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Hello, after creating a new development environment, I wanted to install the ABBYY FineReader component. I am getting an error during installation. What does it come from? The error appears after entering the activation code and selecting the option: install license server. I am performing the operation on my user - I have local administrator rights.

Use case: We are using an offer process/workflow, where we fill in the costs in a table - e.g. columns "descripition, quantity, price per unit, total price." In case the offer is accepted and we'll need a change request of the costs we need a two separate process steps. The first step will start the change request, opening two additional columns in the table - "quantity for change request, total price for change request". This can be done for every existing row in the table. In the next wor (...)

Hi all, I need to schedule a daily email (let say like an email from a SQL job), but I didn't find how to do it. It is a possible to do that from WEBCON? Many thanks, Ovidiu

Hi, If I am reading documentation correctly action Add attachment allows copy/move attachment from another workflow to current instance. My case is opposite: 1. I have an invoice approval workflow which in the end requires (business requirement) adding payment confirmation (PDF) from banking systems. Manual process is very time consuming. 2. Each payment confirmation has in transfer's description instance signature from the invoice workflow. 3. I've created another workflow, which is mo (...)

Hi, I am using webcon bps designer studio v. 2022.1.2.31 and I don't have actions like "Read barcode" or "Add a barcode". I just don't have these types of actions to choose from. Any idea why?

Hello all, Does anyone knows or have configured something that can relate the country vs national holidays in the country? Like having the calendars for Portugal Holidays, Spain, etc I know that we have to manually insert the holidays in the System configuration for calendar's table but in this case, the idea is, if I'm abroad and inserting extra hours, by defining where I am, the system could check if it's an holiday or not. Thanks!

Hi, I have a BPS installation on Active Directory called ABC.local. The organization is sunsetting this domain and moving to another AD forest called XYZ.local. In both domains, John Kowalsky has a separate account: in the ABC.local domain, it's abc\jkowalsky and in XYZ.local, the login is via UPN john.kowalsky@org.pl. Fortunately, we can pair accounts in both domains by email address. How can I migrate BPS and users from the ABC.local domain to XYZ.local? Are there any best practices? What abou (...)

Hi all! Is there any official (or unofficial) documentation on Webcon designer studio parameters, like --sql or --iedebug? Is there an other way to logout from designer studio, without havin designer studio started? The problem is, studio does not start anymore and I want to try a different Url or browser login, but I am not able to change this. Best regards, Nik

Hello all, Is there any way to use the same data table field but having different filters in each step? For example, on the start, I want the info to show request's open for the requester In the approval step, I want to check the request's for the project code belonging to the approver Is there any way to do this without having three different fields to achieve this? Thank you!

Hi, main request: change template „planned vacation" AND extension of the standard colors "ColorID/VACType_ColorID" version 2022.1.4.248 - is certainly not relevant We use not only the planned absence, but also the planned attendance. So for planning purposes we have to distinguish between several types (colors). Currently, neither type nor color can be specified in the "planned vacations" template. Is it possible to change that? In principle it should be exactly the same as the "vacations (...)

Hi all! We want to deactivate existing user license for designer studio and switch it to a different user. Sounds like an easy task, but I don't find a solution for this. We are running 2022.1.4.155 Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance & best regards, Nik

There are two date fields in our workflow. To pass the process to the next workflow step, we use an action "on timeout". Checking for a date field works. However, we need a condition for the timeout that takes both date fields into account: If date field 2 is non-empty take this date for the timeout, otherwise take date 1 for the timeout. Can this be implemented with an "on timeout" action and if so, how?

Hi, I get the following error message while genereting documentation. Any idea what should I look for? The proces has no errors, can be exported and imported fine. Message=Sekwencja zawiera więcej niż jeden pasujący element. (The sequence contains more than one match) Source=System.Core StackTrace= at System.Linq.Enumerable.SingleOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Helpers.UsageSearch.NodeCriterion.NodeOwnerCriterionFactory.GetA (...)

Hi, We installed a new webcon production environment. The configuration was done identically to the running test environment. Unfortunately, on the new production environment, when accessing a report with a list of existing elements or into one of the element, an error message is displayed: "<h2>403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.</h2>\r\n <h3>You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.</h3>" I checked the security settings for SQLLowPr (...)

I recently noticed a problem with sending emails from my environment. The most likely cause was the wrong password for the application pool account. I see a lot of entries in the WFMails table with a status of 0. I do not want all outstanding e-mail notifications to go out after changing the password. Is adding to the send queue based on the WFMails table, or is there another, dedicated database table for this purpose? UPDATE I have already found some important information: This queue is (...)

Hi, Is there a set of rules, an instruction on how to directly (using insert-sql) import data into the database (into the WFelements table)? Which field values should we generate so that there are no problems with the operation of the application. Of course, WFF_STPID - step ID, WFD_DTYPEDID - form ID depends on the process, and the rest, e.g. RowVersion (some hexadecimal value) ? And other?

Hi, i've to create a vacation report and three problems: #1 datasource template „business entities structure" and #2/#3 vacation report . Problem #1. we have employies in two or more departments (with different workload/department ~25% of employies). Now I must put one user with different depatments in the datasource template „business entities structure", but that is not possible. For now, only one teamleader will see this user in the vacation report. This must/should be changed in the (...)

Can I copy/paste a workflow and give it a different name? Our German site has a workflow which is hosted in the same server. I want to customize it for the USA site so I wonder how to copy/paste and rename. Thanks

Hi, We have a process in which a user cannot submit the form so it would go to the next step. Only a single user has this issue, everyone else can use the process with no problems. When the user attempts to submit the form, under the form, the following message appears: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerTimeoutException. The server request timed out. I also attached a screenshot of the console, showing strange behavior, Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Hi all, I was wondering what the best practice is when using SQL queries in Webcon with attributes, tables or views that have different names in different environments. One example is the views. These are automatically generated by Webcon and the name is combined from the process name and the process ID. The process ID is of course always different in the three different environments. This means that after each transport from the Dev/Test to the Prod environment, the attributes, tables o (...)