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for tag

(...) Hello, During an export I get a process export error like below: Invalid reference tag occurences: Business rule (13551) - "Column "BasicDesignerXml" in table "WFBusinessRuleDefinitions" contains a variable referencing object "Form field" with an ID of 11805. Referenced object does not exist" The thing is I don't have any form field with ID 11805 and I don't use any business roles in tha (...)

(...) lemented this use case and optional contact de-tails. Let’s me stress this last fact, no one would be listed if he/she doesn’t actively express this wish. In addition, these use cases would get some tag s, for example so that you could get all use cases by industry. Besides these use cases, I would add a section for “SDK actions”. This could be links /descriptions to SDKs provided on GitHub or what (...)

(...) Is it possible to create at the finish stag e word file using data from WFHistoryElements table? Where should I store data regarding stag es, time of the stag es and person details assign to this stag e to be able to used them in document template?

(...) nAddMsgConfig reasonAdditional, DataTable elements, String securityPhrase, List`1 peopleToSet) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.Actions.SetSecurity.FireAction(WorkFlowObject wfObject, IWFAction wfAction, Itag Parser tag Parser, IAutomationDataHelper automationDataHelper, String& message, String& logMessage) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.Automations.Engine.Evaluators.ActionEvaluator.FireAction(ActionBase actio (...)

(...) Hi everyone, there's something I really don't understand. I'm currently using BPSExt-Signing-DocuSign extension https://github.com/WEBCON-BPS/BPSExt-Signing-DocuSign/releases/tag /2022.1 When I clone the branch and build it, the build folder contains another (older) "System.ComponentModel.Annotations.dll" assembly than the release. The reason for this is, that the plugin action CheckAllDocum (...)

(...) Hi, Is it possible to include the comments field into a pdf generated based on a template? So like you can include various form fields by creating a tag e.g. {WFD_AttText1}, is there such a code for the comments field? And will it work if we include it in a template to generate pdfs? Thanks!

(...) The last "under review" entry is from Mai 2022, so i post this request just another time. It would be such a great advantag e, if you would at a "delete row(s)" function to WEBCON Action templates. Thanks, Bjoern

(...) Hello, please update Autenti SDK for Webcon 2023. Latest release https://github.com/WEBCON-BPS/BPSExt-Signing-Autenti/releases/tag /2022.1 is not working anymore. Best regards, Marcin

(...) I am fetching report data from the following endpoint: https://developer.webcon.com/2023/resources/rest_api5.0/#tag /PublicApiReport/paths/~1api~1data~1v5.0~1db~1{dbId}~1applications~1{appid}~1reports~1{reportid}/get There are properties for page and size, but information on defaults and max is missing. This seems to be explicitly documented on other endpoints, so i am questioning myself if there (...)

(...) ng workflow ID in hyperlink function. Everything works well on dev environment but after export and import on test environment hyperlink is not working causing above error. It seems that Workflow ID tag isn't "translated" during the import process and remains the same on TEST like it was on DEV, but on TEST it's obviously completly different workflow with the same ID. DocType ID is changed correctly (...)

(...) Hi. I need a notification when a specific date is reached. I have a form with a field "Requested stag e date". I need to send a notification to an employee when such date is reached. How can I achieve this?

(...) Hi, I think it would be helpful if the data row field, when set to the percentag e type, also displayed negative percentag es when selected. This would be highly beneficial for various processes, especially when we want to track project progress or profitability. Currently, if we have negative percentag es, it shows as 0. I believe negative percentag es could be highlighted with a different color. (...)

(...) Hi all, I'm trying to create an HTML field on a form that uses the mailto:-tag . So in the HTML I put Message Support However, on the live form this string is appended to the Portal url's pointer to the app->form itself. Looks like this: https://webcon.finnova.com/db/1/app/15/element/57427/%E2%80%9DMessage Support This way it prevents from opening external links. Is this by design or am (...)

(...) ashboards for multiple applications even from different content databases? In our situation we separated content databases as per organization structure, which is usually useful, but it is a disadvantag e if you want to show a consolidated high level view. I know that it is feasible with external reporting (like PowerBI), but I would be happy if there were a standard feature on Webcon portal. Or w (...)

(...) microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#sites('test')/drives('XNOnVydrSL6yetalE8-T')/root/children(listItem())", "value": [ { "createdDateTime": "2024-01-15T16:28:02Z", "etag ": "\"{B83-D72096BB9BFF},1\"", "listItem@odata.context": "vvewvwvdfv", "listItem": { "@odata.etag ": "\"b82096bb9bff,1\"", "id": "318", (...)

(...) this case this is the best layout for some purpose) now I have to create 3 groups of 3 attributes and turn off the visibility of group names. My idea is to make system do it by itself. One more advantag e is that in Designer Studio the groups wouldn't have to be artificially divided - clearer and more logical appearance.

(...) mportant ... ;-) 5. I would like to have option to save with out exporting project like I do change 1...2..3...20... but I need to jump to 3 and do other path of solution what I mean ... freeze stag e ... I decided to set in DS "where I am stag e" and now I can do 3 different path of solution I would like to do something I don;t like it - fast back to freeze step (with out importing) ... someth (...)

(...) do not always translate seamlessly to desktop usage, where the majority of our work occurs. The addition of PWA support would bridge this gap significantly by offering a number of compelling advantag es: 1. Seamless Integration and Uniform Experience: PWAs provide a consistent and efficient user experience that matches the desktop environment, offering the responsiveness and feel of a native ap (...)

(...) like filled form and added item list ... but if on start I put in drop down list value then I can't invoke menu button - how to do it or start with saved flow and stay in "registration/start" stag e of flow ... ?

(...) Hi, In my opinion, the biggest advantag e of BPS data sources is the ability to link to a selected element. However, the disadvantag e is much lower performance in advanced conditions, inability to join data, use union, and combine data from different content databases. By changing the source from BPS to SQL, users lose the functionality of the link. Of course, we can achieve this in a differe (...)