Hi Sławek, if you don't want to annoy the users with mails you can also: - Create BPS users - Assign them to the groups/privileges as the users you want to test - Use the already mentioned "Working on-behalf" feature. Best regards, Daniel
Hi Patryk, maybe you can remove it with the archive action and retention mode "Remove from content database". https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/Action/DBRetention/Action_ArchiveElements#id_1 You could use it in an own cyclical action or create a separate workflow. I would recommen
Hi Arno, you are not the only one, who would like to have this feature. :) https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/3170 Best regards, Daniel
Hi, in case you have choose fields, which reference information from another workflow you should prevent the user from entering special characters. Example: A subworkflow is linked to a parent workflow with a choose field and uses the Title field as the display name. If a user enters ; or #
Hi, in my latest post I wanted to link to a header of an knowledge base post. Unfortunately, there's no option to create a link pointing to a header like this one: https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2024/translations#bps-portal Therefore I had to write: Search for the term "Using the application
Hi Rafał, yes, I have run into it in some versions. The temporary workaround was to directly go into the database and correct the order. There had been two fields with the same order number in the same placeholder. After fixing this it was working fine for some time. If I remember correctly it wa
Hi, Regarding the issue: I don't see an issue with statement either. Maybe you can active the diagnostic mode from the user avatar. It should display the executed SQL statement. This way you could check what was executed. @Karol If I remember correctly there was some bug when a check was add
Hi, could we please get an option to define whether we want to set a choose field or only the id of the choose field? See the attachment as one example. I have an item list with a drop down and a fixed sql statement with multilingual values. Assigning the id to the column in a for each loop
Hi, it would really be great, to always see the menu bar, so that you don't have to scroll all the way up to save a dashboard. Ok, maybe it's just us who have long dashboards, as we added some CSS/JS so that report tiles float left. This way, we can have more tiles in one row while they take u
Hi, you have two options: - Use this idea but with a fixed limit to 1 https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2024/limit-number-of-item-list-rows - Init the item list with one row and disable add row and delete row action. Best regards, Daniel
Hi everyone, maybe you have read the change log of the latest version and come across the new action and it's description: This action adds all rows from the specified Data source to the indicated Item list, without checking for duplicates, but taking into account the values specified in the
Hi Andreia, I'm a bit confused, why don't you have a "for each" in a path of the control step? What I would do in your case: - Create an "Action" column, with values: Verify, Exist, Doesn't exist - Set the action to "Verify" for all rows. - Create a "loop" using a flow control which either
Hi Mark, what you encountered is one of two reasons, I created a form rule to add a "virtual" path button which simulates a click on the save action. https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2021/unified-save-experience#save-button-as-a-path-button Best regards, Daniel
Hi, in my opinion it would be great, if the Archive view /explore/all could be configured on a global level in Designer Studio. Maybe as a BPS internal view. This would allow us to define the system and global fields which are available for every process. For example I really would like to h
Hi Klaus, if you want to store them on a hard drive, you could use a PowerShell action. https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/Action/Integration/Action_PSExecutor#3-powershell-script You have two options here: 1. Pass the base64 value as a variable and convert it a file 2. Pass
HI Klaus, according this post you could convert the base64 encoding to binary using SQL: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25897140/converting-from-base64-string-to-varbinarymax-in-sql-server SELECT Id, AttachmentBase64, --the base64 value we want converted to varbinary CAST(Att
Hi, in some version 2023 version the option was added to create a process automation. While this will "copy" all actions to the new process automation and replace the existing (path) automation by the process automation, this would surely help you. You could then close the process automation and
I agree, adding groups logic would come in handy. At the moment I'm using a prefix in the name for grouping, but having real groups would be nice. :)
Hi Nik, I have never faced any issues when using field values for limiting the available values. Example one uses a value from a field while example two uses a union to define a common source out of which only a part would be valid for an instance. I'm not sure that I understood everything
Hi Maria, if I understand this correctly, then the action should do something with the row. As you can't pass information to the menu action you would need to set a technical field in the the current row and then invoke the menu action. The menu action could identify the row by the technical f