(...) Move parent flow by path depending from current step. I miss something ... I try to do it reAD ing this: https://community.webcon.com/forum/threAD /900 and this: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/cyclical-actions/106/18 .... I have configuration where: Parent (main flow) can "flow" ... independent from child. but if child is finish then I would like to move Parent by path "save" ... bu (...)
(...) it possible to migrate just by exporting SharePoint list data to Excel then import it on Webcon dictionary? Let me know if there are other recommended method to do this and the steps. Thanks in AD vance.
(...) quickly. Today for the first time ever i have encountered an error saying "Attachments larger than 28 MB cannot be edited". Has anyone an idea how to get around this limit without having to downloAD the attachment an reuploAD it after editing?
(...) ting an application to a different message but I got the following message when I tried to save and publish process (image attached) 1. What does this line mean "all changes to this process must be mAD e by importing a file containing an updated configuration" ? Is this a necessary step to do on an imported app and how can I do it? 2. Is there an impact if I saved it anyways? 3. Process imported t (...)
(...) t, the user should either be sent to the blue path or to the purple path in WF (2). The issue is that the business rule in the 'Start a Sub Workflow (SQL)' actions, which checks if someone has an AD user or not, isn't working when I pass parameters like ##Vorname## [engl. Firstname] and ##Zuname## [engl. Surname] (which turns into {Vorname} & {Zuname}). The filter works with hardcoded names bu (...)
(...) will need to finish again Wait [1] it will go nowhere ... because it will wait for B and D ... [4] so .. how to pass by path but keep A and C as finished and B and D as Waiting ? and for example AD d (assign) E as Waiting ... I don't see other option than "update parent flow" with out "moving by sql" ... but if moving then go by path .. then ..
(...) Hey, I was wondering if there is a possibility to change ordering of form menu buttons(screenshot below). I've alreAD y tried doing so, in the application's "Standard areas" panel, but it could not be modified that way.
(...) flow". Issue: all attachments of the parent workflow are copied Idea 2: I create the instances and create an action template to copy the attachments from the parent workflow using a SQL query, reAD ing the ATT_ID from the attachment column. Issue: with single attachments per line it will work, with mulitple I get an error as webcon stores the Att_ids with a comma (e.g. 6603,6604) which is not (...)
(...) hello, I'am importing process form test to production environment, but after i import process page can loAD beacuse i got error: action: Get ip: | msg: An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request. | agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/ | href: | ex: System.ArgumentExce (...)
(...) HI Everyone, I see that you're using a SDK action to delete rows in an item list. I'm following Daniel's post to AD d the pluggin in Webcon but I'm having some errors while importing the zip file. What SDK pluggin you're using? Thank you all https://github.com/Daniel-Krueger/webcon_cclsactions/releases
(...) ike the Knowledge Base or open like the forum. Ideally, this section could include subcategories for specific topics. I believe this would be highly beneficial, especially for newer WEBCON users. AD ditionally, the threshold for contributing would not be as high as it is for a Knowledge Base article, which usually requires a certain level of detail. Simple contributions like 'Displaying a Google (...)
(...) , ATT_FileType as ElementName , ATT_Name as Category I'm not using these option very often but each time I'm looking at the names in the info icon and get confused. My suggestion would be to AD d alias and update the documentation, so that only the alias would be used. "ElementName" would get the alias "Subfolder" "Category" would be "Filename". This way: - We won't break the old SQL (...)
(...) Name starts from "P" ID=2 Name starts from "U" ID=3 Name starts from "A" I would like to sort category by "ID of Category" not by Category Name Letter / number .. work around will be probably AD 1. 2. 3. to order names ... but ... there is other way ?
(...) : ID=1 Name starts from "P" ID=2 Name starts from "U" ID=3 Name starts from "A" I would like to sort category by "ID of Category" not by Category Name Letter / number .. work around is now: AD d 1. 2. 3. to order names or use java script ... related topic: https://community.webcon.com/forum/threAD /5721
(...) Hi, I would like to submit an idea related to: - Daniel's post: https://community.webcon.com/forum/threAD /329?messageid=329 - Maks' post: https://community.webcon.com/forum/threAD /5057?messageid=5057 it would be great if the IS IN function has vertical layout (screenshot)
(...) Hi, I tried to work with Webcon API on the trial but only what I retrieve is empty list of tasks. I successfully authenticate by app client context and receive token which I used to reAD tasks. I cannot register by user context and I cannot reAD other data from Webcon. Is it a standard behavior for trial or is there something I missed?
(...) Coming from developing individual web applications, for large projects, it would be practical to have a fourth environment to run WEBCON BPS InsteAD of having only DEV/TEST/PROD, we would like to have DEV/TEST/INTEGRATION/PROD. or similar. DEV/TEST would be in-house to develop and test the applications, and INT/PROD would be on the client's Infrastructure. This would make change management an (...)
(...) Hi, when you want to AD d a new new report tile with a link to the "details" in WEBCON BPS 2024 you have to: 1) Choose a data source 2) Choose an existing report The current implementation forces us to create the data source twice. While the effort for the data source creation may be neglectable, I'm quite sure that a lot of us will forget to update both data sources. Especially because it w (...)
(...) Hello, I'm trying to create a more complex delete of line function. To explain this briefly, I have a list, where I can't use the normal delete button. So insteAD , I'm AD ding one using a dataRow form field, where I call the JS function like this: deteteFunction(list ordinal number); In this list there is a column called IsOld, and it's values can be OLD or NEW. * If the line I want to dele (...)
(...) Dear Community, I’d like to propose an idea: AD ding the ability to create folders (not categories currently available) in the attachments area. This would allow users to better organize multiple attachments in a way that suits their needs. Your comments are more than welcome.