If you need to manage and change the order of items added to the list, you can achieve this by adding your editable ID column and JavaScript code.
A short video shows the end result of the modifications added to the list.
To begin with, we add 2 columns: ID and T_ID, of type Floating-point number to the list, set them as default value : Ordinal number, and change the configuration as in the attached screenshots.
Next, we create 2 JavaScript form rules
We add in the configuration of the change item list:
- Deselect showing system ID
- We set the FRJ_Moveable_List_Delete rule to callback
- We set the sorting by our created ID column
On our created ID attribute in the Style and behavior tab, we add a rule as shown in the screenshot below.
On the Main form element under the Behavior tab, add a rule that hides the technical column T_ID
After performing these steps, we should get the effect shown at the beginning of the article.
We can still add a script that will position the cursor in, for example, the first column of the added row.
Set the rule in the list configuration
This script will set our cursor in the newly added row in the defined column, as shown in the screenshot below.
The script works for a column of text row type, if we want to set focus in a column such as picker we need to modify the script.