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for attachment

(...) Hello all, Does anyone configured an action for Document signatures using the built-in action for Sign an attachment with CoSign? I'm not sure how to establish the SOAP Url and login. I thought that selecting the attachment , the user would be prompt to login in DocuSign page and sign the document. Thank you

(...) Hi, Do someone know how can to create an attachment instances with content and filegroup for send in specific instances? I need for version sdk 2023 I attached the cod fromversion 2022. Newattachment Data newattachment Data = new Newattachment Data(args.Context,Configuration.informationNecessary.FileName, fileMerge_Necorupt); newattachment Data.FileGroup = new attachment sGroup(Configuration.infor (...)

(...) Hi, it would really be great to add support for the hyperlink action on the attachment menu. The only additional thing which would be required is the id of the current attachment . The hyperlink action supports executing JavaScript and one use case would be to trigger the print dialog without opening the preview. While this is one there may be other use cases which is the reason why I don't request a (...)

(...) The good option is to create the dictionary processes – for more information, see Dictionary processes.   Fig. 10. Attachement section   The SQL query returns the attachment ID because the attachment versions are stored in the database. You must select the current one –for this, add TOP 1 and ORDER BY ATT_TSUUpdate DESC. ATT_WFDID is the instance ID where is the te (...)

(...) modify instances The process can be manually completed via form or by configuring the Item list form field on the form which allows you to import data from an Excel file Unable to add attachment s Able to add attachment s The ability of data migration between environments There is no data import/export mechanism between environments, only process configuration itself (...)

(...) base. So, if the system does not receive feedback about the document number and does not enter them in the defined field – they will block you after the action of sending the document. attachment source ID – the field that with the attachment ID – from the internal database The form is presented in the following way: Fig. 4. The form   Let’s go to the (...)

(...) Applies to version 2020.1.x, author: Anna Puka   Introduction Digitally signing attachment s ensures the integrity and authenticity of approved documents and improves the entire approval process. This is especially important now when more and more businesses are choosing to allow remote work and have little time to implement a paperless office model. The standard WEBCON BPS functionalit (...)

(...)     The remaining options vary depending on the action selected.   a) SendEnvelope It is used to send documents to the Skribble platform for signing.   b) attachment selection SelectionMode – attachment s can be selected based on the category (the Category value) or SQL query (the SQL value) CategoryMode – attachment s can be selected from a spe (...)

(...) en recipient, indicate their name, surname, e-mail and phone number (optional, if you want to use PIN verification via SMS). At the first step a user can generate a contract that will be added to the attachment section, attach a file from disc themselves, or scan a document.   Fig. 1. An example workflow instance   After adding the document, click the “Send to sign &rdqu (...)

(...) io application. Access and edit all workflow instances – allows you to set people who have the privileges to modify and view instances in the process. Access all workflow instances and attachment s – allows you to set people who can view instances in the process and their attachment s. Launch new workflow instances – allows you to set people who can start new instances. Such (...)

(...) e workflow   From the “Registration” step comes the “Submit to analyst” path that contains the rule checking whether to the given invoice document a paper scan with attachment is added. If the attachment is not added, the user will be able to decide whether the instance should be moved forward or remain in the current step. To set this rule, enter the “Submit to a (...)

(...) been previously copied from the document template.   Fig. 12 Configuration of .docx file generation   Then, go to the “Output” tab and select the “Sava as attachment ” option. In the “File name” field fill in a name you want to be seen on the generated certificate.   Fig. 13 Configuration of generation .docx file   In th (...)

(...) nd also larger devices – tablets. On each of these devices it is possible to use the full abilities of your meticulously designed business applications: start workflows, generate printouts, add attachment s, and the full version of the search engine with SOLR technology. New versions are available for iOS and Android platforms.

(...) nd above; author: Michał Kastelik   This article describes: How to start a WEBCON BPS workflow using advanced column formatting in the SharePoint library. How to download an attachment from a SharePoint library and insert it in a BPS workflow.    Read this article if you are interested in SharePoint workflows made easy by using WEBCON BPS.   Preparing&n (...)

(...) ere is the main form at the Registration step.   Fig. 4. The main form   On the left, there is information about the contractor and invoice details. On the right – the attachment s and comments section. Below them, there is a chart displaying the values of the unpaid invoices. At the bottom of the form on the item list, all invoices registered for this contractor are listed. (...)

(...) t templates was described here: Storage methods of document templates. If you have decided to place the template in a typical process for document templates, you should properly configure the attachment section on such a process to allow for editing the file with the template. To do this, go to the WEBCON BPS Designer Studio and go to the template process, expand the workflow and then, click the &ld (...)

(...) ined as an action or on a given path, without the ability of individual configuration Send a custom e-mail – an action allows to define recipients, CC recipients, template, content or add the attachment s from the workflow instance   E-mail templates allow you to define the appearance of the e-mail sent in WEBCON BPS, both when sending standard notification and configurable messages. (...)

(...) iness scenarios for using barcodes include: Having a PDF document or a paper document and scanning its barcode to relate it with an existing workflow instance. Scanning the barcode on an attachment added to the HotFolder to start a workflow automatically. An example of barcode use would be the contract conclusion process.  To process the contracts prepared by the contractor in WE (...)

(...) mns: SEC_LevelID – information about the access level: 1 – Admin 2 – Modify without delete 3 – ReadOnly 4 – AddNew 5 – ReadOnly without attachment s SEC_WFDID – a relation regarding to the instance ID SEC_DEFID – a relation regarding to the process ID SEC_ASSID – a relation regarding to the form assignment ID for workf (...)

(...) h a grade will be automatically sent to the appropriate student. At the next step, register the test for each student and print a barcode sticker. In WEBCON BPS it is possible to automatically add attachment s with a printed barcode to the appropriate instance based on ta scan. To do this, you need to configure the Hot-Folder service, for more information see -> https://howto.webcon.com/hotfolder- (...)