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for Processes

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Józef Cyran   One of the built-in WEBCON BPS functionalities is the ability to create a vacation process. This process can be generated by using the absence process wizard – you can also present the vacation requests on the Gantt chart.   More information about creating the process and typed data sources can be f

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Wojciech Kołodziej   Introduction When building business Processes in WEBCON BPS and designing workflows – big or small – you may find that you need to pass information between two workflows. One of the simplest ways to pass information from the current form to one in another workflow is by using the Hyperlink action. Hyperlinks (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction The Processes designed in WEBCON BPS use the e-mail sending actions in their workflows – e.g. e-mails about active tasks waiting for the user or e-mails containing various reports. The configuration of sending e-mails was described on the technical blog -> E-mails and templates in BPS. WEBCON B (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Piotr Poniedziałek   Introduction WEBCON BPS introduces a lot of new functionalities which allow for creating more complicated Processes . In some cases, developing the process is related to an increase in the number of form fields used, although this is not always necessary. For more information see: WEBCON BPS  – limits of (...)

(...) Applies to version 2020.1.x, author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction Actions are commonly used in WEBCON BPS to design the Processes and individual workflows. They are performed without any user interaction and defined on the transition paths or steps. An example actions perform such activities as calculating the field value, making an entry to AD, sending an e-mail. While working with (...)

(...) e “General” tab enter the report name and go to the “Configuration” tab. In the “Process” section you can select whether the report will contain instances from all Processes , selected Processes or will contain only archived instances. Select the process to be reported from the list. Fig. 3. WEBCON BPS Designer Studio – data source configuration   (...)

(...) fy the process of translation, you can use data source columns.   Creating a translation data source To create a data source for translation, you can use the functionality of dictionary Processes . First create a Dictionary Process from the wizard in Designer Studio. By default, the dictionary process has only three form fields – let’s add additional fields for storing various (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Paweł Drab   When creating large and complex Processes , problems with workflows becoming too complicated can often appear, which can be problematic especially for end-users. To check if our process requires reconstruction and simplification, we recommend making an audit of such workflow.   Why should we do a workflow audit? A wor (...)

(...) ality.   Business case The new functionality can be used when is necessary to modify/save data outside the system. One of the examples is business trips or vacations. In the vacation Processes , data tables are used to display the vacation requests of employees in a given year. Such data can be exported directly from a workflow instance to an Excel file and then processed in an accounting f (...)

(...) xpenses have already been updated).   Fig.1. New expense reporting form   Fig. 2. Form for settling reported expenses   Fig. 3. Connection diagram between Processes   Let’s create the queue mechanism in such a way, that the cyclical action takes only those instances that haven’t been moved in the previous cycle. For this purpose, we need t (...)

(...) copy image files (e.g. screenshots) by using the system clipboard. This functionality can be used in workflows where the user is required to attach some sort of screenshot (e.g. in support Processes ).   How do you add any image to the workflow instance? After copying the image to the system clipboard (e.g. by using the Print Screen key) just click on the attachments area and paste (...)

(...) amples are only the small part of what we can do with REST API. We can also use it to: Download and modify attachments Delete instances Download tasks for users Download information about Processes and a lot more  The full documentation in the swagger form is available at: [Portal_address]/api and in the version with SharePoint at: [Portal_address]/webconbps

(...) ticle, we will show you how to use WEBCON  BPS as a document management system.   In WEBCON BPS, we usually store documents in the following places: As attachments in dictionary Processes for templates In the SharePoint library As an attachment to any instance On a network share   There is no one definitive way to store this type of file – the approach to mana (...)

(...) r the first time, you will see a window where you must choose the content database that you want to use. For SharePoint installations, select the SharePoint website address associated with WEBCON BPS Processes and your preferred log-in method. This time we have the option of using the integrated log-in or by using the user’s login and password.   Pic. 6. Choosing content database for Sha (...)

(...) ite and name with the attachment library. If the target library doesn’t exist just create new from any location. Attachment library has to be a normal document library and is common for all the Processes . In Webcon BPS Word Add-in can you can compare different versions of the same file so by adding attachments to the form use the “Overwrite” option.     After ins (...)

(...) Applies to version 2019.1; author: Agnieszka Mazur   Introduction In WEBCON BPS Processes are divided into stages named as workflow steps. Each stage has tasks – collection of actions which need to be performed for the form to easily move to the next step. Assigning tasks makes sense if the user can fill the necessary data and send form to the next step in a short time. However the (...)

(...) or other group members. Invoice verification will be a task of the user to whom the task was assigned:     The described functionality is also great in law departments, HR Processes , or in helpdesks. Information about a new task reaches all the users and because they require only one user to work – further stages of work happen beyond the group which allows you to focus on (...)

(...)   Summary Generating documentation is a useful functionality helping you in intelligent process automation, especially after implementing your business applications. Given that the Processes evolve to better fit business needs, please do not forget to update the “Description” field. Even short information will suffice – for example, the person making the chang (...)

(...) individual form fields and forms configuration, information about privileges for the individual objects on both the data side and the presentation side. This database also contains all metadata about Processes (data entered by users in form fields) and a full history of changes. For a given installation you can create multiple content databases – how many are needed depends on the administration, sec (...)

(...) tal embedded view, the architecture is described in 1-4 paragraphs From version 2019.1.1.x. to version 2020.1.2.141 – the mode is based on the native implementation of the application lists, Processes , and user’s tasks. Differences in architecture with regard to the new mode is described in 5 paragraph.   Hybrid application Application works online – requires the internet (...)