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for logs

(...) tem in the upper right corner – they are displayed when the system encounters a problem and the execution of any action fails. From version 2020.1.3.277 there is the ability of previewing error logs from the administration tools panel. But there is also the option to access to error logs from the level of the AdminWFEventlogs table in the configuration database (for users use the older versions) (...)

(...) When creating an SDK action there is an option to use the Logger Class to create logs (https://developer.webcon.com/2021/resources/online-documentation-sdk/html/2c254e06-3ac3-3a82-7c44-dae3d829d1e4.htm) Does anyone know where these logs are located (log file on file system or a specific database table)?

Hi, We have trouble uploading documents to some workflows and I would like to pinpoint the issue. I can't find any relevant information in Event Viewer, any other place to check? Thank you

(...) Hi, I noticed that the webcon workflow service logs warnings almost every time I display an element with an item list on it. E.g. I opened element in the browser and the service logged "Control not found ('SubElems_257')WFD_ID=21065". I don't have any page loading rules and there are no actions performed on this item list in the current step. It occurs in various applications and processes that I hav (...)

Hi everyone, I've been trying to establish a connection to a SOAP API, action seems to be configured the right way (it only tries to connect and log in). When I run path with the action, the error is displayed in Polish "Wystąpił wewnętrzny problem wywołania webserwisu. Szczegóły błędu zostały zapisane w logu." (Internal webservice error. Details have been written in the log). Well... the problem

(...) can pick seller And now I would like to do Doc (word) template ... but I receive error message ... more/less translation from PL to EN "The source was not found, but some or all of the event logs could not be found. To create a source, you need permission to read all event logs to ensure that the new source name is unique. Unavailable logs : Security." Where to change it? Previously, whe (...)

(...) Hello everyone, I have a question. We are migrating Webcon to version 2023. I checked the table [dbo].[AdminAPIlogs ], and since the last version in 2022, there hasn't been a single log in this table. Has anything changed in the new versions, and do I need to turn on logging into this table somewhere? I have been looking for an answer on the Webcon website and Google, but I haven't found anything

(...) er of users who have done something on the instances in the system in the last 90 days V_ADMIN_Timeouts – the view with statistics of timeouts created in the system   Action logs view One of the views created by the system is the view showing the logs of the actions performed. It is available under the “WFlogs ” name and contains the same information as in the & (...)

(...) ectly on the mobile devices. New to the mobile application is the ability of displaying dashboards. Dashboards containing reports, charts, start buttons and other elements are available when the user logs in for the first time. These new abilities enable the creation of special pages adapted for a specific purpose e.g. quick registration of instances or searching for information.   & (...)

(...) solution) when you are not sure whether the action was correctly triggered. Information about triggered actions is registered in the database in the „WFActionExecutions” (previously WFlogs ) table. Access to this table is obtained in the Server Management Studio or from the Designer Studio level in the “Administration tools” tab.   Log review from the WEBCON BPS D (...)

(...) sitions: 252 (days) * 100 (users) * 20 (transitions) * 19.6 kB = 9.88 Gb Space used by attachments: 12 (months) * 2500 (pages) * 280 kB (page size) = 8.4 Gb Space used by action logs : 252 (days) * 100 (users) * 30 (steps/notifications) * 0.8 kB = 604.8 MB In total, for this specific example, the annual database growth is equal to: 28.46 GB   Warning! This (...)

(...) Portal data source Change the data source in the appsettings.user.json file (by default it is in the "C: Program Files (x86) WEBCON WEBCON BPS Portal" directory). In ConfigConnection and logs Connections, specify the name of the new SQL instance.     11. Reset the WEBCON BPS license Deactivate the WEBCON BPS service on the previous environment. Then using the (...)

(...) x IBM x3850,   4 x CPU X7560 2,26 GHz 256 GB - Storage for system files: 140GB - Fast SSD for TEMPDB database: 100GB - Fast HDD x 3 for transaction logs and database files    SharePoint Foundation 2013 or SharePoint Server 2013/2016/2019 Application servers (dedicated) (virtual) 3 production servers (front-ends (...)

(...) cess to the “Dictionaries import report” in the import wizard allows you to check if the data transfer was successful, and also to solve any problems – by providing files with error logs .  

(...) the user on whose behalf the Substitute will act, Enable diagnostics – enables system diagnostics. Fig. 11. User menu in Act on behalf mode If the person who is on leave (manager) logs into their account, they will see a palm tree icon in the upper right corner, which informs about active substitutions. Fig. 12. Icon informing about active substitutions After clicking on (...)

(...) the theme marked as Default.    Fig. 6. List of available color themes on the user's profile   Is default – the default theme is used when the user logs into the system for the first time, or the color theme that the user has used so far will be deactivated or removed. Is embed default – a theme marked in this way will be used when displ (...)

(...) entries   Configuration database content.GlobalParameters, "ConfigDatabase" parameter WEBCON/WEBCON BPS Portal/appsettings.user.json ConfigConnection.Initial Catalog logs Connection.Initial Catalog Content database content.ContentDatabases.CD_Name attachmentDB.GlobalParameters, parametr "DBMain" archiveDB.GlobalParameters, parametr "DBMain (...)

(...) ce in the new query window. Link to download the script directly: https://ola.hallengren.com/scripts/MaintenanceSolution.sql   Run the script in the context of the database where the logs of the operations performed will be saved – this can be done by default on the master system database or on a newly created database. In the latter case, create the database beforehand and chan (...)

Applies to version: 2022.1.3 and above; authors: Jacek Język, Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction WEBCON BPS has a new feature, which is the ability to work with attachments in the form of files stored on OneDrive. A user with the appropriate permissions will be able to edit such MS Office files (Word, Excel) in Microsoft 365 both in a desktop browser and from mobile devices. In additio

(...) ules” report).   Master queue Optimization of queries in databases that use database queues.   Log Cleaner Periodical removal of old entries in WEBCON BPS logs to prevent excessive growth of databases. When starting database maintenance hours, the service cleans tables by removing at once up to 100 000 oldest records in respective tables.   (...)