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Language of Attachment-Label

Hello all, again its me =)
Do you have any idea if I can change the lable of the attachment?
Somehow its always in English, but customer wants it in German.
I added a screenshot, that you understand what I mean.

Greets and have a nice day,


Hi Georg,

the label should already be in German. Which version are you using?

Nevertheless here are two hints how to modify translations:
1. Updating/Adding new languages to the UI:
I weren't in a situation where I needed this.

2. Translating Objects like Application, Reports fields:
Easy way to mass update the translations or use it for spell checking. I transfer the translation column to word, do the spell check and copy it back.

Best regards,


In reply to: Pawel Jawien (WEBCON)

Will be corrected in the next WEBCON BPS Release.
Thank you for the information!

You can correct it yourself using a translation tool.

Currently the 2021 version is not available in the translator. This will be fixed.

For the time being you can change the file
C:\Program Files (x86)\WEBCON\WEBCON BPS Portal\wwwroot\Assets\PortalTranslates\JsTranslations.de.resx.json
Line 840
"attachments": "Attachments"
"attachments": "Anhänge"