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Nikolaus Schusser


Hi Sebastian! Thanks for your answer. In the meantime we created a self-signed certificate, just to overcome the installation issue. We leave it to the customer to replace the certificate with a trusted one, this is just temporary solution. The newly created certificate is selectable in IIS bindi

Hello Webcon community! We have the next issue during Webcon BPS installation on customers server. This is a normal on-premise installation, no Azure AD involved here, only local domain. Customer had an invalid certificate, IIS website creation failed with error 0x80070520, so we skipped the IIS s

Hi Daniel! Thanks for your answer. We already verified timezone settings, everything is stored in UTC, as you said. Our client timezone settings are correct, time displayed in UI is still 2 hours ahead. We really don't want to mess with any setting in database, so it is unclear for us, what shou

Many thanks to you Pawel for the fast and very good answer. Everything is working now as expected. Best regards and greetings from Austria, Nik

Hello Webcon community! We already tried several times to install Webcon BPS an a local machine (latest Webcon BPS version 2021 1.2.108). If it comes to IIS application creation, we select https and setup refuses to show wildcard certificate, which was previously installed to personal store for l

Hello Webcon community! I'm not sure about Webcon BPS and setting the right timezone, I hope you can shed a light on this topic for me. We have a server with Webcon BPS installed in an Azure VM (Region North Europe), which has (according to Powershell) the right timezone for us (see attached pictu

Hi Daniel! Thanks for the good suggestion. I would go here a little bit further and would like to see an option, which allows us to include some custom Javascript and / or CSS in the whole portal or for Application Level. This should be configurable in the Designer Studio. Best regards, Nik

Google Maps Field
25.02.2021 17:14

Hi! Thanks a lot for the answer. That's what I actually thought. So I will have to struggle around with the Google PLACES API ;-) Thanks for the confirmation & have a nice day!

Google Maps Field
17.02.2021 22:42

Hi all! We are currently using the Google Maps field with address-based (dynamic) mode for registration of clients, which is in my opinion very user-friendly. The problem is, this mode shows the correct position on the map, but it doesn't store anything in the workflow item. We want to store Long

Hi Daniel! Thanks a lot for provisioning these useful ressources, I will have a look into it. Best regards, Nik

Hi Daniel! Yes, I thought I would have to implement some custom wrappers to get all the typings I need. I have been using T4 for many years now, so I think this is a good way to go and generate some interfaces / wrappers for WebCon BPS. I'm already on it, but this will take some time. Thanks for

Hi Daniel! Thanks for the fast and very useful answer. I will give it a try, when it comes to implementation. And yes, I intend to stay, but I still have to learn a lot ;-) I know the concept of ClientId and ClientSecret from SharePoint and I also took a look into Swagger UI, which is very useful

Hi all! I am new to WebCon BPS. I wonder if it is possible to get all items of a process or a datasource/dictionary defined in BPS from client side via REST API. In SharePoint I did something like this: _api/web/lists/getbytitle('MyList')/items?select=Title... This does not seem to be possible w