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Nikolaus Schusser


Hi Daniel! A workaround for me was, to store JSON data in a multiline form field (JSON data is generated by a business rule with SQL integration). Then I am using this field as JSON part value with Body type: JSON and everything works like a charm. Must be a problem with binary data, but I

Hi Daniel! Thanks a lot. Yes, SQL queries are fine, also data is correct. I found out that Autocomplete does not work at all, when datasource is an SQL query on current BPS database connection. I added a new datasource on system level and also added a technical filter field, which is set on

Hi all! I am really struggling with this action. I am trying to send JSON data to a REST web service. JSON string is generated by a business rule, which contains a JSON Query (FOR JSON). Testing this business rule works fine, also umlauts are shown. My configuration in request body is bo

Hi community! We have 2 choice fields, first one is a dropdown (field1), second one has behaviour autocomplete (field2). Dependent on selection in field1, datasource of field2 (which is an SQL query containing value of field1) changes. This is working as expected. Picker search mode of fiel

Hi Daniel! Powershell looks something like this: $user = '{EGV:63}' $pass = '{EGV:64}' $pair = "$($user):$($pass)" $encodedCreds = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($pair)) $basicAuthValue = "Basic $encodedCreds" $Headers = @{ Authorization =

Hi Maksymilian! Thanks for your answer. I ended up with Powershell (Invoke-WebRequest) and a SDK action, which fetches the downloaded file from filesystem and adds it as attachment. Works like a charm and was much faster than experimenting with the standard action ;-) Best regards, Nik

Hi all! We are using the action 'Invoke REST Web service' a lot, but there are some limitations I am struggling with. I want to download an Excel file using this action, using an external REST service. My first approach was to store the response body into a multi-line content field. I am al

Hi Karol! Thanks for your answer and your interesting theory ;-) We need to generate Barcodes in Webcon (there is a custom SDK action for this) and store them as images in workflow. DOCX will be converted to PDF. We could switch to HTML, but I think that is a lot of work, to get the same

Hi community! I am struggling with Word Add-In and data tables. The requirement is to show a table of order positions, each position contains an image field with a barcode (which should be shown in table) and some other fields. Is that even possible and if so how? Thanks a lot in advance

Hi all! We upgraded to newest version 2022.1.4.177 In this version the export and import button is missing in UI (Document templates report). Export and import via application does not work either. Am I missing something or is this a bug? Any ideas on how to import document templates

Hi all! I need to convert a dictionary process to a standard process. Before I start to create a complete new process from scratch I want to ask if there is an easier way to get this done. Maybe there is a tool or some script somewhere out there, which gets this done. Thanks a lot in adv

Hi Daniel! Thanks for that, that was the missing link for me :-) At the moment I am seeing no chance at all getting this implemented in a dictionary process without using form values in SQL query. But it works in a normal process workflow (see screenshot attached) with an additional workflo

Hi all! We want to execute a JSON query on a path (actually it is some business rule containing SQL query) and send these results to an external endpoint (REST service). The problem is that the query does not reflect current changes in form, since this happens on save. This should be relate

Thanks for your answer, we already checked .NET core component and we are using no SQL alias. We reset the machine to a snapshot of some days ago and the problem was solved.

Hi all! On our system which is version 2022.1.4.155, all of a sudden this error comes up. We didn't change anything, in the past days everything was working fine. Did anyone have this error before or can lead us into the right direction? Thanks a lot in advance!

REST API & OData queries
01.12.2022 12:36

Hi all! I noticed that OData support has been added to REST API 2022.1.4.xx. I only found one document, which is located here: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/odata-format-in-webcon-bps/346 This document is related to the usage of OData in PowerBI. What we really need is the abil

That is a good point, thanks a lot.

Hi Markus! Yes, you're right. We will go with creation of BPS groups on creation of customer. Assignment of a customer group to individual workflow elements belonging to this customer should be an easy task. But what about synchronizing BPS group members, especially removing odd users, w

Hi Markus! Thanks for the hint. Yes, I considered this. But this won't work when using (local) BPS groups, right? I am considering using Azure AD groups and manage group members with Microsoft Graph API. Groups and Users should be synched by Webcon then. Do you have any experience wit

Hi all! We have an application which offers a portal for different customers. Each customer has different persons with individual logins (BPSId). This list of persons can change from time to time, so we need to adjust rights on certain workflow elements (in different processes) to this specifi