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for UITM

(...) ll employees of the Financial Records Department, and at the time of its creation, the BPS group administrator (Head of the Department, Tom Green) did not yet know its final composition, once the recrUITM ent process is completed, the BPS group owner (Team Leader, Alice Smith) will edit the group by adding individual Members to it. To edit the group, click on it ①, and then select Edit ② in the Edit (...)

(...) t least one dictionary form field marked as sensitive/personal data. Configuration examples: 13. This form field is marked as containing personal data, which is loaded from the Employee recrUITM ent process   14. The Employee recrUITM ent process is marked as a Personal data dictionary, thus making it a source of personal data   15. Sample configuration of an acti (...)

(...) ng to Work in Business and IT", organized by the Department of Logistics and Process Engineering and WEBCON Sp. z o.o., brought significant value to students of Logistics and Computer Science at UITM . During the lecture, Urszula Słupik and Adrian Baszak introduced students to the potential of integrating IT technologies with business processes. The first part of the lecture familiarized studen (...)

(...) ost significant related changes to the system and provides examples of practical use of the various form templates.   Business case In the HR and Administration Department, a “RecrUITM ent” process was developed to manage job offers published on an external recrUITM ent service. As part of this process, a workflow of the same name was created to record information on the positi (...)

(...) Hello, I'm facing a new challenge, maybe someone already had to deal with it and will be able to help :) I've created some time ago process for handling RecrUITM ents, which connects two departments - HR and IT. On starting form, there are yes/no fields for required permissions/equipment for a new person. * Access to system X * Access to system Y * Laptop * Wireless mouse After the proces (...)

(...) ocessing The legal basis for personal data processing in the registration process can be found in article 6 section 1 item a) of the GDPR.   1.5.       RecrUITM ent process Scope and purpose of personal data processing   Data controller for the purposes of the recrUITM ent process, processes the  following information: first and last name, expe (...)