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(...) Hi, I have a choice field with SQL data source connected to it. Is it possible to create a link (into the choice field) to a selected element like as in the case of BPS Internal view? Simplify, I need the same option as in the selected screenshot but for the sql data source.

(...) Hi, I am currently working on some tool management workflow in WEBCON and I have a problem. I have an items list with REST API as data source where user can pick and book tools for some time period. Time period property is not included in REST API so I'm using form fields for booking dates. Then I need to filter the items list using tools from REST API and dates from WEBCON data base to exclude unavail (...)

(...) We use in one of our applications the option to generate HTML code (for example extra buttons performing some actions) in list item lines. For this purpose, data row field type was working well. For example such code: SELECT '➕➖' AS XX Generated two nice buttons with + and - that performed some actions. With the current version 2023.1.3.202 WEBCON adds extra " signs, so the ent (...)

(...) Hi, I've prepared a template using Word Classic and put there data rows and data tables fields. Unfortunately the data are not displayed. The same situation happens when I go to Admin Mode > Admin actions > Word Template Printout. No data from data rows/data tables fields are diplayed. I am using Webcon Express.

(...) Hi everyone, Jarosław created a threat in which he points out that elements are no longer rendered if they are used in an item list data row column.: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/5247 I tested the most common/likely elements and to verify which are supported by using this SQL query: select 'a tag' + ''+ 'button tag' + ''+ 'div tag' + ''+ '' + ''+ 'img tag' + ''+ 'input tag (...)

(...) cing the execution time of a long path transition in version 2023.1.2.44. In this context I noticed that saving the instance executes "recalculate rows". In our case this causes another execution of data rows which are only used for displaying information. They are not used in any other combination, even the usage tab is empty. It would be great, if we could have a checkbox or similar for a data r (...)

(...) Hello! is there a best practice how to transfer data from an external data source (eg. sql server) into a dictionary in webcon (and webcon in general)? I heard something about a technical path?

data sources TAB in Application - add column with "Access to data in the context of system account" NO I need to click one by one to check if is marked or in each attribute "arrow" next to data source and jump to data source and then check is picked ... (in some scenario arrow is not active ...so Application .. then the data source .. pick proper one and then check ... ) Could be easier to see th (...)

(...) Hello, Is it possible to programmatically migrate SharePoint list data to a Webcon BPS dictionary using PowerShell, especially if the fields in both systems are identical. or if not, is it possible to migrate just by exporting SharePoint list data to Excel then import it on Webcon dictionary? Let me know if there are other recommended method to do this and the steps. Thanks in Advance.

(...) Hi I'm having trouble on adding a MSSQL data base data source on data Sources -> Connections -> MSSQL data base as I keep getting the error message below: "Unknown error: A network-related or instance-specific error occured while establishing connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remo (...)

(...) Hi, I am still learning Webcon and currently exploring the Webcon API. I would like to understand more about authorization, invoking REST methods, and specifying the path for importing data into the correct dictionary. I’ve attached an image of my sample script, which successfully retrieves SharePoint data , but it encounters an error with Webcon authorization. I would appreciate guidance on what (...)

WEBCON: Business Process Automation and Management as its best WEBCON develops the Low-Code Business Process Automation Platform, WEBCON BPS (Business Process Suite). This enterprise-grade system allows organizations to embrace digital transformation by digitalizing their workflows and building comprehensive, scalable, process-centric and future-proof applications applying t

(...) When sending an e-mail, make sure that the fields with the ID number, account number and PESEL number are not visible in it. Below there is an example e-mail notification that does not contain this data .   Fig. 10. The e-mail notification   Summary E-mail notifications are an integral part of WEBCON BPS. The system offers many interesting solutions related to them &ndash (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Józef Cyran   Introduction The item list is frequently used to store any number of data rows as opposed to other form fields. This functionality makes the actions executed on the item list differ from the standard form field configuration.   Business case: Personnel planning for a project This article describes the ope (...)

(...)   After clicking the button, a new “Account” dictionary instance is opened in which the following fields are visible: Employee – a person type field that downloads data from the AD related Registration date – a field in the read-only mode with the current date Balance – a field in the read-only mode with the current account balance Active – a (...)

(...) p; Fig. 3. Creating the group with employees   Enter the name of the group of tasks for which tasks can be created and their members – people responsible for task realization. data from this process will be a source in the Task type choice field configuration in the TASK workflow.   Fig. 4. The "Task type" field with example values from the data source (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza   Introduction Nesting business rules in the form rules allow you to refer to data contained in Active Directory or external data sources. This extends the functionality of form rules and allows you to use data outside the form when defining the process logic.   Execution of a form rule for a specific group of (...)

(...) p;(condition, value_if true, value_if false). These functions can be nested within themselves Functions dedicated to creating a graphical representation of ‘bar’ and ‘scale’ data Functions connected with operations on dates: date, now, today and others Functions connected with operations on the text: includes and startsWith Functions c (...)

(...) ; step enter the invoice details and add the attachment. Then go through the “Register” path to the “Invoice description” step and describe the invoice by entering the invoice data in the form fields. To effectively complete the task on the step, it may be useful to preview the attached invoice on the form (the preview window may cover the form).   Configuration o (...)

(...)   Fig. 4. The “Finish all users’ tasks” option in the administration mode   If the task has been finished, you will see the change of the icon by the user data currently assigned to the task:   Fig. 5. Change the icon   After completing the user’s task, the administrator can already follow the path and move the workflow to th (...)