(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x; author: Dawid Golonka Introduction One of the functionalities in WEBCON BPS system is the ability of using the REST api interface. api is the basic method of data exchange between two systems and it is often used both to download data and transfer it from WEBCON BPS to other applications (e.g. data transfer to the vacation system). For more information (...)
(...) ies to version: 2020.1.x; author: Franciszek Sakławski Introduction One of the functionalities significantly extending the potential of WEBCON BPS is the possibility of using the REST api interface. This article describes how to configure a data source based on information returned by the external services that provide their api . An example of using a REST data source can be a &ld (...)
(...) f Content-Security-Policy default-src 'self'; object-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' maps.googleapi s.com; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' fonts.googleapi s.com; img-src data: 'self' maps.gstatic.com *.googleapi s.com *.ggpht; font-src 'self' fonts.gstatic.com; frame-s (...)
(...) the access to the processes using the "Run an SQL procedure" action should be limited, as this action allows interference with the data stored in the database. The use of this action with api provided by WEBCON BPS allows you to save data from external databases such as ERP systems or a non-standard organizational structure. Downloading data from external systems can be organized in time (...)
(...) Outlook Classic Add-In – 32-bit version Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Not supported (64-bit version of MS Outlook must be used) SOAP api Yes (deprecated) supported until the end of 2022 N/A replaced with Public REST api (available from BPS 2019) N/A N/A Public REST api 1.0 Yes (deprecated) s (...)
(...) p module. This includes licensing mechanisms, reports from various modules, reading and writing configuration. This component communicates with the business logic of the WEBCON BPS system. BPS Web api (REST) – a set of REST Web services hosted within WEBCON BPS Portal, responsible for handling requests from external applications. Integral to the functions of the public Web api such as loadin (...)
(...) bject ID 7b02e37f-73dd-445a-9138-5289e8b73ac2 Log-in provider configuration To configure our log-in provider in SharePoint we’ll use Powershell script. Add-PSSnapi n "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" $ realm = "<Realm from Table>" $wsfedurl="<SAML single sign-on service URL from Table>" $filepath="<Full path to SAML signing certificate fi (...)
(...) pts, executables, spreadsheets with macros. The restriction will be set globally for all applications/processes and all places where you can add an attachment – forms, HotFolders, HotMailBoxes, api . When specifying the attachment size – remember that the IIS server setting is the overriding limitation on the size of the added file. NOTE: from WEBCON BPS 2022 R1 version onwar (...)
(...) onal study. WEBCON does not provide web services on servers other than WEBCON BPS installations More information within this respect you may find at: https://developer.webcon.com/docs/rest-api / Current addresses of standard WEBCON BPS web services (BPS Web api ): [BPS Portal URL]/api -> e.g.: https://www.mycomapny.com/webconbps/api WEB Service REST allows for, among o (...)
(...) be set up as a choice field returning the following data (IDs of respective options are important here): Figure 3. Choice field configuration The Autenti REST api documentation states that once a GUID is returned by the system, the document was uploaded properly into the company’s internal database. Therefore, the user is blocked from progressing f (...)
(...) ID, Application ID, Application Secret) are part of the connection configuration. All WEBCON BPS file sharing operations in OneDrive are performed using the Microsoft Graph api in the context of the application. This means that the user who performs the actions of starting, finishing or cancelling file editing does not need to additionally log in to OneDrive. Therefore, a M (...)
(...) Data from WEBCON BPS can now be loaded in OData format and used in Power BI Desktop and Online. This greatly simplifies WEBCON integration with Power BI, instead of manually constructing REST api queries and dealing with token-based authentication, we are able to use one of two custom connectors to easily load data from WEBCON BPS into Power BI. Handling this data is also less cumbersome, (...)
(...) nal user is linked to an instance in the task list view, they will be redirected to the main form view instead. Single-Use Access License can be managed with the Manage BPS user licenses action. api 5.0 and Beta endpoints can handle Single-Use Access License. (Version 2024 R1 and up) Used for tasks and instances shared via Public link. Example (...)
(...) he configuration will be the same for each of the four features. All operations related to sending and receiving e-mails from Exchange Online are handled with Microsoft Graph api in the context of the application. Therefore, the Microsoft Azure application should be assigned the correct Application Permissions. These permissions will be different depending on which feat (...)
(...) Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Agnieszka Burda Introduction With WEBCON BPS you can use api interface. The article available here: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/the-invoke-rest-web-service-action/170/ describes the “Invoke REST Web Service” action provided in Designer Studio that allows users to use external services sharing their own api . This (...)
(...) independent analysis and evaluation of key information in the field of implemented business processes. However, the user can additionally see how the figures for working with workflow instances are shapi ng up over the periods defined by them. For the purpose of such analysis, the Key application indicators page has a dedicated tab, In time. It is a report that provides a visual representation of i (...)
(...) ; After saving the new service, the Secrets section will appear in its configuration window. Click the button Generate a new client secret available in this section. This will display the api secret window where you should click the button as above. Following that, the corresponding secret will be automatically generated in the api secret field. According to the message in the sc (...)
(...) n 5) narrow bar width 6) wide bar width 7) barcode height 8) print human readable code 9) data field Examples of standard fonts and font sizes (Zebra 5 font supports only capi tal letters): The sample printout contains three lines of text: The font is Zebra 1, but horizontal and vertical multipliers are used here, as set by the parameters 5 (...)
(...) instances were found, one matching both keywords and one matching one As you can see on the screenshot above, all results matching at least one of the keywords “star mike” (capi talization doesn’t matter) were aggregated on the item list (“Select person”). In case of finding more than one match, more records will be presented and will be added to the table. (...)
(...) rs, containers, and distributed applications. Its operation is based on the instrumentation principle, i.e. adding code to an application to collect telemetric data. OpenTelemetry provides uniform api and libraries for a number of programming languages, which allows developers to use a uniform set of tools for monitoring applications in various environments. OpenTelemetry in WEBCON BPS (...)