search phrases By using SOLR technolog y, user can influence on how the engine searches indexed data and as a result – what the results are. Using appropriate parameters in the query allows for more precise results.   (...)

(...) x IBM x3850,   4 x CPU X7560 2,26 GHz 256 GB - Storage for system files: 140GB - Fast SSD for TEMPDB database: 100GB - Fast HDD x 3 for transaction log s and database files    SharePoint Foundation 2013 or SharePoint Server 2013/2016/2019 Application servers (dedicated) (virtual) 3 production servers (front-ends (...)

(...) ; Fig.5 . Warning   After importing, the “Dictionaries import report” was displayed with information about the changes made and any errors. A user can download the error log file to analyze the failure cases.   Fig.6 . The dictionary import report   As you can see in the report below, deleted users are listed in the “Personal Data” (...)

(...) $ scheme ; proxy_set_header Host $ host ; proxy_http_version 1.1; } } }   Realm configuration and application registration in Keycloak Server log in to the Keycloak administration console, create a new realm and user based on the product documentation -> https://www.keycloak.org/docs/latest/getting_started/index.html#creating-a-realm-and-a- (...)

(...) – by indicating a form field that stores the appropriate users/groups (If it is a form field other than the “Person or group” type, you must designate a column that contains a user log in or group ID).   Fig. 4. The "Dynamic" option   SQL query – by entering the appropriate SQL query that will return user log ins or group IDs (the log in (...)

(...) guration. Basic editing mode     SharePoint group as a global constant Another, more complex example, is the use of the SQL function that checks whether a user with a given log in belongs to a given SharePoint group. This condition can be used to define the visibility of the form field (Invalid).   Fig.16. SharePoint group ID assigned manually. Incorrect co (...)

(...) quot; item list   The effect of the action after following the Accept path is visible on Fig . 2 .   C) Replace values mode The configuration of the Replace values mode is analog ous to the previous modes. This mode allows you to completely replace the current values on the item list with values indicated in the SQL query.     Fig. 7. The configuration of v (...)

(...) ntication providers which you trust but are managed externally. This article describes external provider configuration which will be Azure Active Directory from SharePoint Server 2019 (it is an analog ous configuration for SharePoint Server 2016). Requirements   Azure Active Directory catalog with Azure AD Premium P2 license.     Web application working (...)

(...) r hiding the status panel, the form is automatically expanded to fill the entire window. WEBCON BPS 2019 allows the user to personalize the Portal color scheme. In profile settings, a user that is log ged-in may choose from one of the predefined color schemes, or define a completely custom scheme: as time goes on, we plan on adding more themes. In the future, we would also like to include an option (...)

(...) ion components, it is in the default package for every installation type.   ATTENTION! For installations which use MS SharePoint Server 2016 or 2019 systems, prepare the AppCatalog of the SharePoint platform before installing WEBCON BPS Modern WebParts component. The procedure of creating and managing the AppCatalog is described here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sh (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2019.1.x and above; author: Kamil Nędza and Mariusz Burek Introduction WEBCON BPS 2019 introduces the concept of applications – defined as log ically connected business processes that share a presentation layer. This helps to create applications for specific needs in a comprehensive manner. Introducing this new approach in organizing processes also meant that changes n (...)

(...) rule   C) SQL query – the rule will return attachment’s IDs based on the defined SQL query. In the example, the rule will return the ID of attachments created by the currently log ged in user.   Fig. 5. Sample configuration of the third attachment selection mode in the Get Attachments rule   ATTACHMENTS COUNT The Attachments count rule will return t (...)

(...) ource columns will be searched for matching characters with the autocomplete field. Visibility of individual source columns in the autocomplete suggestions menu is defined in the “Show in dialog ue (PopUp)” section. Marking source columns will cause their information to appear in the autocomplete dropdown window. The final section: “Unicode” enables/disables coding in Uni (...)

(...) generating a text layer on attachments in workflows. This allows users to easily convert documents as well as search files. The procedure of FineReader installation is described in our technical blog - FineReader 11 installation. The article describes how you can configure the process of searching for documents based on two exemplary workflows. The first workflow is used to manage archiv (...)

(...) Wojtycza Introduction Workflow control (Branch) allows to redirect a workflow instance along a selected path. With the help of the workflow control step, we can among other things set the log ic of: • skipping steps, • assigning a task to other people, e.g. in the case of approval, • withholding instances in step until the conditions are met. This article presents tw (...)