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(...) ith the Faculty of Engineering Management of Poznań University of Technology, University of Economics in Katowice, and University of Science and Technology in Kraków. We also engaged in an interest ing cooperation with Students Scientific Association Epicentrum (Faculty of Management and Social Communication of Jagiellonian University).     The result of newly established (...)

(...) e corresponding Previous period, i.e. the entire year 2021. These data are used for the calculation and presentation of Trends, from which users can draw clear conclusions about the parameters of interest and their change over time.   Heatmap Users who would like to analyze statistical data of a specific application, after opening it and navigating to a dedicated node in the menu, will b (...)

(...) Furthermore, you can specify the level of privileges for the person by checking the Allow editing button, which enables them to make changes to the shared instance. Conversely, unchecking the button rest ricts them to read-only access. In the Expiration date field you can specify how long the sharing will remain active – once this time elapses, the sharing will be deactivated. After ente (...)

(...) ture, but offer far more freedom to customize how they are calculated. Instead of focusing on the completion time of tasks in one specific step, performance indicators can be started, stopped, and rest arted using actions distributed around the workflow. In effect, this allows performance indicators to calculate completion times for individual steps, segments of the workflow, or the entire workflow. (...)

(...) script that initializes Solr index structures. This script must be passed the first time the container is started for the indexes to be created. It can always be passed, because when the container is rest arted, the script detects the existing indexes and skips their re-creation. You can preview the created container under the Containers tab: The Solr service will be available on th (...)

(...) ations, processes, workflows, steps, forms, actions. The full list of granted accesses for bps_user can be found in the [dbo].[proc_GrantLowPrivileges] procedure definition. The introduced rest rictions are justified – in this way the level of data security in the system has been increased. The possibility of intentional or accidental modification of data and system configuration is th (...)

(...)   It is worth noting that upon starting the service or a module the sequence of content database processing is drawn – this sequence then remains unchanged until the queue module is rest arted. (You can infer the drawn sequence by monitoring the operations presented in the “Services activity” report). The queue thread sends a query to the sequentially first content databas (...)

(...) to the address of the printer selected during the configuration of the action Print a barcode label.   Detailed information on how to configure this action is available in the article: rest ricting the availability of print a barcode label menu button and configuring document entry point (webcon.com). An example of the completed "appsettings.user.json" file: (...)

(...) ications If, nevertheless, a user working in an international environment cares to see the details of other email notification Recipients as well, they should use a solution so that the visibility rest rictions described above do not apply. It is enough for the Sender (the person who configures the Send a custom email action) to indicate one common Mail language for all its Recipients in the Sett (...)

(...) we talked about process automation, implementation design, change management, and the changing model of a manager and an employee in business (Citizen Assisted Development). There was a high interest in topics related to: Global technological trends (Gartner, Forrest er reports) Changes in the labor market - who is the business looking for today Real case studies – challen (...)

(...) e applied to the outcome of a voting-style set of task assignments. The extra complexity required is confined to three business rules that can be scoped globally, created once, and reused widely. The rest is straightforward rule logic that should be common knowledge to WEBCON application builders. A strength of WEBCON is that the platform allows for bypassing these limitations, even if doing so r (...)

(...) BPS – according to the documents published on the WEBCON Community site (WEBCON Community). Those who pass the test will be asked to give short presentations (max. 15 minutes) on the most interest ing projects completed in the last two years. This can be the pre-implementation analysis as well as the implementation itself, an interest ing use of WEBCON BPS functionalities or own solutions that c (...)

(...) gned to filter results displayed in picker fields populated with values from a specific data source. Such filtering is often employed to exclude irrelevant information, presenting only what is of interest to the user in forms, reports, picker fields, and so forth.   The previous approach – the dbo.ClearWFElemID function. Since the database columns linked with picker fields sto (...)

(...) mplemented process is the result of effective communication and cooperation between the business and IT departments (citizen-assisted development). The presentation was guided by a quote from Forrest er studies: "In next years, business roles will begin to require development skills. Many high-performance business people will also be expert low-code developers: the new digital elite (...)

(...) oval enabled, you will receive an appropriate message. Fig. 6. A message informing about the inability to change the authorization settings of the path with MailApproval enabled Similar rest rictions apply to HotFolders and HotMailBoxes. Documents and attachments processed in the context of these functionalities cannot be transferred through a path for which an additional authorization is (...)

(...) and color, and are aligned with the display mode (light or dark mode) of the mobile device system. This means that changing the Android or iOS theme will also switch the application theme after it is rest arted. (The application themes are configured separately in the application settings.)     It is worth noting that the application theme can be aligned with the theme configure (...)

(...) cently introduced European Commission Regulation on Food Additives brings to the industry and to the company's operations in general. Accordingly, a process has been created to register those interest ed in attending such a webinar. It is planned that the process, as well as the webinars themselves, will be available in 3 language versions: English, French, and German.   Export and impor (...)

(...) bsp;   With created applications to which specific groups have been granted access, each group member can log into Designer Studio and utilize this tool in the so-called Litemode, with rest ricted privileges.   Working with limited privileges – the Lite mode Upon logging into Designer Studio, a citizen developer belonging to the appropriate group immediately receives (...)

(...) d license types will be listed with their numbers.   Click OK. The system will inform you that the activation process has been completed successfully. To save the changes, rest art the service. Perform this action by selecting Yes in the next information window.   After rest arting the service, the License management window will reappear, displaying the li (...)

(...) nline is not possible, Offline can be used to generate a deactivation file. The deactivation can then be completed on https://activation.webcon.com by uploading the .REQ file.   Backup and rest ore WEBCON databases. Next, we need to recreate all WEBCON databases, such as: Configuration Content Attachments Archive (if necessary)   The MSSQL Admin should create a co (...)