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Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)


On checkbox change - JS
14.03.2024 20:48

Hi Joanna, the simplest ideas will most often be the best and robust. Whenever we are using JavaScript to interact with existing elements this may break in a future version. For example the DOM structure of the "error dialog" changed in 2023 R3 and my JS for adding the comment there no longer w

Hi Raluca, I can image two options. a) Service workers inside the browser. I've started a PoC with a customer service worker. I was able to register and run it. So it should be possible to periodically get the tasks and show a notification. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/pr

Delete process
14.03.2024 20:32

Hi Raluca, that's my approach: https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2024/delete-processes Best regards, Daniel

Filter report current user
14.03.2024 20:31

HI Maria, if you have a multiple value field the values will look like: a) id1#displayname b) id2#displayname;id1#displayname c) id2#displayname;id1#displayname;id1#displayname It should be possible to always filter for id1 by adding a ; in the beginning, so that you could filter for %;id

On checkbox change - JS
14.03.2024 10:52

Instead of doing this, it will be way easier to create two paths and display/hide the correct one depending on your condition using form rules. I'm not sure why I didn't think about it earlier... Best regards, Daniel

On checkbox change - JS
13.03.2024 21:19

Hi Joanna, this may work fine, if you always want to enforce, that the user always enters a new comment. I haven't found a working way, to support the use case, where a user entered a comment and saved the instance, before continuing. If I find a solution for this case too, I will create a

We have just been using this unintended feature to conditionally execute a form rule. :)

Hi Maks, if you use a hyperlink action in the automation, than the user will be redirected to the result of the action. I'm using this option in my "Conditional Wizard" steps. I hope that at some point I won't need a workaround like this anymore :) https://community.webcon.com/forum/threa

Form validation
12.03.2024 19:29

Hi, this depends on so many unknown factors that I can only provide a general approach on how I would do it: Assumptions: - The contractors are listed in a dictionary where also the monthly order limit is defined. - The orders contain an item list with rows, which total is written to a fiel

Localhost API
12.03.2024 15:59

Hi Mikołaj, this may sound like a stupid question, but on which server is this service hosted? Localhost / would be referring to the server on which the request is executed. If this server is not the one where the WEBCON BPS IIS / workflow service is running, than it won't work.

Generate text file
12.03.2024 07:08

Hi Michał, even so it's a little bit hidden, you can already achieve it. The Add Attachment action supports generating a new file since you are using plain text this should solve your problem. https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/Action/Attachments/Action_AddAttachment#5-based-on-sql-query

Notification on comments
11.03.2024 22:51

Thank you Grzegorz, you reminded me of an itch I've forgotten over the time. When I first used the 'Last comment' variable some years ago it was strange for me, that it didn't return the latest/current/new comment. Also the name clearly states, that it will always return the last variable. Sin

Read data from *.XLSM
11.03.2024 21:16

Hi all, before going down the SDK road, how about doing the "rename" in the automation before the action is executed? Ok, it's more like copying the attachment and using a new name, but It's working: SELECT ATT_Value, 'TempExcelFile.xlsx' AS FileName, * from WFDataAttachmets where ATT_WFD

Disable parts of form rules
08.03.2024 15:06

Just for historical purposes: This was also either part of a question in the forum.

Hi, I'm finally taking the time to add this user voice. I think it was in BPS 2020 or 2021 where the option was added that a constant in a business rule would be displayed in the format Group:Constant (1). Right clicking on the name of the constant would show a context menu with all constants i

Hi everyone, it would really be great if we could have the option to check in a business rule whether the edit mode is active. Currently we can check for: - Admin mode - Mobile device - Share mode At the moment I'm using a combination of business rule and form rule to hide /show an elemen

Hi everyone, I just received a response in a ticket and the rich text contained a link to an attachment. I've never thought about this, but I really like this. In this context it would be great, if the context menu auf an attachment would have a function to copy the link of the attachment. A

Hi Gerd, I created a simple case, where a yes/no field is checked, whether a row may be deleted. The solution itself consists of: 1) An html field which is placed below the item list. 2) The html field calls a form rule 3) The form rule goes through the item list and checks a condition. In

Hi, if you have two databases and want to display all applications in one application you will require a custom MSSQL database connection. This database connection will use a user, who can access both databases. Then you could create you SQL query like: SELECT 'Main db' as DatabaseName, [AP

As it happens, I just stumbled about such a case and it made me realize one thing. If the history is displayed in admin mode, the hover should display the value as it is. The line is choose column in the item list with a GUID as a the id and a number as the display name. As you can see it's di