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Nikolaus Schusser


Deny access to landing page
23.11.2022 10:20

Hi Pawel! Thanks a lot for your effort. I added further details to our ticket and I'm sure we will find a good solution for that :-) Best regards, Nik

Deny access to landing page
22.11.2022 13:58

Hi Daniel! Thanks a lot. I know the concept of Url Rewrite module. We use that in environments we have under our own control :-) Unfortunately this is SaaS (again), so I think I will create a new Webcon support ticket. Best regards, Nik

Deny access to landing page
22.11.2022 13:01

Hi community! We have a customer who wants to deny access to the landing page in Webcon (/). Users should be redirected to their application (there is only one), also navigation tree on the left should be hidden. Is that even possible or maybe planned for a future release? Looking forward t

Hi Daniel! As always thanks for your great answer. Yes I agree, that these update statements have to be executed directly after deploying new global fields, so the NULL check would be unnecessary. Nevertheless, a NULL check is a good idea (for safety reasons). The only problem I have is

Hi all! We have different processes with a common fieldset, e.g. customer number, valid from, valid to and so on All these fields have been added to these different processes without using global fields, but atually have the same meaning, which makes reporting and SQL queries over these differ

REST API & Filter View
11.11.2022 07:14

Hi Daniel! That is very good news. I hope I will find the time to evaluate this soon. Thanks a lot for the info & best regards, Nik

REST API & Filter View
10.11.2022 07:57

Hi all! I am wondering if there is a way to filter a view with Webcon REST API. So instead of getting all view rows on my client and filtering the result with C# and LINQ, there should be a better option than that. ODATA does not seem to be implemented yet. Maybe I overlooked something o

SDK & Satellite Assemblies
25.10.2022 12:48

Hi Daniel! Thanks a lot for the info. It is good to know that there are other ways. Unfortunately I don't have access to all systems, because some of them are running in SaaS-mode. So I have no control over the installed versions of these assemblies, that's why I am providing them by myself, this

Thanks a lot for the helpful answer to Pawel and Ralph. I was expecting Webcon to throw an error during installation, if a database exists. But if it allows empty databases the question is resolved for me. We will take care of necessary permissions then.

Hi all! We have a new customer who has a central IT service department. As for the database, we can just order a certain amount of databases, which we then have access to. The question is, is it even possible to install Webcon into existing databases (e.g. Config, Content, Att,...) or do we ne

SDK & Satellite Assemblies
24.10.2022 12:20

Hi Kamil! Thanks for the answer. So that would mean we have the same assembly with the same version in different packages with different MD5?? That's interesting ;-) Since version is also contained in Assemblies full name, we can assume that plugins will work with different versions of the

SDK & Satellite Assemblies
24.10.2022 10:41

Hi all! I am getting a strange warning when deploying a second SDK plugin package to customer environment (see screenshot). The background information is: Both SDK plugins need System.Text.JSON namespace for serializing / deserializing JSON objects, which requires a bunch of satellite assembli

Hi all! We are wondering if there is a good way to add new items to an item list on the client side. We already found a way to add new item (which can be triggered by a form rule) and set some form fields before, which then act as default values for the new row. Since it all is asynchronous

Hi Maksymilian & Daniel! Thanks for the answers. Yes, it starts on step entry date, after that it runs on its configured interval. I was sending a payload to an external webservice on a path. The problem was that external webservice was immediately trying to consume my workflow element, whi

Hi all! We are currently biting our nails with the following problem: We need to delay execution of workflow for 1 minute, after 1 minute it should go to a path. Every attempt to achieve that failed up to now. The attached setting should trigger after 1 minute (as far as I understand tha

Hi Patryk! Yes, they should be unrelated ;-) Best regards, Nik

Hi Patryk! This should be an easy task ;-) Have a look at the 'Start a subworkflow (SQL)' action. You have to create a DB connection first to your assets DB, then you should be able to implement the specific SQL statement for this action. Best regards, Nik

SQL query with JSON array
18.07.2022 08:08

Thanks Daniel! I ended up with storing the JSON array with round brackets and replacing them in my JSON query with curly brackets. Best regards, Nik

SQL query with JSON array
14.07.2022 16:01

Hi Maksymilian! Thanks for the good tipp. Unfortunately it's the same database and compatibility level is set here to 130. If I test (in Designer Studio) the following query: SELECT '[{"id" : 1,"code":"925006300000","name": "Test 1"},{"id" : 1,"code":"925003600000","name": "Test 2"}]' AS

SQL query with JSON array
14.07.2022 13:31

Hi all! We want to add some rows to an item list with 'Change item lists values' action. The SQL query should take a JSON array (which is perfectly valid) from UI element and return a table for adding new rows to this item list. Unfortunately this does not work. There seems to be some parsi