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Nikolaus Schusser


Thanks for your response Daniel, but if you take a look at the generated Javascript from form rule, I personally don't think this is a safe and future proof way to go ;-) We took a look at the 'Change item lists values', which seems a good way to go, but this requires a global menu action to be

Hi community! We want to add new row(s) to an item list due to customer requirement. This should be triggered on button click, that means on the client-side. Unfortunately I didn't find a way, to insert new row(s) to an item list in available JS functions. Does anyone know how to do that

Hi community! In some scenarios it is necessary for us to render datatables on form containing some custom links or buttons. For this reason we built following SQL statement for testing purposes: SELECT 'Internal' AS ID, 'Click me' AS HTML UNION SELECT 'Azure' AS ID, 'Link' AS HTML A

Hi Daniel! Same here :-) I thought about reading the manual first, and there it is, right at the beginning. https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/automations/308/18 Thanks a lot & best regards, Nik

Hi community! We are getting some data from external system via REST API. Specifically workflow elements are created and there is a default path for saving workflow element. This can be easily done with the well known POST endpoint: /api/data/v4.0/db/{dbId}/elements Now we are facing th

Operator 'ForEach'
02.06.2022 09:35

Hi Daniel! Thanks a lot for the answer. There is always room for improvement ;-) I tried to use a datasource, and added some columns from this datasource to a custom action, which writes content to file and the result is empty, so I personally don't think the new feature has been finished.

Operator 'ForEach'
02.06.2022 08:15

Hi all! I personally think the operator 'ForEach' is a great addition to version 2022.1.2.31, thanks to Webcon Team. Unfortunately I do not find any documentation on that, especially how to iterate over 'Any Collection' and access columns in custom action. If I select 'Any collection' and

Hi all! We have to update some columns in a workflow dependent on other columns from the same workflow item, e.g. WFD_AttDecimal1 = WFD_AttDecimal2 * WFD_AttDecimal3. Sounds trivial, but it isn't, especially in a SaaS system, where 'Run an SQL procedure' is missing. Another approach for us

Hi Daniel! I tried out your SDK business rule (GetQueryParameter) on version 2022.1.1.53. Unfortunately that does not work since HttpContext is always null here (Object reference not set to ...) HttpRequest request = (new HttpContextAccessor()).HttpContext.Request; I wonder if this is po

Hi Daniel! I ended up with a modal dialog Typescript and iframe solution and it works fine. I will also use your mentioned SDK action, but had no time up to now to have a look at it. Yes,no problem, I could send you my approach and would be glad if we could work together on this. Is ther

Hi Daniel! Thanks a lot for your precious input. I also came across your blog some days ago (https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2022/add-new-choice-field-value-without-leaving-the-page) and simplified your approach a little bit ;-) Thanks a lot for your effort of putting this together, good work!

Hi all! We implemented a button with popup functionality to create a new workflow item. On callback of popup item we want to set new workflow element id to dropdown, but obviously the new item is not in dropdown. Is there an easy way (with Javascript) to trigger reload of dropdowns datasour

Hi all! We have to transfer some values from old database fields to new database fields, since we want to switch some fields in process to global fields. We plan to do this with well know T-SQL statement (UPDATE WFElements SET ...) within a cyclic action, which can be triggered on demand.

Hi all! Many thanks for these hints, they are very useful. I also wasn't aware of URL parameters, maybe I should read the documentation more carefully ;-) I personally like the undocumented {R:}, which gives more flexibilty and readabilty. My first approach was a global action and Invoke

Hi all! We have a tricky problem, so it seems. We want to redirect to edit form of another workflow (ID is known). This should be triggered with button click on current form. Button is implemented as Html field and invokes a global menu action which has the correct hyperlink action and also

Hi Sebastian & Daniel! Thanks for pushing me into the right direction, that was very helpful. Since name of Config DB varies throughout the systems, one has to read first the name of Config DB from current BPS database. I came up with the attached solution, which works fine on every server.

Hi community! We have 2 Webcon farms (DEV/TEST/PROD) with the same application (6 servers in total). Our deployment chain is from Farm1 (DEV), which is the application source to all other servers. We have defined a global constant for Portal Url, which is used in whole application (for re

Hi Daniel! Thanks for your answer. Ad 1.) Reservation number needs to be integer and ongoing (max. 999999), which is defined by external AS/400 ;-) We solved this already by using a stored procedure. Ad 2.) Yes, we will upgrade to 2022, but this will take some time. Thanks a lot & best

Hi all! We have a workflow (service order) containing an item list, which represents a shopping basket. We have a workflow containing several sales locations, which can create service orders for their location. Every time the shopping basket changes we need to send (delta) reservations to

Thanks a lot Pawel :-)