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Nikolaus Schusser


Hi community! Since the new version (2022) of Designer Studio has obviously changed its default behaviour to using REST mode, I am wondering if there is any command line parameter (or something else) to start Designer Studio in good old SQL mode. I did not find any documentation on how to do t

Hi Daniel! Thanks for your answer. I wasn't aware that timeout is only running, when workflow instance enters the step, where timeout is defined, but thanks for the clarification on that. I build a custom action, which checks changes in some fields compared with external data (text fields, user f

Hello community! Maybe this is a very basic question, but I am asking it anyway ;-) I tried out OnTimeOut action, but after some experiments it is very unclear to me, how this is expected to work. I added one time out action with Type: Minute, Interval (minutes): 1, Repetition count: Infinite and

Hi Pawel! Thanks a lot for this info. Best regards, Nik

Hi all! Maybe this is a know issue, but we are wondering at the moment if it is possible to import an exported application package to a Webcon installation with a different version. We currently have an exported application package (.bpe) from version 2021.1.3.205. We are planning to use cloud se

Thanks a lot for your clarifications, Daniel, Sebastian and Pawel :-) Best regards, Nik

Hi community! Maybe this is a silly question, but I'm asking it anyway ;-) In Webcon BPS management tools one has to provide a portal URL, so this looks like a fixed Url for the whole portal. Is it possible to run the same Webcon BPS Portal with different URLs pointing to different applications o

Concat Function
15.07.2021 23:00

Hi Daniel! We added a / with '/', so it should work also with space like ' '. But we didn't use concat, we used +. Best regards, Nik

Hi community! We implemented a document template with certain fields coming from a custom datarow (based on SQL-Query). We deployed the solution and the document template to PROD and everything was fine. After that we added one new field to the datarow (SQL query was modified) as a new requiremen

Concat Function
15.07.2021 00:57

Hi Andreia! Same here, that doesn't work with form fields, at least you cannot save the process anymore. Although we found a workaround using +, which was working in our case: Example: [Formfield1]+'/'+[Formfield2] and so on Best regards, Nik

View filter on empty date
15.07.2021 00:51

Hi Daniel! It worked! Thanks for the good answer. Best regards, Nik

View filter on empty date
05.07.2021 21:23

Hi Community! I tried to create a view which returns all elements from a specified workflow that have a datetime field NOT set (empty), but that seems to be impossible. I do not know how to filter that, a standard filter in the view with selected field equals to value in textfield does not solve

Always a great answer and a great solution. That seems to be an undocumented REST endpoint, right? Thanks Daniel, I owe you a beer ;-)

Hi community! We are currently facing a new requirement, where it should be possible to change the browser language with a series of buttons in the form (approximately 20 different languages). Every click on a language button should change UI labelling on current form to selected button language.

Hi Daniel! Thanks a lot for your time and your thoughts on this. I think we will head for the content database method, since this is the only reliable method to ensure data consistency. We do not need data on DEV environment, since this has already been prepared. So in my opinion the best option

Change Designer License
20.05.2021 00:09

Hi community! We currently have 2 Designer licenses on our system. Does anyone know how to easily change the user-bound license to another user? The reason is, we have a new team member and we want to swap the account. Thanks a lot in advance & best regards, Nik

Hi BS! Thanks a lot for suggesting this REST API importer. It seems to be a good and solid way to import some data from PROD to TEST environment. We will need some time to evaluate this tool and adapt it for our own needs, since we also have to do our daily business ;-) Best regards, Nik

Hi Daniel! Thanks a lot for your input, here are some interesting approaches for us. We will need time to evaluate your suggestions. [dbo].[ReplaceLogins] is also very interesting, does this function / procedure call affect / touch all items in the whole content database? Best regards, Nik

Hello Webcon community! We are wondering if there exist any common approaches / tools / patterns for transferring workflow data between different environments. We have an on-premise environment for DEV (with internal AD) and an environment for PROD (which resides in Azure VM and connects to Azure

Thanks for your fast answers, I really appreciate that. We finally succeeded after fresh installation (http first), everything was created successfully. After that we bound https and assigned (a valid) certificate with no problems. Thanks a lot & best regards, Nik