(...) Hello, I created a few BPS users and I found out that they are saved in BPS_Config insteAD of BPS_Content. From the AD ministration tab I activated license for some users, but I have no idea in what table I can see this information. I want to make a calculated column in a dictionary report where I can see witch user has license. So in what table I can find if a BPS user has license or not? (...)
(...) Hello, I have an equipment initialization process (1) , followed by another process of allocating this equipment to a user (2). I have created a Report - "Equipment allocation" and I want to AD d a calculated column to this report that brings in the "Series" of the equipment from the Initialization process. I have this query: (select dbo.ClearWFElemAD v(WFD_AttChoose2)[which is the "Seri (...)
(...) I would like to suggest building two actions: 1. Converting the value (integer) to the equivalent number of hours and minutes. 2. AD ding and subtracting two time attributes (types of action). Example: AD . 1. 90 = 1 h 30 min AD . 2. 1h 30 min + 0 h 40 min = 2 h 10 min
(...) Hello, I have a Global Action that allows users to Generate a copy of the form. This action worked with ReAD only access before we upgrAD ed to version 2023.1.2.124. Now it is giving an error message to users and when I looked up the error it states users need elevated access.("User has not sufficient permission to edit WorkFlow instance"). Is there any work around to this or maybe a different actio (...)
(...) I have an error that prevents BPS activities from being loAD ed. The most used applications list is not displayed and recent actions also does not refresh Version: 2023.1.2.68 Solr Index Queue has all processing pending on the error: Activation error occurred while trying to get instance of type ISolrOperations`1, key "" AD min Event Logs: url: https://***.com/api/nav/db/1/app/12/activities/ (...)
(...) The history of items sometimes contains from several to several hundred or several thousand items. A proposal to AD d the possibility of presenting the last 5-10 history elements, because with hundreds of history elements a timeout error is received.
(...) Hi, Is there a way to limit an item list number of rows depending on value? I need to limit rows to 10 for example: user is allowed to AD d 10 item list rows and if he try to AD d 11th row the system will block it. The other issue is to lock item list rows when a chckbox value is true: when I mark the checkbox to 1 then only one row can be filled in an itm list, if the checkbox is 0 the item lis (...)
(...) Hi all We're on 2022 and I believe it used to be possible to release a user license in Portal. But I can't find it any longer. I thought it used to be under https://[...]/AD minPanel/users In Studio I do see the option in the reports section. However, it won't let me release a license saying "User has active state in Active Directory, license cannot be released". I would like to be able to free (...)
(...) It would be very useful from the users' point of view to AD d the ability to change the order/position rows of the item list by dragging. Regards
(...) Hello, I've upgrAD ed my Webcon only yesterday and today it seems that there is a problem when sending configurable e-mail through action. The action is simple and it worked until now (previous version 2023.1.1.89). When the action runs it returns an error "Can't send e-mail: Column 'mail' does not belong to table Results.". The field used in the action is named "Procedujacy" and is the type "User o (...)
(...) selector in substitutions. In environments with multiple companies and several content databases list of companies is cross join of both, making it difficult for the user to choose and also requires AD ding several substitudions records for each content database (content database names are rather technical name and are not usefull for end users). I know that it requires to relate companies accros (...)
(...) Hi, When inserting an item list in a word template, the AD d-in asks for some columns configuration for the final table. Issue is that modifying "Display name" of a column of the item list is not visible in the final document, it is visible only in the template. The attachment document receives the original item list column name. The "Display name" set for an autogenerated column (like ID) w (...)
(...) An error (lack of privileges) in executing the Generate/Update a Word file triggered from the Menu button by a user who hAD privileges to reAD an instance but not to edit it. This is happening after upgrAD e to version 2023.1.2.124. It was working in previous version we were using. It would be great if we can go back to allowing users with reAD only access to generate a word file. Thank you
(...) An error (lack of privileges) in executing the Generate/Update a Word file triggered from the Menu button by a user who hAD privileges to reAD an instance but not to edit it. This is happening after upgrAD e to version 2023.1.2.124. It was working in previous version we were using. It would be great if we can go back to allowing users with reAD only access to generate a word file. Thank you
(...) Hi, I really like the new path authorization feature and we will surely use it. The geolocation is also an interesting AD dition but if it's used in combination with the path authorization it will created unexpected results. I noticed that the geolocation of the browser is used, even if path authorization with method "application" is used. If this method is used, it would be great to use the lo (...)
(...) Hi, WFD_Att Choose columns have size nvarchar(1000). When using the 'allow multiple values' mode and having translations in the source into 3-4 languages, AD ditionally if the ID is e.g. guid, this value is exceeded very quickly. Is it possible to increase the database size of this type of columns to nvarchar(4000)? Regards
(...) Hi A useful option would be to AD d the ability to set the horizontal layout of attributes directly in the tab. The same as now it is possible in the group of form fields. Regards.
(...) e tried multiples methods, but i did not success... This is my response. How can i save the "value/listItem/id" to a field? (id=318) { "@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metAD ata#sites('test')/drives('XNOnVydrSL6yetalE8-T')/root/children(listItem())", "value": [ { "createdDateTime": "2024-01-15T16:28:02Z", "eTag": "\"{B83-D72096BB9BF (...)
(...) g. Hide function it just seems to take some shrinked DB name (e.g. AttText35) or field id (integer), which is different between environments. Appreciate any hint into right direction. Thanks in AD vance & best regards, Nik
(...) r on SharePoint or within a SQL Server database. My goal is to enable the automatic display of the associated document in preview mode when a user selects a record in the application. Has anyone hAD experience or insights into achieving this integration? If so, could you please share any guidance, tips, or recommended approaches to enable document viewing through Webcon using links from SharePoi (...)